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Everything posted by zeakey

  1. Follow up to this report : https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=215420 Seems like it got broken again. Today in arena priest was instantly able to go for a drink after SG without waiting for 6 sec. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=112833 2. Every 30 sec drops you out of combat instantly like https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=58984 and allows you to drink. Pet on priest> Spectral Guise>insta combat removal + Drink 3. It was on retail that it was getting you out of combat. Which is OK to keep on here since we do it blizzlike. However there were a few hotfixes made from making it unbalanced: a. You get out of combat 0.5 sec after you used it and not instantly. b. Once your image is killed you getting right back in to combat. c. You should only be able to properly drink without getting right up after 6 sec after you used the spell without getting hit by anyone and your clone is safe and sound. Demonstration of how it actually should work based on all the retail source materials: 4. Fun/Cross 5. Resource material: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10311851633?page=2 should also prevent your shadowmeld from being able to let you drink during them 6 sec 6. 9/10 extremely overpowered for mage/priest comps This spell is very controversial. I understand people's nostalgia over broken skills but there is a limit to it. We can't just let the best bugged part of it to be out there live without a balancing hotfix that has been implemented later on.
  2. Follow up to the https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=246304 Works perfectly now from a player perspective. All healing spells have a chance to proc them which is fantastic! Apart from the fact that you can triger your partners or any other friendly targets Int procs from https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=103506/prideful-gladiators-insignia-of-dominance or the https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=74724/enchant-weapon-jade-spirit, https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=98164/enchant-weapon-spirit-of-conquest Str and Agility heroes are ok. You can heal them and their trinkets or enchants wont proc. Seems like its bugged only for Int heroes. Demo video: https://youtu.be/VAtEA5LP-uU 0:52 - shaman is staying still, after i rejuv him his items proc. 1:14 - priest is on mount doing nothing but when i rejuv him his wep enchant and trink procs.
  3. Hey Wuvi. It wasn't just orbs. All of the spells stopped working. It was telling my monk that my warrior was "Invalid target". Orbs is just an indicator that helpful spells weren't friendly anymore.
  4. Ye that happened to me many times. however this one is different. i didnt dc nor my partner. It just happened for no reason whatsoever. Unless the other team used some kind of hack or something.
  5. 1) All helpful spells stopped working on my warrior. When my partner monk tried to cast spells on me it gave him an error "Invalid target" 2) As an example you can monks spheres became hostile for no reason. Even though monk was still a friendly target. 3)10/10 Not sure how to recreate. It just spontaneously happened. Half of the arena everything worked fine. We didn't DC or anything.
  6. Follow up report to the previous fix https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=246539 Case Video 1: 5:00 Timestamp 12:59:01 -2 Chi after 9 hots Timestamp 12:59:10 - 3 chi Case Video 2 : 2:51 Timestamp 12:49:31 - 0 Chi after 11 hots Timestamp 12:49:40 - 1 Chi You should get at least guaranteed 1 chi per 7 hots at rate 105%. In this test it took 9. Formula needs reviewing :( https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1420531-MW-Soothing-Mist-Mechanics-101-(and-why-spamming-it-is-best-for-chi-gen-second-)?p=24270201&viewfull=1#post24270201
  7. Wintrader names: 1. Tabdotab 2. Darveider 3. Kazzaz 4. Deinemama 5. Ðøçtørçhâøz 6. Kathannas When facing real comps they just /afk so they wouldn't feed rate, but when it comes to feeding rate their own comrades here is the result... [spoiler=Wintrader screens] PS I didn't post their whole wintrading history. That would take at least 5 more screenshots which would flood this thread. Please just check their history. If they think of changing their names please take to the account their Match ID.
