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Everything posted by DragonBruu

  1. he howls and no one gets feared.
  2. Si, se puede, y el hack es legal en el server, asi que es lo mismo. Pone tu arma orgullosa o lo que sea en el primer lugar de la bolsa y en el segundo la legendaria, y le das al que dice 20k de oro.
  3. The drinking part is already fixed tho, i played my priest yesterday and it wasn't working. I think.
  4. its funny that you say that xd
  5. 1. Interaction between http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=111397 and http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=80240 2. If you use havoc in another target, pop blood horror, and someone attacks you, blood horror will be triggered in both who attacked you and the target that has havoc applied. http://imgur.com/a/IkcIB 3. Blood horror shouldn't be affected by havoc, it should only be triggered on the target who attacked you in melee range. 4. 04/03/2017 5. Cross, didn't test on the other ones but i guess works the same way. 6. 7/10 i'd say? Its an extra 4s horror (doesnt dr with fear), which is rly important for destro lock set ups.
  6. wrong president lul, it was jfk, thought it was clinton cuz didn't even pay that much attention to the pic
  7. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. PogChamp
  8. They'll fix it eventually like they did with frozen orb, but don't expect it any time soon.
  9. im pretty sure it should work in mage elemental. In the vid that sweetmonk linked, it says that you can use it on mage's pet too.
  10. even a 2.2k team vs a 1700 team gets 0 in retail for a win, and here u get always at least +1 in a 1200+ rating difference, LUL.
  11. Yes, it is, but look at the screenshot i uploaded, it shouldn't crit for 270k
  12. It's more like 8/10 at least, i mean its a 6k mana instant heal that can be spammed and healing for 70k-80k in pvp? 200k outside? it's retarded. - - - Updated - - - http://imgur.com/a/9wYZF apparently its rapid renewal what's bugged
  13. Happens at retail too: http://imgur.com/a/lTCId was helping some friends so our mmr was shit and still got them, the 3 of them are r1, pretty retarded, so ik the feeling
  14. I've also noticed that if you use it and then someone gets into the ring, they won't get affected by it, just if when you use it they're already inside, im pretty sure they should get silenced/disarmed if they get inside aswell.
  15. Where can i download it from? I just looked up at forums and shit and downloaded the lastest one from the official WMV website, but it just crashes whenever i load wow, idk why.
  16. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
  17. Rest in peace in peace? PogChamp
  18. yo i tried using the alpha legion WMV with my legion launcher, and it would just crash every time i loaded wow in WMV, any suggestions?
  19. Is it done yet? :D
  20. Lets say you're playing boomie/demo, a boomie cannot one shot you pretty much, and a demo with apotheosis can't burst, so its not that ridiculous, still a game breaking bug tho and needs to get fixed ASAP
  21. Im pretty sure it's a spell just like traps are considered spells too.
  22. Fam, you're doing it for me rn, you owe it to me, need a hide-chat banner and a normal banner, use this char http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/tichondrius/zarhoes/advanced , love you. - - - Updated - - - Actually no, i'll pm you with the set I need
  23. It's of common knowledge that demo and dk are bugged rn, but please tell me, who doesn't enjoy and have fun at one shotting ppl even when bugged? lol, c'mon, it's fun, and it's an offseason on a private server, why wouldn't you enjoy doing that? I'm not saying it's okay, but it's not digusting to want to have fun by one shotting ppl with a bugged spec, idk, he's not a tryhard or disgusting for doing it.
  24. ayyyy boy you're so wrong, i linked the spell from wowhead just so they could know which i was talking about. I didn't know about that mop.wowroad shit site before posting, since its a rusky site and i don't speak a word of russian. Scatter shot is an old spell, and i didn't know about any site where i could find the 5.4.8 one, im pretty sure ik that scatter shot isn't that one that i linked, smartass, i play hunter, ik which one is ok and which one isn't, just that i linked that one because couldn't find the 5.4.8, it's pretty hard to do it on a russian site when im not russian, lol, just apply for the QA team already if you're so mad at us.
  25. Don't you get tired of being blocked over and over again? you have like 20+ accounts in the forum of a private server man, stop already.
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