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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. If you want to see for example if Chainzrow teleport hacking just do /who Chainzrow and you will see if he really teleported at bg/arena (it won't show you anything at chat) or if he teleported somewhere else but you can do this only if you're in the same faction
  2. It won't happen because "PTR" realm have different purpose and imagine what will happen if they give free prideful & PvE items at "PTR" realm. Everyone will play there :D
  3. I think it's better to post it here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=174
  4. Well "PTR" realms as krizp said above supposed to be opened for few months (just to test stuff and report bugs) thats the reason they opened it before 1 year. They didn't open it and they won't open it again just to test prideful & PvE items. Anyway, you're playing at fun realm so yh it's pretty easy to get everything you want :)
  5. 2.9. Re-creating topics with meaningless titles, and titles that do not reflect the nature of the problem; new topics in an unsuitable sections of the forum that has nothing to do with your problem; Re-creating topics with the same questions/problem, if you already got answer in the first thread. Enough said good luck
  6. Srsly can't you post your topics at "General discussion" ?
  7. I know it's not you... Did I say that Tiggar did it? No I didn't so read before typing. Also, Weegee said that it's not you already.
  8. Have you ever shared any account info with a friend?
  9. ha ha ha yeee so funny... When you will understand that sharing personal infos in forums isn't cool? Imagine how would you act if they do that to you.
  10. The only bad thing with MoP was that some specs in some patches were too op.
  11. Cap reset days can be found here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=106354 If you play at fun realm sadly they stopped to reset cap at wednesday because they're busy as they state
  12. Maybe... Sadly blizzard run out of cool ideas many years ago
  13. Did you try to repair your character from website? Click here >> http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/repair.html
  14. Is this a potato? xD
  15. When was your last log-in with the account you can't log-in? It was before 1 year for example?
  16. So you don't have something to say about what Neff said in your ban appeal... Cool at least you admit it. Well, I am a chill and relaxed guy and I never reported anyone in-game or in forums but when someone is trying to get me banned for nothing yes I will make him regret. If you stop reporting me and others for nothing I will stop too but if you continue I have no other choice. Make sure that I am not joking.
  17. Look what Neff said in the ban appeal you made >> http://imgur.com/k1haE5u (You're banned for insulting towards forum users and off topic in report player section) You started a war with me. This is not going to end well for you. Get ready for a new ban.
  18. 1. Drink Positive 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=65274 3. 2.10 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=186761&page=2&p=1133159#post1133159 5. Drink Positive is Tiggar and his main forum account is currently banned for breaking forum rules (insulting and off topic). He constantly break forum rules I think he deserves a long punishment. Also, he annoys with his negative attitude whole pandawow community.
  19. Tiggar talking about "obscene speech" lol... don't force me link more quotes Btw good job with your new report. I guess you're really mad because Shadrissa declined your report for "moderating" yesterday right? Keep reporting me everyday thats the only thing you can do
  20. Try more to get me banned. You already got your answer from Shadrissa today >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=186523&page=3&p=1132531#post1132531 This report shows that you disrespect pandawow staff and their decisions.
  21. Edited screen shots aren't acceptable. Replace them asap with unedited screen shots otherwise your report will get denied.
  22. Wow that was fast... T-h-a-n-k y-o-u
  23. Huge facepalm for you Tiggar. Thank you Zeox
  24. Nice!! If you fix Wild Mushroom in the next changelog I will give you a big kiss xD
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