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Everything posted by DragonBruu

  1. DragonBruu

    Psyfiend 2.0

    pause it right there, at 2m17s, in the right you can see priest tries to fear pet, but it's immune. So I guess pet shouldn't get feared? Unless priest used fear ward on him, which he didn't.
  2. I'm pretty sure that's legion's gate?
  3. the bugged thing is the instant lmao, 282k instant with no cd's used. Yea totally legit. - - - Updated - - - I've seen many more. And yes, it was pqr. - - - Updated - - - And btw, as Shadrissa said, only reason you didn't get banned is because they unbanned all accounts that were banned before December 31st, and since my report was done before, it was ignored. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=205854&highlight=dragonbruu
  4. It's not like a QA tester needs to know about rbg titles on a server where no one plays RBG lmao. You just gotta know about pvp and what bugs can affect it.
  5. Then it's bugged here, cuz you shouldn't get it from 1800 rbg rating. If you read the comments on the wowhead site i linked, it says it was by getting 8-14 ranks during vanilla :/ Or wowhead is wrong, idk. - - - Updated - - - Edit: nvm, wowhead is wrong i suppose. Though tbh, its a problem that this guy got that achieve by getting bugged. That's on server.
  6. Implement a better anti cheat system? That's taking out all the fun of playing elemental shaman/hunter at that bg lol.
  7. Even if he has got a bugged 2800 cr, that title is from pre tbc, he couldn't have gotten it from rbg's. Max you can get from rbg is HotA/HotH
  8. This guy Amiqo and Rabbitkiller have got the title Legionaire, which was awarded by being rank 8 to 14 in pvp during vanilla wow (pre-tbc expansion). How comes they have it on a 5.4.8 patch? http://imgur.com/a/yu3ua http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=469/legionnaire (read the comments)
  9. hahahahahhah you're like proud asf of that rating, using bots, with multiple reports for pqr instakick, including some from me, cuz caught you on stream, yours is a l2p issue.
  10. No, you just get countered by any class with roots, root someone casting a chaos bolt if u dont have kick and gg lmao. - - - Updated - - - Autsch, I wonder if for example you're casting, rooted, and you get either dispel'd or tiger lust or idk, does it stop the cast aswell?
  11. Hi, so lately i've been getting random dc's, mostly during arenas, I just get kicked out of the server and I can insta join again, but ofc since you can't enter cross server once you've been dc'd, i'm loosing a ton of rating just cuz of these random dc's. It's not my net since i'm always listening to music either on youtube or spotify and it doesn't even stuck or stop playing the music, so it's server sided or launcher sided, idk. Any clue on how to fix this? Anything you can tell me would be appreciated.
  12. Maybe? Idk, I ask a ton of ppl for 2s lol.
  13. I love your Il'gynoth quote dude. You deserve a virtual hug.
  14. PM me with the problem, I can record and upload it.
  15. In order to do that, i'd need to wintrade, because it seems like it is on cross server. Or join a bg, but i'd need to be lucky to get both my chars from opposite factions in 1 bg. If it's a bug and the monk i played against is "legit", then it's only on cross server, because nemifest and I tested it on skirmishes and it didn't work.
  16. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=116849 2. You can use coocon while polymorphed. I have no actual proof, since I was playing arenas with a mage against a monk and he was using coocon during poly, when tried it out in a skirmish to report it, it didn't work, so I guess either it was a bug on cross server only, or the monk was hacking or idk, at least have a look at it, in case it is actually bugged. 3. It shouldn't be castable during polymorphs. 4. 03/01/2017 5. Cross 6. 6/10
  17. That's how it was at retail. PandaWoW won't buff or nerf a class just cuz its 'too op'. If blizzard didn't, pandawow won't either.
  18. 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115460 2. Healing sphere's gcd is longer than it should. (https://youtu.be/VZu_CPiMK7k) 3. Sphere's gcd should be shorter than the usual, but here the gcd is like a double gcd. (look at sphere's gcd) 4. 01/03/2017 5. xFun/Cross 6. 7/10? Healing sphere is one of the main healing skills for the monks, and the reason is that you can spam it fast, if it's not working properly, it affects monk's utility. Edit: Adding proof that Milorad sent me: http://prnt.sc/eetmg2 gcd should be 500ms, atm is 1000ms
  19. Well, you'll be able to use orbs faster, which means you can top your partner easier. - - - Updated - - - It's not a buff, it's like it should be, it's fixing a bug... - - - Updated - - - Aight, gonna report it.
  20. Has anyone else noticed that mw' sphere's gcd is longer than it should? It's like a double gcd. If it is a bug i'll report it, but i'm not sure since mw isn't my main class. https://youtu.be/VZu_CPiMK7k look at sphere gcd. Sphere's gcd is supposed to be shorter than the rest skill's gcd, but it's the same.
  21. It's not an abuse to cc you... you can just write /afk in chat and leave the arena.
  22. Will you now deny you have botted, hacked, and wintraded? lmao.
  23. Using envenom as subtely, r1 rogue lmao
  24. Didn't know about that site, will have it in mind, just tried to find an old version of the spell on wowhead but since it has been deleted at legion, couldn't find anything but that one. Edited.
  25. 1. Pathfinding and also http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=19503 (2 different bugs, both have to do with pet) 2. First of all, if you press the attack button on your pet's bar and your target isn't in LoS, the pet won't attack. //// If you use scatter shot on focus, and your pet isn't attacking another target, your pet will attack the focus. 3. It should attack even if not in LoS //// It shouldn't attack the target that has been scatter'd. 4. 02/26/2017 5. xFun 6. 9/10? at least from the scatter part, mostly for double dps comps, it will make your pet break a shit ton of traps, loosing your biggest cc.
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