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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Jegerm


    That mages at retail had good damage?
  2. Gather few screen shots and report him maybe he could get a ban.
  3. So rerolling war at Legion? xD
  4. Did you try to fix your character from webiste?
  5. Really if GM's decline this report the situation will be worse because then all monks will use paralysis without second thought
  6. Your posts are everywhere in forums mate just chill :D
  7. Zeox handle this arena season lets see :)
  8. Already reported >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=186030
  9. Yeah I play monk too and I am not sure if I have to queue arena or no but the bug is already reported in "bug tracker" lets see...
  10. As author try to p.m. Juster or Zeox and ask them to check your topic
  11. You just need to learn to use your defensives abilities at the right time and maybe learn to kite better... yes even if you duel but keep in mind that fire mages got crazy burst so don't complain. As others said there is nothing "illegal" here.
  12. Yeah but still abilities & passives are in Russian... anyway +1 for the effort xD
  13. Don't worry "bug abuse" ban nowadays is 1 day ban so even if you get banned it's not a big deal and you can unban your char with 20 bonuses I think. Sweet pandawow unban system
  14. You need to follow the format otherwise an admin/dev will deny your report. Format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796
  15. As they state "they have more important things to do" but what more important from wintraders. Okey major PvP bugs are important as well but this is 10/10 issue for sure.
  16. If quest is bugged create a new thread here >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175
  17. I support your suggestion man it will help to deal with wintraders for sure but probably they won't do it because they don't have time as Zeox stated before a couple of days. Tbh if GM's/admins wanted to have no wintraders in the server we would barely see someone who wintrading in pandawow... except from those how got unlimited bonuses and they can unban their chars. So my opinion is that they don't really care for this issue since as we can all see GM's replying after 1+ month at threads who has to do with "wintrading issues". - Support
  18. Told you many times if you have nothing important to post just don't post at all. Get your negative attitude and walk away.
  19. Did you try to find the e-mail at "Spam"?
  20. I support your suggestion Kroz if GM's aren't busy enough they have to do it for sure
  21. I see... before 7-8 mins cross realm lagged a bit and I went to 300 ms but I didn't kicked out like you did hmm strange I usually play with 60-70 ms
  22. Or just your internet connection today is weak Try to restart your router maybe it gonna help
  23. Follow the format >> http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  24. Wrong section & be patient
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