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Everything posted by DragonBruu
Did you even read? I said rsham hunter dk is good for rot comps, not for fucking ladder. As the high rated player you are, you should probably know playing a comp in a tournament and playing it to climb ladder is totally different, an excellent example is method's WMD farming the shit outta everyone in last NA cup, but they don't play it on ladder cuz it won't work as good. Same happens with rsham dk hunter, it might have been good for that tournament, maybe the best, but its not as good as mw hunter dk or priest hunter dk in ladder queues. Now, lets rewind a bit, i said the rsham variation is good for rot comps, am i right? Now, what did you say they farmed? LSD? Did i read right? Isn't that a fucking rot comp? Yes it fucking is, therefore it fucking proves my point, hpriest or mw variations would get rekt by LSD, but rsham variation doesn't cuz its a fucking LSD and rsham is the best healer for those. Now try to play it vs other shit and it won't be as good as the other 2. Now, about the tier 1 thing, i wasn't even talking to you ffs, i was talking to bach, cuz he put that comp as a tier 1 and it's not even near t1, there was 1 r1 team as that comp only, 2 if you count when sharpstorm played it for a while. My point was proven, with rsham ISN'T better in ladder queues, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN better for that specific tournament and for that match up because it was LSD, i've never even seen a single team queing rsham variation in ladder, but i have seen mw and hpriest all the fucking time, now pce.
With hpal it was the strongest during wotlk, during mop it was with hpriest and mw was the second strongest. With rsham only thing you've got is sustain, you loose a ton of cc, so it's only good vs rot comps, and not good for ladder queues at all. They just farmed all those teams in tournaments cuz the ppl playing it were fucking good. It's not a tier 1 comp tho.
Called shatter when played with rsham or hpal. Most people queued it with rsham, and it was way better than with priest. It can be played with rdru too. The rest is pretty accurate i think.
Are u actually proud of winning as shadowcleave? rofl
1st of all, admins don't help with hacked accounts anymore, second, you should present proof of you being original owner, emails, screenshots, account name, etc. Third, you saying it was around 10AM US time, doesn't help much considering that between east and west coast there's a 3 hour difference at the moment. Gl tho
$100? haha noob. I spent almost 1k on this shit over the past 4 years, didn't even notice, checked the fucking transaction history and noticed i spent like $980, i almost kms
You don't even know druid's gear, and considering on how fucking awful that team is, it might actually be in low mmr or something and the dru could've been undergeared, reason why he's pulling so much dmg. (btw i do know bloodx is a r1 war, but that was his alt, thats why it could be low mmr, i don't think there would be a team that bad in high mmr)
Hahahahahaha it was a good one man
http://i66.tinypic.com/6oef84.jpg Lol, just lol, look at the top of the image, 60% damp, and it ended cuz 20 minutes passed? And -12 for everyone? rofl. Warrior's dmg is stupid again as you can see in that screen, hunters can't use scatter cuz it teleports the enemy, grounding doesn't go off when you use a spell, link doesn't work most of the times, dematerialize of mw's sometimes doesn't proc, sometimes it does proc after the stun finished, sometimes it procs twice in a row, what have you done to pandawow? lmao.
Hay una guia para cambiar el idioma, esta en la seccion en ingles.
Windwalkers are already reported and zeox found out the FoF formula is wrong, he did long ago, yet hasn't been fixed. - - - Updated - - - Btw would like to add how fucking buggy hunter pets are atm, i have /pettatack on every single main skill on my bar, but you can see in the clip how my pet is anyways attacking the priest, random af.
Okay, so going to the top of the bridge and casting a incinerate through wall and 2 seconds later jumping down is latency too? the fact that u were behind fucking pillar when used shadowburn too? man too many coincidences for it to be true. Besides, latency shouldn't affect my point of view, should affect only yours, that you try to use a skill and u can't cuz im already out of your line. And as you can see, i was NOT lagging, therefore, in my point of view you shouldn't be able to use skills when you're not in my line. I mean it could be latency if it was like, u use the skill and 0.2 seconds later u appear in my line, but not 3 seconds before you get in my line like that incinerate and shadowburn LOL. Next time don't forget to turn EWT off plz.
still not enough dmg to do 50% hp in 1 gcd
Your comment has literally no sense considering i've reported bugs for my main classes aswell, and don't tell me its fucking legit that an ele sham can kill you in a gcd ffs. Even i play ele sham, and im posting this anyways, so just don't talk nonsense. - - - Updated - - - I mean if the fucker was bursting or even had procs up, then yea, but no trinket procs or ascendance, or anything at all, just pure random dmg, not even a RM bursting can get you down so quickly.
https://clips.twitch.tv/TameTolerantLionSeemsGood The clip speaks for itself but does it seem legit to you that an ele shaman can hit you for 60% hp in 1 global cooldown? like wtf man something's wrong with that shit.
1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113724/ring-of-frost 2. Whenever you jump / get out of the ring of frost area after the mage started to cast, it'll still hit you. https://clips.twitch.tv/GleamingDeliciousBeaverMrDestructoid 3. It simply shouldn't. 4. 5/23/2017 5. 5/10 at least, if not more 6. it's just annoying, fix it please.
1. Chanique 2. cross, but hes from fun. 3. Using EWT to disable line of sight, as you can see in the clip, he's hitting me through walls. Min 0:13 u can even see him moving while casting chaos bolt and in the end hitting me for 200k+ shadowburn through wall. 4. https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedDoubtfulLarkPraiseIt 5. just ban this nab.
Name: Bzpovcocu Realm: Cross, but he's from Fun Description: Using kickbot in arenas. Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/BraveSpikyCurlewOhMyDog
This shit's been going on for so long, smh.
Peeps, keep it on topic.
I'm pretty sure you meant followers not subs lol
Thanks bud ^^
http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/352003-anyone-play-on-pandawow-mop-private-server/ Zeox, you want 3s queues to be alive? Start looking at these threads. full of retail glads and r1's wondering if pandawow is playable, wanting to come play all together, there are already some playing such as xonika, feddx, nepho, jaime, jax, graycen, etc. Reset fucking season for once and for all, give them chars to play or idk make it easier, and get 3s queues going, if you do it right pandawow can turn into what AT was once, full of retail r1's queing all day long. Please, do something?
I swear, if you put noneed, max and pewds in the same call playing 3s, it'd be the funniest thing ever seen xD