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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. Question about Title Rewards to Recently Bought Characters So a guy said this to me that if someone has bought a char within the last month of the season ending, they are not allowed to recieve titles. (Here is screenshot of how the convo went lol) https://postimg.org/image/vf50lst07/ It makes sense. But could you just confirm it for me please, if these are the actual rules, and that characters sold within the last month, not eligible for title rewards? Ty in advance for your help.
  2. Mate 2s has been the biggest fucking joke this season. A bug that would drop you through the floor and kick you out of arena almost every game? Pls if someone shouldn't get title it's the people from 2s. - - - Updated - - - You realise this is the exact same in 2s? All the top teams don't only just dodge - they fucking PRE-DODGE and leave queue as soon as you log online lol! The teams im referring to are: Catchmepally, Albanianqt, Akuyama, Kagu, Xladerzz, and his Druid. They all stop q as soon as Funkabizsax log online lol. But the queues are even worse in 2s because almost every game goes to dampening, then you only get +3, or +5 per win.. But -21 when everyone logs their alts queueing mw warr to snipe you because they're salty that you farm them on their mains lol. TL;DR - Stop crying about 3s if you're not gonna also cry equally (or moreso) about giving titles out for 2s. - - - Updated - - -
  3. I won't even be playing for a while now, but while i'm gone.. could you do me a favour and fix this fucking bug please? http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=197763&page=2 It's been bugged the entire season lmao
  4. When are they going to fix this bug? It's SO fucking OP. Literally NOBODY plays shaman anymore because of this shit. LOok at all the paladins on the ladder who just can insta cast denounce then insta break hex with sac lol. FML
  5. If I had to guess, I would say the win loss is probably something like this: Ðion + Funkabizsax : Akuyama + Kagu= 100:1 Dion + Noneeed vs Akuyama + Kagu = 100:2 The only time you got any better ratio than this was when you would bug me under the map. I'd say we could settle this just by you queuing and seeing who wins - but I know without OP bugs or having friends to DDOS for you, you are literally shitting yourself at the prospect. Instead, the only thing you can do is Dodge and trashtalk like a little bitch. Gz on your 2s titles Abusing+Dodge+DDOS Kings Akuyama & Kagu
  6. Look.. atleast you don't deny you're a desperate ddos'ing cunt lol. :rofl_mini: But I'm amazed Kagu - that you actually have the balls to try and pretend that I don't farm you ass constantly. First off - let's pretend that 2s matters or shows any skill. Second - let's pretend that the only time you have gotten your rating wasn't when you could bug everyone under the map. Okay, now third maybe you could trashtalk if you farmed me. But dude, you're dodging the shit out of me lol! And ever since i've came to this server Akuyama has BEGGED me to not queue vs him. I just don't understand how you expect anyone to believe this logic: Lmfao. But please, keep commenting.. It's funny ^^ :pardon:
  7. Sup everyone. I don't need to tell you guys that Akuyama and Kagu like to think they are the best players ever, because we all already know this. They also like to lie a lot, and pretend that they don't get farmed and aren't always dodging players like me in 2s because whenever I queue with someone who is decent it's free win. So if them not queueing at all (since the falling under map bug was fixed), isn't enough proof for you, then I thought i'd link you these funny screenshots - just to show you the lengths that Akuyama and Kagu are willing to go to avoid me, and how scared they are of facing me in arena lol. Enjoy: http://imgur.com/a/HW5YD and Lmao.. And watch - they will still try to trashtalk and lie that they don't dodge + abuse + ddos. Can't wait to see their excuses and rage flaming. ;) :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
  8. Like Repitch said, it seems a bit unfair to fuck over the legit players
  9. This is a joke right? Just with Funkabizsax and Markzxy alone I have farmed you and Akuyama like 100:1 ratio. Please avoid going off topic though, since this is a serious report.
