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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Wrong section you need to open a new thread at other problems. Closed
  2. Not according to rules. Read the rules for how to report a bug. Declined
  3. Most likely, some of your files are corrupted. Therefore, if what Weegee said didn't work you need to download full client again and do a force re-check when your download will finish. Let us know if it worked.
  4. Jegerm

    pve guild's?

    Deleted all the off topic. Is it so hard to ignore each other? This is your warning if you continue you will both get banned.
  5. Player Drhannibal exists at x100 http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-5816105.html but somehow when you're at Röwenn's profile it shows Drhannibal arena logs. I think it's website issue but it only happens with this 2 players. Declined
  6. The GM who did the ban saw you bug abusing and you pretty much said it above. Just wait ban to expire and be more careful next time. Closed
  7. Jegerm


    No answer was given by the author. Closed
  8. When you want to report someone for insults you need to disable mature language filter. Muted for caps lock.
  9. Double thread. Already replied in the first one. Closed
  10. You can't transfer characters between realms.
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