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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. well if you record was 0 wins - 5 losses, why would you have any rating in the first place? xD
  2. Non of you get that he is joking / being sarcastic? :D
  3. LOLWUT I never even said anything.. I reserve my opinion and am completely neutral! :happy:
  4. What if you have a full fear on their healer? You gotta break it just to fear the psyfiend instead lel? I had to do that in a game today, was annoying
  5. dude ... please stop kidding him ... Ow, my feelings :( No seriously though Swifty taught me how to play. I'm probs best warrior on this server. :happy:
  6. Season should end soon, but i'll play with you on my lock/mage/rogue/warrior nps :)
  7. Bapss

    Blaston wintrading..?

    if you talking about this http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=168546 yeas its my teammate, but we will play around 3 hours with stream with normal enchants and nothing has changed So basically all the rating you got was playing with a cheating mage? And your rating isnt going to be reset? Lel. Can someone explain to me how this is fair or makes any sense? You don't deserve even challenger title if all your rating you got was via. playing with cheating teammates - or atleast that's my opinion.
  8. Bapss

    Blaston wintrading..?

    I'm confused.. Who is this mage that was abusing? Was it the mage who queue with Blaston that cheat or was it another one? Russain names are aids to remember lel
  9. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103102/prideful-gladiators-ringmail-spaulders http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45943/gloves-of-whispering-winds http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45513/boots-of-the-forgotten-depths http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=50450/leggings-of-dubious-charms
  10. Bapss

    Blaston wintrading..?

    I can confirm Blaston's rating is legit. I have like 1:1 winloss vs him. So I can see his WMS farming other teams nps. EDIT: Turns out that their mage was cheating/abusing bugs the entire time :/
  11. Hmmm I think this guide could've done with being a bit longer.. I want to reroll shadow, but I don't feel like you covered everything. Could you make another one with some more pro tips pls?
  12. Ivandorn/Diabloque = REKT!! lol, funny shit :rofl_mini:
  13. Thats last report/topic I do on this retard, unless Admin troll and ban/delete my post. Diabloque has taken the top 6 ranks in 3vs3 via wintrading lmao. But i'm done wasting my time on this shit lol - - - Edit + Updated - - - Including this quote because I think it's funny :D Wow 28 characters! I wonder if any of them are these ones suddenly turning up as rank 1 on the ladder? Lmao.. :facepalm:
  14. Many others have already report this and admin are not responding. For example: Diabloque the Win-trader Reports: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=165606 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167439 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=168031 But below is my report. This is the last time I write anything about this wintrader (unless admin delete or ban it), because i'm tired of Admins not replying. If the 3vs3 ladder get ruined and players quit, it's on them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Are Admin Going to Ban Diabloque from Wintrading? 3vs3 Is No Longer Worth Playable... 1.Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Neikqq Zaqewq Aphaeleon Syntras Diabloque 2.Realm, where you saw the violation. xFun 3.Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably). (You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material). 4. He expects us to believe this is a coincidence? How stupid he think we are lol? Just as others start wintrading, he gets 2700+ but then cant say who he beat? :rofl_mini: Why do they show up at the exact same time he get his rating? Because he wintraded. 5. Who do we all know that has a history of making multiple accounts and pretending he's not the same guy? Diabloque. He does it all the time on these forums (with Felxtwo, Iwannadance, Qeloq and Ivandorn). Again he incriminates himself. And blatently wintraded. 6. Who do we also know that has a history of cheating and using kickbot? Diabloque. But kickbot isn't enough to carry him, so instead he wintraded. 7. AND AS IF ALL OF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH - IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT LEFT IN YOUR MIND - his silence in response to the question: is the closer. He cannot answer it. The simplest of questions! And he cannot answer, because he knows that he didn't farm any of the top players, and that he wintraded. 8. This noob has NEVER ONCE beat me in arena, and none of the top teams even seen him queue. And yet now he is higher rating than me lol? :rofl_mini: It is IMPOSSIBLE for him to have gained this rating any other way than from wintrading. The proof is all there in front of you. If the Admins can't connect the dots they must be seriously stupid as f;#'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ban this cheating rat or riot!!! Why play legit when he just cheat? Does everyone else have to wintrade too now? lol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proof that Ivandorn/Diabloque Is a Compulsive Liar + Wintrader. http://postimg.org/image/fn6lfcci9/ http://postimg.org/image/7k0qrizkx/ http://postimg.org/image/qqoyraszb/ If they farmed me, wtf are these screenshots - and how come they dodge me instantly and say they can't win with druid? Blaston - Full gear? Yes Взрывпакет - Full gear? Yes Both Are Full Gear = Diabloque the WinTrader LYING AGAIN :/ Lol... I don't know? Judging from the above, i'd probably guess that the liar is "Diabloque the WinTrader" who can't even answer - A Simple. Fucking. Question: 4.Proof: screenshots or video. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html?type=3 5.Comments to the situation (if it needed). Are the admin stupid or are they just fucking lazy? I'm not going to say why you need to ban him now, because if Diabloque realises it he can fuck the ladder completely right now so that nobody gets titles. And if you don't end the season + reward titles before this happens, months of playing will be wasted. Hurry the hell up and delete all his accounts please.
  15. LMAO HE SAID HE'S GONNA QUEUE!!!!!! WTF!? Probs just lying again lol http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167689
  16. Bapss

    Please do something..

    Probably a good idea is to finish the season (like Juster said he would do around almost 2 months ago now). Another good idea might be to ban wintraders, so everyone doesn't feel like they're playing just to end up below 1 guy (Diabloque) wintrading and stealing titles on multiple different characters. To name only some: Aphaeleon, Dornivan, Фаптайм, Neikqq, Diabloque, Zaqewq.
  17. Lel good joke. Funny how literally the only person who think they are fake reports is you! Hmmm.. I wonder why? :rolleyes:
  18. Bapss


    Ivandorn/Diabloque Proving Again That He Is a Compulsive Liar + Wintrader. http://postimg.org/image/fn6lfcci9/ http://postimg.org/image/7k0qrizkx/ http://postimg.org/image/qqoyraszb/ If they farmed me, wtf are these screenshots - and how come they dodge me instantly and say they can't win with druid? Blaston - Full gear? Yes Взрывпакет - Full gear? Yes Both Are Full Gear = Diabloque the WinTrader LYING AGAIN :/ Lol... I don't know? Judging from the above, i'd probably guess that the liar is "Diabloque the WinTrader" who can't even answer - A Simple. Fucking. Question:
  19. My apologies, I was not aware that you were not allowed to "bump" topics like on most forums. I will make sure not to make this mistake again. Thankyou for making me aware of this Ivandorn. :)
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