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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. It wasnt of WoD lol, it was the first MoP video I looked for and it showed it. Same here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCS8H_mTi8s 4:10 2 shards in 1 second. Not hard to find answer to these things lol
  2. Hi making another Titles post since we will probably be waiting for months. Plus everyone flaming each other meanwhile will keep me entertained and less impatient. :)
  3. Lol, firstly no. Im not going to pretend like I know if howl should have one or not, but I just find after your first comment it a bit tedious. Are you going to start telling us how you think warlock shard regeneration should have an Internal CD now too? :D I remember you were insisting nonstop that shard regen should have an ICD, even though I told you it shouldn't - Then when I linked you the proof that there is no ICD on soul shards you pretended to go afk and didn't even respond lol. Yes you do. But stop basing the report on "AFFLICTION IS SO BROKEN THEREFORE [enter spell name] MUST BE BUGGED AND HAVE ICD!". :D I gotta give you credit overall though Repitch, for finding many bugs nobody else would've (Nightfall for example was so fucken bugged). Good post/report :good: - maybe you're right and howl is bugged.
  4. What title would you prefer given for each ranks? I'd like Deadly Gladiator pls for top 3 players. Ty
  5. inb4 some feral just rapes everyone lolololol - - - Updated - - - probs nemifest
  6. Lmao, funny because it's probably true :P
  7. Bapss

    Wintrader Pancakex

    lmao funny posts :good:
  8. Bapss

    Wintrader Pancakex

    Just wanted to make sure admin's knew that "Pancakex" = "Diabloque the Wintrader" and that they didn't accidentally give him a title. (Not hating, but fair is fair, rules are rules blahblah) Diabloque's a sneaky fucker though with renaming all his wintrading characters lol :D Dion out.
  9. Druid: Claimiclone Hunter: Claimitkohunt Mage: Claimy Paladin: Claimipala Priest: Claimijesus Rogue: Claimithree or Claimitko Shaman: Claimshami Warlock: Claimichaos Warrior: Claimislamy Monk: Claimiorbot
  10. Xuen was used a lot on retail, especially in 2s.
  11. Well there are like 40+ different distinct British accents - The one you're thinking of is Cockney, (down Saouf Landen init fam) :P But Americans gamers always seem to sound the same lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPML-RX6KlM 34:27-39:50 sums it up for me when you hear English lads playing compared to the whiny US biatches :appl: ( is the same clip but without both skypes)
  12. lmao that was some funny shit American WoW players accents when they're playing seriously make me laugh so hard :D
  13. I didn't read it, but: Great post! I support all your ideas and sentiments, and hope you continue inspiring us all! :appl:
  14. I JUST GOT A LETTER THROUGH THE POST SAYING I OWED £3000 OUT OF NOWHERE. WTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTF I got to find out wtf is going on and if this letter was a mistake tomorrow. Pray for me plebs and bretherins. Pray for me. :facepalm:
  15. Bapss


    Also another impressive win! :clapping::good: 2vs3 kappa Btw Diabloque are you still tryna pretend like he didn't wintrade on 10 characters last season? :facepalm:
  16. Bapss


    *You will post every arena you win vs noob teams, but when you suddenly get rank 1 at the end of the season you won't post any vs high teams to prove it. That is what you mean right? Btw are you still trying to pretend like you didn't wintrade lmao? :D
  17. Bapss


    Really impressive screenshots! :clapping::good: I was wondering though - how long before you plan to start wintrading again? :D:rofl_mini:
  18. Lmfao - This ^^ And he got the nerve to write ROFL :rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini::rofl_mini: This kid is fucking jokes. I don't know why they haven't banned Diabloque the wintraders IP... Was cheating on 20 characters not enough? The ladder was just full with his wintrading characters. No doubt a lot of people reading this will not get given the title that they should've because of Diabloque taking 15 of the top ranks on his naked characters. How about when he was trying to lie about it on 20 forum accounts, even though the entire community knew he obviously wintraded because he's too dogshit to get any rating legit - (which when I think about it, was actually pretty funny how he tryharded to pretend he wasnt a wintrading faggot lol). No doubt that he will only try to wintrade again as soon as the season nears the end - Admin should just delete his account now and get it over with.
  19. is this shit still bugged?
  20. Bapss


    i thought they already announced just not in English? I wanted one of you russains to translate..
  21. Bapss


    FFS i wanted deadly gladiator title... The alliteration is too awesome "Deadly Gladiator Dionysus" Nomnomnom Please reward R1 with deadly gladiator title :D
  22. Hi I know we've already been told, but can someone translate this and tell me when are titles being given? http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=2 (I ask because anytime I log online I get 10 whispers asking me this question lol) Thanks :)
  23. Agree with all of the above. Akuyama and Abu were probs hardest team to face when glyph of healing stream totem didn't work lmao. Had to make do with the bind elemental bug though :D They both played really good when at their best in 2s - or vs me at least. Abu was all over my healing stream totems lelelel Of course once they fixed healing stream totem glyph it made things a lot easier :)
  24. Bapss


    SORRY TO BE A PEST DEAR, but could you provide link to where Juster said when titles will be handed out? TY DARLING LOVE YOU
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