  10. Does anyone know if there is a single English speaking guild on x100? Also why the fuck are Enchants + Gems so expensive? Are they all Jews on that server or something!? I logged on there when xFun was down, and couldn't get an inv to a guild, yet alone some help with enchanting my gear... Feelsbadman :(
  11. Yo I just wanted to say, that while I think it's obvious that Ostosgetapal+Kundaly wintraded, I don't think that Eccay also deserves ban. Reason 1: He was going to get R1 anyway, and it makes no sense that he would wintrade. Reason 2: he might not even have known (just like I didn't in 3s) that the person who was queueing with him (Zanked in this case) was going to wintrade. On the other hand, Ostosgetapal/Kundaly obviously wintraded.. So i'd struggle tryna defend Zanked on this.. :( So because of the above, I don't think necessarily deserve the Eccay deserves the rating reset + ban. It was Ostosgetapal+Kundaly who cheated after all.
  12. I'll just leave this here from what I said on other thread: He wintraded because he wanted a rank 1 title. I think here is the funniest screenshot of him and Eccay wintrading: https://postimg.org/image/uc50ncyel/ I don't know why, but notice on his druid he's saying: Lmao.. As if we don't know all know that Zanked = Kundaly and Ostosgetapal. He didn't even join 2vs2, he just joined 2vs1 with his druid @ 4.00am. Could you be more obvious? hehe :mocking: Gz on his title though. :heart: I'm sure he's very proud :cool::o I don't think he could've made it anymore obvious that he was wintrading... 4am and 2vs1 his own char? And if you check the ladder, it's obvious he only did it so that he could reach rank 12 (which rewards r1 title). Pretty fail, because now he's 100% going get banned and won't get any titles at all... :/
  13. He wintraded because he wanted a rank 1 title. I think this is the funniest screenshot of him and Eccay's wintrade: https://postimg.org/image/uc50ncyel/ I don't know why on his druid he's saying: Lmao.. As if we don't know all know that Zanked = Kundaly and Ostosgetapal. He didn't even join 2vs2, he just joined 2vs1 with his druid @ 4.00am. Could you be more obvious? hehe :mocking: Gz on his title though. :heart: I'm sure he's very proud :cool::o
  14. Ask around.. I've played pretty much everyone in 3s + I queue pretty much anytime with anyone. People know whaddup. Anyway cba replying to you troll now. I should've just said no when you asked me to queue with you. I told you I was having loading screen problems, and you still said queue up, so I did - but tbh I didn't expect at 2400 in 2s, for you to be so toxic over 1 loss. Nps though, at least I know for next time :)
  15. Obviously didn't read: Don't forget also to tell GM's to ban Funkabizsax too for [Enter dumbass reason/logic e.g. "wintrading @ 2.4 mmr in 2s" lol] (even when we already both have safe r1 in 3s every season WITH EAZE, and when we can just beat all the top 2.8mmr teams in 2s anyway?) Loved this joke too: Why would I ever need to DDOS you? I have like everyone on here on skype - and it's me gets ddosed, not the other way around.. -_- http://tv.giphy.com/frustrated
  16. And p.s. - i even said we could requeue into him after I fixed wowerror to show it wasnt me playing him, but you insta left after 1 game so... Ye gg legit report lol
  17. LOLWTF? This is funny report ^^ YOU ASKED + TOLD ME TO QUEUE even after I told you that I didn't want to because I was getting loading screen error.. - but then when I get the error, you go apeshit, start blaming me lol!? Are you serious? And you forget to mention that I already told you - FYI - that Fatjew is an irl mate of mine who I let play my alt acc sometimes - but if account sharing is bannable then you better ban every priest+mage in the top 20 2s atm.. Are you going to report them all too? Srsly you are pathetic
  18. Podara it is not a matter of "from my perspective". The falling under the map and being kicked from arena bug (which lasted for months) is by far the biggest bug that there has ever been on here during the seasons i've played here. Non others come close. Now stop spam and stfu already you dumbass troll
  19. Do i really need to explain why this comment is retarded? If 8 seconds of being out of range of your teammate = instant death to you - well then you or your arena partner are just bad. It doesn't make the bugs the same, as you have already admitted. The original bug was only on 1 map, and really I don't believe anyone can be that bad to die in 8 seconds. It's hard to even kill someone who is afk in 8 seconds with burst. Now, could you stop spamming this thread with your stupid opinion please? :/ Nobody cares or wants to read this shit.. I feel like i'm trying to explain to you that 1+1=2 and you're like "DEEERP BUT I THINK 1+1+5" lol
  20. You just quoted what I said and I didn't say that it would be balanced. I was just replying to the comment you keep spamming that: Instant Death - is the same thing as - 8 secs of cc But last comment you changed your mind, and said it was lesser bug. So basically you did all this typing for nothing. I don't know why it's taken 2 pages of you writing dumb shit to realise this though? Next time I see you comment on a thread I will just ignore it. "Don't feed the troll" as they say.
