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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. When do Horde win Wintergrasp? I need to buy the belt. Cheers.
  2. fffffffffffffffffffffffs I cant get it to work, can we go skype? xD - - - Updated - - - im gonna download discord just for you bro
  3. Yo Repitch is Cheat Engine working?
  4. Yea like an extra 15k dmg on mastery proc. Damn biggest bug out there atm. Hope they fix asap.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194885&p=1312838 Pls input as much drama as possible: To get bug fixed asap, For shits n' giggles cause watching Akuyama get mad is topkeks :mocking:
  6. That's not how it worked on Retail. If you MC a shaman, the shamans totems still heal+buff his teammates. The opposite (what you are proposing) is dumb as fuck. You're saying that if you MC me, and I use tremor - then rather then break my MC, it should tremor for your teammates and not break my MC? Lmao. That brings up another point. You can't Tremor your teammates MC atm. Just more proof that you don't know wtf you are talking about and that it's broken. P.s. - You and your dogshit mage 2s heros trying to stop bugs getting fixed so that you can abuse, can keep commenting all you want - but it's not going to change the truth.
  8. :mocking: Yo you forget to mention that when a Pri mc's a shaman, their Water Totems heal the Priests team lol. So if you drop healing tide and get MC'd, the priest and his partner start getting mad heals+freedom+buffs ect lol.
  9. 1. Ele's don't have any burst cds except ascendence, stormlash and unleash elements 2. Unleash was up and he had tailoring buff, racial buff, Jade spirit & Engineering buff. 3. He casted a lava burst (got mastery proc) and another insta lava burst after, then he earth shocked. 4. With all cds and unleash lava burst can hit 100k, so he would've hit like 100k (50k mastery), 100k, and 100-120k fulmination (if crit). 5. Finally your pala was only 56% health - that's like what, 260k? It actually took him like 3/4 seconds+ to do that dmg, since he had to use a global for Unleash elements, then 1.5 sec cast for lava burst, then global for lava burst proc, then earth shock (which is instant after but then takes a global before you can cast again ofc). So really not that OP when you consider a priest could just mind spike you or a mage could deep+orb (no lucky procs) and do the same.
  10. And then make RBG rating 2vs2 soloque rating. 1vs1 is a bit of a joke let's be honest. As soon as a Feral starts playing here it's gg. Nothing beats Feral.
  11. But then how do you say "OMG U SO BAD" "HOW U LOSE???" "GG FUCKEN NOOBS" to the other team?? Are you suggesting people don't trashtalk??? :O
  12. Discord + Twitch FTW! :heart: Bringing PandaWoW Players Closer Together :heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: Just thought we could start a thread of awesome Discord/Stream Clips. I'll start, with my recent favourite: Any other decent clips of pro communication + teamwork pls upload, so I can learn from and copy it. Hopefully Discord will continue to bring the PandaWoW community together ;) - - - Updated - - - Just noticed Repitch in the Chat Window lol - Should've made the clip longer though :(
  13. Title reminds me of this legendary Tyson Fury moment: http://makeagif.com/i/Dc73js
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mq9uSGTYKI
  15. I noticed every single one of the GIFs except the last (where he fears into fear ward, and idk why ww didn't get feared), that he was howling vs Shaman teams. Maybe tremor was down? Or it could've been before the tremor bug got fixed (where even if you killed it, it lasted the full duration)
  16. I'm not sure.. someone correct me on this - but unlike every other war before hand, there was not (and still hasn't been), any peace treaty made between the Germans and the JewMerican Empire. Meaning that America and Germany are still technically at war... lol :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
  17. After you've completed the quest? Wowhead says you give it in at shadowmoon valley... I'll try this though - since deleting cache did not work. - - - Updated - - - LOL confirmed correct - Wowhead lied to me :( Ty for help Excitant :heart:
  18. Did I seem mad lel? I'm from the UK, and we have the top 2 heavyweights in the world.. I'm chillin lol. It was a great night and the atmosphere was so lit P.s. - to say Klitschko was never going to win is good troll. I missed first few rounds, but from what I'm told, If AJ didn't get lucky at the end there Klitschko would've taken last round and won on points. NEW TOPIC NOW - AJ VS FURY Who you picking? xD
  19. Man the place went wild when that uppercut landed.. I just can't wait to see Tyson Fury vs Joshua. I hope Fury sparks that PED abuser clean out
  20. but AJ is untested.. Sure, he wins all his fights by KO within a few rounds - but who has he fought? Nobody who he fought was close too Klitschko or Fury's level. Yet it seems like everyone thinks AJ is gonna walk through him lol. I'm going with the Robot Klitschko just because people are srsly underestimating him, but honestly I think it's like 66:33 odds, Klitschko:AJ. I think it'll probably end in a KO too lol
  21. So the big fight's tonight.. I think it's 50/50, but I'm going to choose Wlad to win late via knockout or decision. Who are you lads picking to win??
  22. To be fair I've queued virtually every Warr+Rsham/Ele+3rd comp with him, and even some Rdruid+Ele comps like Rdruid+Ele+Rogue lel. Also, Not being funny, but those reports were so minor lol... I was the one who told everyone you could drop totems while kicked. Before that you were happily abusing that HUUUUUUUUUGE bug for ages (without telling anyone). I also reported Totems being tanky as fuck (because they didn't take dmg from pvp power) + the healing stream glyph + bind elemental bug. And when I first came to the server, pointed out to everyone how stupid the Warlock Shard Regen was. So where the fuck are my brownie points at? Yo, Zeox throw some free bonuses my way bro :heart:!! P.s. - Btw Veynzzy, were you that shaman who thought I was abusing Unleash Elements because it did exactly what it says on the tooltip? Remember you whispering me all the time and crying after I beat you in 3s, about how it was bugged lol?? Last time you whispered me, I spent like 15 mins trying to get it through your autistic head, and even dueled you to show you that it wasn't - until finally, you went all quiet because you realised it wasn't bugged, and that you were just a retard trying to find excuses for getting farmed... lol. With all that said.. Don't you think that it's kinda sad - how you're tryna troll someone for reporting a REAL Ele bug, after how much you cried and blamed all your losses vs me on Ele bug that didn't even exist for months on end?? :mocking:
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