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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. "Seeking the Soulstones", Quest is bugged. I have completed it, and have returned to "Jubeka Sahdowbreaker" at the Alter of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley, and it will not let me hand in the quest. Please help
  2. Yo bro, I know niggas be asking a lot from you... So I just thought i'd say chill dafuq out and don't slit your wrists or hang yourself. Kind Regards, Dionysus. :heart: P.s. - Only thing I would tell you to do is HURRY THE FUCK UP WITH THE NEW SEASON ALREADY!! :o Pce
  3. Good idea. That season when nobody played and they gave out furious and ruthless glad was lol
  4. Haven't read the impersonation attempts yet, but lel @ that troll.. xD
  5. Dat burn... :( #FeelsBadMan
  6. YO I WANT ONE WITH THE SALTY TITLE ALSO!! Got 1 going still?
  7. Oka kid, thanks for your quality input. Kappa
  8. PM me your skype and i'll add you. I'm done triggering people on here now though lmao :rofl_mini:
  9. Speaking of gay faggots.. At some point you're gonna have to grow up and grow some balls kid.
  10. As I said I.S.I.S. stands for M.O.S.S.A.D. (Israels MI6/CIA equivalent). Who the fuck do you think killed him? The muslims LOL? JFK was the one against the Fed + Nuclear Power in Israel. It was actually 2am and the first time i've been on here in 6 months. Got one girl (who i've been with for over a year now) - I do pretty good thanks. Lmao! Nobody was queueing 3s so I was bored as fuck and just came to troll tbh. And trust me - i'm no "Destiny" (don't know who that is. He seemed like a proper faggot) and the same goes for "Athene". I've not even watched enough to do a parody of them, but from what i did see they are both cucked as fuck. On the other hand, I'm a White Nationalist. The mates I do nights out and play football with are a lot of ex-military, some gypo's, and we've enough firepower+people in my area to take it over. We're no "intellectual behemoths" - trust me lol. I appreciate if you got a bit triggered, but I shitpost with anonymity from my phone all the time, because I could lose my job if I did it IRL lol. Just doing my part to make extremism normal and to desensitise you to Jew-loving and Holocaust-fearing Preprogramming :) [ATTACH=CONFIG]124881[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124885[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124886[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]124883[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124877[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124876[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124879[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]124878[/ATTACH] ... [ATTACH=CONFIG]124880[/ATTACH]
  11. You either mustn't of read what I wrote, or must just be pure retarded/illiterate. The topic was JFK's presidency, of which there were 5 things I mentioned. This time i'll number them for you, to make it super easy for your dumbass! Him Porking Monroe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110 - which gave the US government the power to issue money without going through the Jew-owned Fed. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 His strongly voice opposition to Israel/Jews getting Nuclear Power And of course (what he's most famously known for), his Assassination. Am I reading this right? Did you seriously just ask that? Lmao Why does the name of the group that assassinated JFK matter? Erhm.. Because it shows what he was against and spoke out against you fucking retard. Did you even read a word of what I wrote? He was assassinated by Israel 100%. Tbh nobody was queueing 3s, so I thought i'd draw out some of the autistic cunts like you with a provocative post on a thread like this, and wait for the Drama to pop off!! :popcorn::popcorn:;):rolleyes:;):popcorn::popcorn: Nobody asked for you to voice your autistic opinion either kid - but you're wrong anyway and obviously didn't read the first post (i'm starting to think you haven't read anything on this page lmao): 1. Nothing I wrote was copy-pasted lol 2. "12 hour long read" LMAO. Are you black or something? Because you're literally on the retard end of IQ scale if that's how long it would take you to read my post. ... I can't even... I cba lol.. :fool::facepalm: IF IT'S 12 HOURS READ - HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS OF NO RELEVANCE 10 MINS AFTER IT BEING POSTED LOL? :rofl_mini::appl::rofl_mini: [ATTACH=CONFIG]124865[/ATTACH] It's confirmed - you're a retard.
  12. This thread is not about "Spain". If you want to talk about Spain make your own thread about it and fuckoff out of this one. No, this is a "general forum", and this specific topic is about a historical figure you fucking retard. .... You srs? lol. Because they rule over your dumb goyim ass and EVERYONE gets butthurt if you point out the BLATANT facts. It pisses me off that it's virtually illegal to discuss these things IRL and if I did I could easily lose my job (because it's a public office job and everyone is PC as fuck). If you don't care, and like your people being slaves to another ethnicity who thinks you as sub-human and are ethnically replacing us - fine. But i'm not stupid like that - I want Europeans to rule over Europeans. Not kike scumbags. I will be glad when Somalians overrun your country and breed you out of existence already. You are annoying as fuck lol.