  21. wow.. you still don't understand? Holy shit you are so fucking slow lol! But okay... I will read your aids message for fun: Yes it's playable - your team just popped all their defensives and ran around pillar until you could continue playing. Even vs the top teams this was easy to do, so it was never 100% loss like the other bug, and you wouldn't lose with all your spells off cd. How is this so hard for you to understand you stupid cunt? :fool: Earlier you insisted that there were bugs just like the one which I think was uniquely OP and fucked this season, but now you are admitting that they were not the same level of bug? Instead you admit it was a initially a "lighter" version. So will you make up your fucking mind up? The lighter version was signifigant in comparison. There really is no comparison, its: 12 seconds cc vs instant death. I can't believe you could be such an autistic fuck not to understand the difference. You could still win countless games vs the top 2s/3s teams even when falling under the map 5 times in a game and lower rated teams you could've fell under 20 times and it wouldn't of mattered. Another thing you seem to stupid to understand, is that it mostly only happened on Tol'vir, so you still had a 75% chance of getting an unbugged map. But as I already said, falling through the map 90% of the time didn't determined who was going to win because you could still use you cds and EASILY survive.. It's just like 8 seconds of being out of range of your teammate, and you will still allowed to cast - it was hardly instant death. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY BUG ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE FALLING UNDER MAP BUG THAT LASTED MONTHS. Really Podara I don't know what your ingame names are but you must be a fucking troll or just retarded irl. You obvious know nothing about this game, so can you please us all a favour and just shut the fuck up already?
  22. Maybe for a dogshit player like you, but no not the rest of us. ;) Are you seriously trying to equate 12 seconds of cc (which only happened on Tol'vir), with being completely kicked from Arena? :fool: lol Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Retarded much? Pls stop you are just embarrassing yourself and digging a deeper pit.
  23. I just added in Intimidating Shout to the thing, as I thought it worked the same as hex in terms of the amount of damage it takes.. Am i wrong or? If not what is the problem? - - - Updated - - - It's the hex bug I want fixing... So sick of it breaking on first tick of warrior bleed. It's like a Rdruid playing without clone.
  24. You have got to be joking? I played the first two seasons and there was nothing even anywhere close to this! Were there class bugs? Yes. But the bugs were pretty much balanced and fixes were handed out evenly. Ultimately you could still outplay class bugs - but there is no outplaying someone bugging you under the map - even if you have EVERY cd and whole team 100%, it's over. It was like being able to D/C or DDOS your opponent if they walk or get feared anywhere near a pillar. Tl;dr - No offence, but you are talking out of your asshole..
  25. Except it was not a small bug. It was literally free win every game so long as you lived long enough for someone to stand close to a pillar lol. It is the only reason they got their rating, otherwise Akuyama would've spent all season begging for people like me not to queue vs him, like he always did in the first couple of seasons. In fairness, he did actually try to queue 3s today (as Tier1 comp RMP with Alexisren), but... he faced a random 1.5 team queueing DK, Afflock, Rdruid and got raped - multiple times and dodged lmao. :rofl_mini: I never even saw a single Scleave above 2.8 on retail, yet alone with a Rdruid? :/ It's such a non-comp that literally NOBODY played it. Idk how anyone can get farmed by that shit as RMP lol. :mocking: Akuyama will probably never queue 3s ever again now :( Poor guy will resort back to his old tactic of: "playing 1000000000000 2s games vs randoms and dodging all good teams".. :rofl_mini: R.I.P AKUYAMA :cry:
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