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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. 10/10 for original lyrics I hate new rap where you can't even understand wtf they're saying like in this vid, but the beat in this track is chill as fuck:
  2. Hahahahahahah Repitch, dem gifs tho! I didn't realise shroom was so crucial, but will be interesting to see how it changes RMD/LSD ect. Now Admins, please go to this post and fix this bug - it's pretty high on the priority right now, probs top, and it's making me cry each time I play 2s: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195701 Ty
  4. Bapss


    They need to fix this bug already.. It's like playing druid without clone lol. Fucking jokes, you literally have 0 cc as Shaman in 2s
  5. Bapss

    TOP 3v3

    Oright ye - you mean the report WHICH I POSTED lol? You think I would film myself wintrading and then post it on the forum lol? xD I faced a few arenas where only 1 guy entered and I got about 30 rating. So ye, I guess i'm a wintrader now!! :pardon: Feelsbadman :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad: Seriously Diabloque you are so fucking retarded and bad - by that same logic EVERYONE on here is a wintrader.. :appl: lol Are you trying to tell me, that you've never faced a couple of empty arenas or where only 1 player joined? Stfu and stop projecting your dirty wintrading tactics onto me you fucking scrub. Are you high on something? Wtf or who made you think this lol? :facepalm: If someone was tryna just troll the shit out of me then, +1 to them, and I must say they did a great job rofl. :o The amount of retards who whispered me believing this lie was hilarious :secret::mocking::rolleyes:
  6. Bapss