  13. Chill brah... These things are complicated and I don't expect ignorant goyim slaves and untermensch like you to read it lol. It's probably to complicated for your brain to comprehend anyway. :mocking: I was simply replying to educate the guy who asked.
  14. As far as I understand it (and I haven't researched this in depth + baring in mind the amount of misinformation that will be spread to cover the real reason for his assissination, i'm not confident on what I write here but afaik): JFK was the only person to oppose the Jewish Zionists and the corrupt so-called "Federal" Reserve since it was created in 1913. He was a proper P.I.M.P. (which I don't have a problem with - him and his bro were porking Monroe), but I do have a problem with the immigration law he passed. Ultimately though, you can clearly see he was the only president since ATLEAST 1900, to go against orders. He also went against the plans for the Evil Jews of Israel to get Nuclear Power - one of the stupidest ideas ever. Israel is actually the only country in the world that doesn't abide by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. I know most of you reading this are ignorant as fuck, but just trust me when I say that the leaders of Israel and the Rothschild are truly "evil" - and I don't use that word lightly. 9/11 was a M.O.S.S.A.D + C.I.A. + M.I.6. Operation just like Operation Ajax, Operation Gladio, The Levant Affair, and the Attack on U.S.S. Liberty. Also the same as with all these so-called "Muslim" terror attacks. Either they are fake, or the Israel MOSSAD agents are completely aware of whats happening and they ALLOW it to go ahead, so that they can then play of people's fear and implement a police state + find an excuse for illegally invading foreign countries. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it#Former_Italian_President_agrees.2C_s ays_Mossad_did_9.2F11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIKtA0Odo2o It's amazing people don't understand how false flags work.. They've been happening since the Ancient Rome - Ceaser used to lie about or allow them to happen all the time. In England we even have our own holiday called "Bonfire Night", when we remember a guy who was going to blow up the Houses of Parliament (but the government knew all about it, and allowed them almost to do it). Same thing goes with Pearl Harbour - the US knew COMPLETELY about the incoming attack, and didn't tell anyone - they wanted all the civilians to die to provoke war. There are seriously ENDLESS examples. The difference though, is that Ceaser only controlled the Roman Empire - whereas Jews virtually control the Entire World nowadays. I.S.I.S. stands for Israel Secret Intelligence Service: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4920h6_isis-stands-for-israel-secret-intelligence-service_news There is honestly so much information just showing how evil the leaders of Israel and the Zionist Jews are. They take Russian women as Sex Slaves, are the most racially supremacist people on the planet (they sterile the blacks and exile them from the country, and any sexual non-Jew relationships are illegal lol), and basically they plot for the destruction of Europe + the European people. The problem is that most people are so brainwashed lol. They don't understand their history, the Jewish Question, or basic fundamentals of reality (of race, gender, or religion ect.) so even if I link clear videos, they won't get past you "omg that's racist/antisemitic" pre-programming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IYWcYyzqRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcd-yvudYSg Ultimately, JFK seemed to decide he was going to go against the Jewish Mafia that was soon to completely control America. Here is his short, last main speech which sums it up best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKFG71_WcxI
  15. sry.. Wrong link, forgot everyone song on here has to have "nigga" in it lol. So I link: 1. 2. - - - Updated - - - happy now Pujo you dirty fucking nigga??
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpOoPQ6JmbM
  19. http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=10781/battle-of-the-crimson-watch Quest is bugged. Could you link me to where i need to post this please? Thankyou - - - Updated - - - Nvm just realised it auto-completes.. Sry delete thread pls
  20. IK but couldnt find hence i posted here.. Sure some admin will post it in a min. Just fucking cba wait months for them to update it..
  22. Tbh this is just typical behaviour from Akuyama.. He usually acts like this and most of the server have experienced his child-like flaming also. I'm embarrassed on behalf of the PandaWoW community that he wrote that to you though.. It's an all-time low (even for him!).. I can't begin to imagine and won't pretend to know, how painful it must have been for you to lose someone to Cancer. Life is cruel sometimes, but at least you know they'll be in a better place now - with God, in Heaven looking down on you. :)
  23. Best signature's i've seen on here. +1
  24. Bapss

    TOP 3v3

    I one shot 2.7 KFC teams like that with my eyes closed
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