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Everything posted by DragonBruu

  1. It's a joke, its a legion gameplay, from retail, i don't wanna report it here ^^
  2. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Дисфория Realm, where you saw the violation: Свежеватель Душ Description of the violation (write please in English very clearly and understandably). He's using a kickbot, as you may see he instantly interrupts my eye beam. Proof: screenshots or video (depending on the requirements). https://clips.twitch.tv/zarhoes/BraveGrasshopperPermaSmug Comments to the situation (if it's needed): Idk if this is the correct forum to report but since he's russian then idc and i report here, pce.
  3. If your ret is good enough you should defeat war/healer comps pretty easy, just burst in opener, if no kill just kite, kite, kite, kite and kite again till u get burst and then u will prolly be able to get the kill, cuz in first burst you got at least 3/4 of their defensives if not all of them, if u did a decent set up, and during those kites you'll prolly force the rest of the cd's, so for the 2nd set up you'll get the kill 100% if u did it right
  5. Warrior has 3 banners, 2 mins cd each if im not wrong, one is for burst, the other is defensive and the other will be used to get out of roots, that means he'll pretty much be able to get out of roots twice every 2 mins, thats literally nothing, you should lead war far away from the heal, root him and go trap. If you're playing posthaste (which you shouldn't against a warrior), just concussive, snake trap and jump fast and trap the healer, if its a mw he'll prolly be behind pillar so war can't jump and eat it fast enough, or maybe just wyvern war, jump and scatter trap healer and done, pretty easy, up to you, but warriors struggle a lot against hunters to eat traps if the hunter is good enough and the warrior's healer doesn't know how to play vs a hunter comp (just stay in intervene range lol)
  6. It's an addon, lol, i even have it cuz was trolling on some server once with a friend to test it out, its so fucking easy to script, if repitch wants to send it to gm's, pm me on skype and i'll send you the file of the bot so you can show it to gm's and they can block it. Its the same that you use for autokick, auto rotation, and ofc reflect bot.
  7. He doesn't mean it just to root, can be for slow aswell, the slow is fucking stupid, and if you use the root and warrior intervenes, gg cuz you can trap and he can't eat it. The way to use root as a hunter on a warrior to trap, is to go far away from the healer, root him, and then go trap, he can't get out of it cuz healer is not in range of safeguard, ofc a good healer wouldn't let this happen, but w/e, thats what you should do in a warrior/healer situation.
  8. jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaajajaj si lees el tooltip de sentencia te lo dice que tenes que tener un aura activada si no me equivoco, rip. - - - Updated - - - Dice que desata la energia de un sello, no se te ocurrio activarte ninguno de los 4 sellos que tienes? xD
  9. Im 100% sure he's running fervor, and pretty sure he's using posthaste most of the time, maybe not vs melees that are not feral druids. And as far as im concerned, mm goes for a agility/crit based build, not 100% sure tho, may be haste over crit.
  10. This guy is clearly reflect botting, but anyways dude shouldn't be rly hard for a decent war to pre reflect your coil when you yell 'SOUNDS OF THE TRACK ATTACKER' everytime you burst xD
  11. Actually, since he plays mm, its crit/haste based if im not wrong, mastery is for bm.
  12. r are you joking?!?!?!? you've already made one for repitch dudeeeeeeee :c i carried your enhancement, i deserve a banner T.T - - - Updated - - - Repitch can't be so lucky, he's hacking, he's like russians in the us elections :c
  13. And here i am, after reading all these posts, wondering wtf is a Db rofl
  14. DragonBruu

    TOP 3v3

    warlock's damage is not bugged dude understand it, only thing that's bugged about warlocks is nightfall (shard procs)
  15. Except nightfall procs, there's nothing else bugged about warlocks lmao, their dmg is like it was in s15 retail, just that they get more procs than they should.
  16. You still owe me one :ccc anyways if you could make one with this: http://www.wowhead.com/dressing-room#mczk0zH89s8nXE808nXD808yPt808nXt87cyPg808eJz808nXe808nXA808b5R808nXp808Gaq808ylW808 would be dope, tyvm nemigod
  17. yea, that's why there's so many reports about hpal being bugged, right? The fact that he can get 2 ppl from 20% to 60% in 5-10 sec without bursting and in 75% damp is just not real, it shouldn't be possible, but let me guess, you main hpal and you don't want it to get fixed cuz u can't do shit with it working like it should. Yours is a break 2k without being bugged issue i think. pce fam.
  18. https://www.twitch.tv/zarhoes/v/112464451 Many stuff to talk about here. First of all, the war with the fucking reflect bot, like rly? dude this guy reflecting in last second of cast 100% times, wtf. Second, the fact that an hpal can heal himself and his partner from 20% hp to 60% in 5-10 sec without burst in 75% damp when im struggling to keep us up at 20% hp? Something's wrong with 'em for sure. And last but not least, min 9, spamming gate to get the fck outta there, but no, i can't cuz gate decides to not work, im literally spamming it and nothing happens, which forces me to link, that means that since i can't use a gate cuz its bugged, makes me waste a major cd. GG pwow.
  19. Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat). Люблюсоню Realm, where you saw the violation: Cross, but he's from x100 (http://imgur.com/a/pyb5w) Description of the violation (write please in English very clearly and understandably): He was using a reflect bot. Everytime i casted a hex he would get insta mass reflect, same with blood horror. Proof: screenshots or video (depending on the requirements). https://www.twitch.tv/zarhoes/v/112460864 https://www.twitch.tv/zarhoes/v/112464451 In the vod u can see it many times. there are plenty examples, even in insta casts. Comments to the situation (if it's needed). Nothing to add, ban this cancer.
  21. hahahahahhaha love you veg
  22. Is this what you do in your free time? Holy shit, listening to shittyfluted songs is weird af xD
  23. If that makes you happy i challenge you (? tho already know how you look like irl
  24. It's a saying. It's kind of saying that his mother sucks his dick or smth like that.
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