    TOP 3v3

    [spoiler=3s Ladder] Lol WTF am I highlighted for? I wonder what he's thinking.. "OMG DIONYSUS WINTRADE TO RANK 16!!!" lmfao :mocking: Do you even realise how stupid that sounds lol? Rank 16 lol? :rofl_mini: Diabloque, you ask me literally EVERY day for 3s... I can screenshot my skype - it is just spam from you with no replies, yet i've seen you accuse me of wintrading like 4+ times now..? Also lol'd @ highlighting all of Akuyama's Priests for wintrading in 2s ;) That was some world class trolling. :appl::good::popcorn: Don't get me wrong, I do actually appreciate people reporting wintraders and cheaters, (I was the first to do it anyway if you check reports), but when I see people accuse me of wintrading at rank 16, or accusing Akuyama of wintrading in 2s (when he's just been farming everyone all season in 2s) I can't help but facepalm.. :fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool::fool:
  7. Go take some English reading lessons please. I was pissed about falling under the map every game, which was making it impossible to beat Hpri Mage in 2s. It's fixed now though so I take back my original post. :)
  8. BREAKING NEWS - UPDATE!!!!! They have fixed the falling under the map bug on Nagrand + Tol'vir! If it's the same with all other maps! Praise Juster!! Hallelujah!!!
  9. I was playing 2s and a warrior intervened himself under the map on Tol'Vir - Actually it was Takaa... :) It felt good not to be the one under the map for once!!! TROLLOLOL ;)
  10. I don't know if this is true, but if it is then it's a pretty smart comment. Explains why people are mentioning me so much lol. But they replaced me after 4 or 5 games anyway with a Priest, so.. Not to mention, I was the first one to report the characters straight after the session, before this thread was even created: Anything else I got to say I made clear in that thread. :)
  11. Please fix this fucking bug. 200/10 prio
  12. Lol, i agree completely tbh. I did joke about it in party to see if it was them queueing into themselves but ofc both said it wasn't. Ultimately though, I'm not going to sit and watch them overtake me on the ladder simply because I had nobody to queue with at the time, and after 5/6 games they replaced me with their friend anyway.
  13. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Wowstariwoin, Lollalff, Rngmachinex, Fourtwentyo Realm, where you saw the violation. xFun Description of the violation (write please in English and very clearly and understandably). I got invited by Wodmage for a quick 3s session, and we met a few empty arenas and 2 1vs3 arenas (vs Rngmachinex and Fourtwntyo) about 3 times each . The other 2 that I reported (Wowstariwoin and Lollalff) I met a few days before from horde, and the monk always joined alone, or we just got many, many empty arenas. I kept queueing into them (because shit, why the fuck not lol?) and got around 60 rating, so feel free to take that off my current rating on Ðiontko if you want - I don't mind. You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. Proof: screenshots or video. Comments to the situation (if it needed).[/u][/b] I didn't bother taking screenshots, but they joined arena alone (don't know if that's enough to ban but just saying you might want to check them out). Just doing this report incase some salty retard accuses me of wintrading from 2135-2203 lol.
  14. Please ban the I.P.s of: Wowstariwoin and Lollalff Caught wintrading 13/09/16
  15. This bug never existed before. Don't go off topic and talk about other bugs, or similar bugs either please.
  16. Erhm, are you fucking retarded? This isn't like some "tiny" bug. It's like some broken spell like Ring of Frost was - that's outplayable. This is literally a win/lose bug - no matter how shit the enemy team is. They could've forced none of your healers CD's + you could've been shitting on them all game, and now you're about to win at 60% dampening.. - JK it doesn't matter! pom poly under the map CY@@@@@@@@ :bye::good::appl: There was nothing anywhere near as broken as this in the first season... Name me something as retarded as this bug, or tell me how you are meant to win when you fall under the map please? Lmfao :fool: I already know your answer - you can't, because it's not some "tiny bug", so stop pretending that it is, or that it has only been bugged for a week or two in the mid season - it's been here for the entire last 2 months, (and the end is when it matters for those who don't know) ffs..
  17. Season 15 and the first season here was actually pretty good and very balanced. Every class was top on ladder and PvE gear was shit on here by then (nobody used it). Yes - Most agree 2s is shit and shouldn't reward titles higher than normal Glad. +1 Good comment
  18. I guess you missed the part about falling through under the map every other game? :fool: I think you would understand much easier if you played healer in 2s. In long dampening games (which is every 2s game), you will almost always get bugged under the map vs a decent Mage team (or even bad ones) and get -22. Because of this it makes it impossible for other teams to get rating. Trust me. Imagine playing two games in 20 mins to get +22 rating, only to then play a 10 min game vs a mage+hpri and get bugged under map, losing -22 rating. This is the 2s ladder atm. Do you understand the problem now? :D It's just not worth queuing vs hpri mage when you know there is no chance you will walk away with a positive win-loss ratio. Even if you only get bugged once every 3 games (which is being REALLY optimistic), you will have to spend like 30 mins queuing dampening, and will gain fuck all rating. It is just not worth the energy and frustration. I've had many times 2 or 3, even 4, games in a row where I was put under the map vs Hpri Mage lol :mocking: That is the only reason why there is virtually nothing but Mage+Hpri in the top 20.
  19. :pardon::pardon::pardon: Hate to say it... But I told you so! ^^
  20. Some? Dude it's a non-negotiable requirement if you're going to play with Akuyama that you abuse those + the M0lten Armour Bug. :mocking::rolleyes:
  21. This is a message for the Big Dawg Juster Broken 2s Shouldn't Give Titles This Season The title is pretty self-explanatory. "But why?" Because of the bug that has made almost all of the top 20 classes be Hpri + Mage. The bug of falling under map, has made it impossible to beat even an average Hpri+Mage on Tolvir/BladesEdge/DalaranSewers. Just look at the front page of 2s, and ask yourself if something seems strange? :pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon::pardon: 18/20 of the characters are Priest + Mage. :) Seems legit :good::o:crazy: Not hating on these players, or saying that they are bad. But cmon now... :mocking: It is so easy for Hpri+Mage to farm rating just by abusing and bugging you under the map literally EVERY, FUCKING, GAME, that it has taken away any+all competition to the point that I'm not even going to bother queuing 2s anymore. :/ This retarded bug (which still hasn't been fixed for some reason) has literally lost me 80% of 2s games vs mages (even the shit 1.8k ones lol)! :( Meanwhile, before the bug I had a 10000000% positive win-loss vs all Mage teams. :fool: Either you can't hug a pillar and have to eat ALL CC, or you hug a pillar and get a combination of pom polied/deeped/feared/nova'd/sheeped under the map. :appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl: GG, Motherfucker... GG... Any title better than Glad should never be given for 2s anyway. But the main reason I mentioned it in this season particularly - is because it has been (and still is) broken as fuck and hpri mage has been retardedly OP. I repeat: P.s. - Feel free to leave your opinions. I already know there will be loads of the Mages (and Akuyama ofc) on here raging and flaming because they are desperate for the titles that they could never get legitly from 3s, but I'm just saying what everyone is thinking... 2s is a COMPLETE joke this season. I don't expect Juster to do anything about it (just like he hasn't fixed the bug after months), but honestly I don't care that much either - I just wanted to let my opinion on it be known. NOW QUEUE THE DRAMA AND LET'S SEE SOME PEOPLE GET MAAAAYD! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: :clapping:;):heart:
  22. You should've, and still should make it so that you have to have 2k in 3s - that way it would make the title a little more legit and increase queues.
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