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Everything posted by DragonBruu
its not that high priority, it just affects it in mirrors that aren't THAT often. It's a major bug, yes, but there are others with more priority, this is prolly 8/10 max, if not less
You need video proof. If you can't do it i'll record it tomorrow and do a proper report.
Alright, great.
When do you even kill gargoyle?*
my goshhhhhhhhh, it's a visual bug u blowjob, they will still loose rating. - - - Updated - - - And maybe they don't loose any rating cuz they don't have any lol check the fucking mmr, they're 1500 and you're 1900
It's not a wrong report, it's totally legit with proof. There's a bug, which you're saying it's spellque, we'll see if it's fixed when they apply it to live, atm if you attempt to cast many orbs in a row, the gcd is longer than it should, as you can see in the vid i posted on the report. - - - Updated - - - Anyways in your vid the gcd is fine i think, yet for me it's still slow. And it's not a ms problem cuz i've been playing mw for pretty long and didn't have this issue before
hp trinket. - - - Updated - - - Necro shouldn't disappear, but if you have a 900k absorb and u use link, and necro affects it, link wouldn't do anything to you, and that's not how it works, necro should still be there after link, but shouldn't "cancel" the effect of it.
Because it's not a heal in the conventional way, if you read the tooltip it doesn't literally say it heals you a % of the hp, it says it will get you to that %, thats the reason. - - - Updated - - - Ursoc for example just gives you 20% more hp, that when you change form gives you 20% "heal" aswell, but the necrotic is still there, just that you get 20% extra hp from a buff.
It's not 10/10 for the simple reason that you cannot burst in dark apotheosis, you literally do 0 dmg. Tho its ridiculous to peel or when you're playing double dps, so i'd say at least 9/10
Then i wonder where is your title though, if you got 3k you should've gotten a title, because since s1 all the titles have been awarded from 2950+ or around. Do you have a secret gladiator title hidden on your dk that we're not aware of?
Not in autsch's side, or sucking his dick or w/e u wanna say, but I don't think playing an aoe spec in bg's with 38 buffs and pve gear and doing insane dmg overall says you know how to play your class. Real skill in pvp it's actually shown in arenas, and excuse me if i'm wrong, but autsch is Gladiator as destro, and I don't see your titles, neither your arena rating.
QA Assurance team isn't a dev team, we're just a bunch of guys that are willing to test in another realm, the bugs that have been reported and if they're fixed already. Our job is NOT to figure out if another thing got bugged when they fixed this, it's impossible to do so until you play few arenas or anything and you realize something got bugged. Most of the bugs that pop out of a fix have nothing to do with the bug itself. How could we have known that when they fixed warrior's charge pathfinding, it would also make it follow ppl thru gate? Makes no sense, you'll realize when in an arena this random thing happens, so if you want someone to test every single skill before a fix goes live, stop whining about it and apply for the QA team, and do it yourself. We have no coding skills and no server management skills, just ingame knowledge, that allows us to know whether something is bugged or not, report it, and test it when gm's tell us to do so. Please, just go away, you make 0 sense. - - - Updated - - - Now, regarding to the actual post, its not only warlock's pet that gets bugged. Mage's pet takes a shit ton of time to get out of dalaran sewers, which makes impossible to root the enemy so they can't stop gate if you're playing with a warlock. Also, they get bugged inside a pillar sometimes and they don't move until you summon a new pet, which means you can't root someone in the other side of the map. Hunter's pet bar sometimes disappears and makes you unable to use Sac or master's call, 2 major cd's for hunter. Those are the ones that I can recall atm, there are plenty more for sure.
No, a proper server would be a blizzard based one. Not with custom fixes, nerfs and buffs, that's just retarded.
You need to learn the difference between nerf and fix, really.
Well, database isn't always 100% right. Here you got proof. breath while gate, he uses gate but still gets cc'd, no immunity. sap while gate, gets sap in mid, no immunity.
Nope, i'm not, im trash as warrior.
I played windwalker yesterday and it can be stopped by roots, is it bugged now and it can't? I'm sure the other shit doesn't tho.
With that reword on rogue that you linked, the survability would be fucking ridiculous, rogue/healer would be dumb as fuck with Ace up the sleeve. Just imagine 40% extra healing every 1 min. You can just sit the entire cc chain, rogue kites, activates that and the healer gets a 400k heal, gg :D Cold blood thingy would make eviscerate literally crit up to 180k if not more when done correctly, if you have in mind that a decent rogue doing the standard rotation can hit like 150k, its kinda ridiculous to add more dmg to finishers like that xd. Anyways looks like a good rework for rogue, just that will make it pretty op imo.
The mage in the last game played like fucking trash tho. Didn't kite correctly, didn't cc correctly, didn't even block in the end. Tho the warrior is pretty sick.
IP ban him already, banned a week ago for this, paid unban and abusing again? What a trash player.
you're looking for the achievement at store, not the mount, the mount is http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=98618/hearthsteed
Esta sección es principalmente para la comunidad española que tenga preguntas, si quieres hacer un report, ya sea a un personaje, o un bug, o apelar un ban, tiene que ser en los foros internacionales en inglés, si dices la verdad posiblemente te quiten el ban, muchas veces el autoban banea incorrectamente en mazmorras.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]124000[/ATTACH] Look at diiiiiisss! I give a 6/10 to that rogue transmog btw. In case its too small: http://imgur.com/a/1M9aS