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Everything posted by DragonBruu

  1. Gonna restart this thread with my latest achievement defeating a multi r1 team at retail PogChamp http://i68.tinypic.com/2imakab.png
  2. 8/10 Not in english but the song is sick af anyways: Both the remix and the actual song are insane.
  3. Might be a ddos, I can give you a vpn for $200, Kappa.
  4. $30/h only
  5. ayyyyy milo don't blow my cover up - - - Updated - - - I'd rather compliment them than be a retard who calls egirls whores just for being gamers tho.
  6. sexy daddy - - - Updated - - - dayumm those eyes x2 (idgaf if it is in black & white, get off my dick nubs)
  7. Hacks, bots, pqr, Kappa. Good vid, +1 bruh.
  8. fight me irl bih
  9. ?!?!?!?!?!? She's got nice eyes, am I not allowed to compliment her by saying that? lul
  10. Mel, it's so hard to understand you when you're using google translator lul. No, no se puede, perdona pero no estoy familiarizado con la quest, no se puede hacer más de una vez? Si no, perdiste la oportunidad, porque es muy poco probable que te la cambien los gm, y de todas formas, ellos no leen la sección en español, si quieres que te escuchen, crea este post en inglés, en alguna de las secciones en inglés, suerte.
  11. dayum those eyes tho
  12. Fun es PvP, x100 es PvE, las raid no funcionan en el Fun, solo en x100, y la gran mayoria de las misiones tampoco.
  13. En PvP la curación y el daño se reduce muchisimo, sería algo op que curara lo mismo, teniendo en cuenta que fuera de pvp puedes llegar a meter criticos de hasta 1 millon o más con algunos spec de healer. Lo que dice el tooltip de la skill está bien, porque en PvE cura eso y más, pero si curara lo mismo en PvP no estaría balanceado, por lo que se reduce bastante en instancias de jugador contra jugador.
  14. Prueba reinstalando, o borrando la carpeta cache. También revisa si la carpeta donde está instalado esta como solo lectura o no. Prueba cambiar el idioma a ruso y de vuelta a español. Alguna de esas deberia funcionar.
  15. Hey guys, love you, bye.
  16. Cuz marcel's bad, he whispered me asking for some mage classes few days ago, he lowkey gets carried by you... Kappa.
  17. Sorry but I actually laughed at this, just for you to know, PvP is way harder than PvE, deny it, try to justify it, or w/e, we all know it. It's just as easy as to watch fucking cdew's stream, the guy never PvE'd before in his life, started doing PvE, got halfway through the mythic process on NH, or look at Mes', another multiple r1 now leading a PvE guild and in the top 10 of the charts. Every pvp'r can swap to pve and do good, but i've never in my life seen a pve'r get gladiator, lets not even talk r1, in pvp. Sorry, that's how it is, so you calling someone "pvp hero" trying to humilliate in some way, or to make him feel bad by saying that, is just a sad attempt and it won't affect him at all, or at least shouldn't if he has 1 brain cell. Now all these retards will start saying that it was because of Legion that cdew and mes are getting good at pve, and it's true, but let me tell you that the pve content in legion is way harder than mop's, hehe.
  18. This bug is so annoying lol i never know if i got ns or not, sometimes i end up getting fucked cuz im like "its fine, i got ns so im not dead" i press ns, press the heal and my character just starts casting, i get insta kicked by all these kickbotter warriors, and i die.
  19. Agreed, getting 4k honor per piece is insane, btw where's the npc?
  20. I couldn't care less if this got fixed or not tbh, I don't give a fuck haha, but what I do give a fuck about is that Zeox said he's gonna fix retail bugs and this is one of them, so according to his own words, it should be fixed. If he doesn't fix it cuz he finds it's not necessary or aproppiate, i don't care, it's just that, in a way, he's not keeping his word and he should've just said he was not gonna fix retail bugs. Fix it, or don't, i don't really care xd.
  21. It's not up to me, it's up to him if he decides to do it or nah xD
  22. Uhh i think i've already proved im a bit higher than 2k, and you still saying that? Clearly I still know more than you about retail since you don't even know what the term "retail bug" is, and yet you're here acting like a 1.5k rat claiming to be 2.7 without any proof, idk, you're the irrelevant man, just git gud.
  23. I don't need to play retail to know how things were, I can easily look up a video or look for the information neeeded on changelogs, you're still irrelevant lol. - - - Updated - - - If Zeox agreed to fix retail bugs, that should be fixed aswell imo.
  24. You don't even know what a retail bug is, why are u still talking here? - - - Updated - - - Idk if it was the same mod xD but wtf playing wow with a tablet? lol
  25. add my btag cdew#1688 and see xD rofl autistic fuck
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