  8. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=142424 2. This spell has way more healing that it should. Heals same amount with glyph or without. Case Video #1: with glyph My efflorescence heal for 8815 every hot. Tooltip shows 3884 ( 3236 * 1.2(glyph)) which is wrong. Tooltip clearly benefits from glyph 20% healing increase for swiftmend direct heal. Case Video #2: without glyph My efflorescence heal for 8815 every hot. Tooltip shows 3236 which is correct 3. This spell should obey this formula: Accordingly with SP of 10083 PvP power 21.13% Passive healing bonus from https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=17073 10% Also gets affected by Harmony mastery however it doesnt proc when you cast a mushroom with glyph. So we exclude this modifier. The efflorescence healing should be... (13965+(10083*1.29))*0.12= 3237 (actually matches the tooltip without glyph) Now lets apply healing modifiers: 3237 * 1.2113(pvp power) * 1.1(Naturalist passive) = 4313 Witch means that on live it heals for extra 103%. In pvp it should also be affected by battle fatigue and dampening. These two factors do works as far as I know. 4. 9/10 Trully shines in 3s where people just stand in it like it was healing rain circle. Heals for just as much as rejuv per hot. 5. Tested on fun and x100/cross
  9. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115175 2. On pWoW it is base 30% per individual hot Demo Video: 9 hot ticks and only one chi generated :( 3. Shooting mist should have 30% chance on cast, and 15% increased chance to gain Chi for every Tick that did not proc Chi generation. Official Spell description from 5.4 patch: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1251599-The-Serpent%E2%80%99s-Accord-A-Mistweaver-PvE-Guide-5-4 Meaning that If you use Shooting Mist on someone, you have 30% chance to instantly gain 1 chi, if you dont, your next healing tick from it will have 15% more until it procs and gives 1 chi, than It resets to 30%. for the next tick. So the average proc rate for Chi per tick if none of the ticks procs would be follow: First insta cast Tick 1: 30% Tick 2 : 45% Tick 3 : 60% Tick 4 : 75% Tick 5 : 90% Tick 6 : 105% (100% proc chance) Tick 7 ; 30% (back to 30% after a proc) Tick 8 : 45% Tick 9 : 60% ... Scenario Example: -first insta cast healing tick, 30% chance to gain chi - no proc -second healing tick, 45% - no proc -third healing tick 60% -Proc! +1 Chi -fourth healing tick 30% - no proc -fifth healing tick 45% - Proc! +1 Chi -sixth healing tick 30% chance.. and so on... Average Chi gain per full channel of Shooting mist is 2.8 chi ~ 3 chi. 4. x100 / xFUN / xCross 5. 9/10
  10. 1) Party bug 2) part1 turns hostile after i got disconnected. I cant use 70% of my spells on my partner. Only smart mechanic and AOE heals work. No dispels nor any utility :( Demonstration video: 3) party1 should stay friendly after I log back in. 4) 10/10 5) Fun/Cross
  11. Feel free to make a renew haste breakpoint bug report Matroskin. This report isn't about that :(
  12. Thread name was meant to be *Doesn't ignore LoS. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115176 2. Doesn't ignore line of sight Demo Video: 3. Should ignore line of sight. Suppose to have same magnet mechanic as grounding totem. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/238203-batens-mistweaver-monk-guide/ https://www.noob-club.ru/index.php?topic=20904.0 4. x100 5. 8/10 very important against affliction warlocks or any other spell cleaves.
  13. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=139/renew 2. Initial direct 15% heal of total hot heal gets increased by another 15% after it has already been applied to the hots. 3. Case example Video: So during renew I do 4 hots x 3156 heal each. So 4 x 3156(with already added 1.15 renew multiplier healing from rapid renewal)=12624. So initial heal from rapid renewal should be 12624 x 0.15 = 1893 On pandawow it is 1893 x 1.15(second time) = 2176 Initial heal should not be increased by 15% renew healing since it has been derived from total hot healing that has already benefited from 15% increased healing. 4. Fun/Cross 5. 8/10 it scales pretty high up with gear
  14. erm... no, it should not. Percentage based heals very rarely benefit from modifiers.
  15. Auto attack damage bro. not skill dmg
  16. 1. Mistweaver healer version of https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=120277 2. a. One handed weapon part of it doesn't increase 70% auto-attack damage. b. Two handed weapon part increases melee haste by 40% and the attack speed. Should only increase attack speed. Visual bug. 3. a. Should increase the damage accordingly to the formula (wep dps + AP dps) * 1.7(from way of the monk passive) = what it should be As you can see on the screen shot on pandawow only the (wep dps + AP dps) is working but the 1.7 multiplier is ignored. So the Pridful mace dps is 2740 + 1803(of the 25245AP) = 4543 which you can see on the screenshot. To make it look like it is suppose to we need to multiply that 4543 * 1.7 = 7723.1 - this is what it should be in this case scenario. b. The two handed weapon part 40% melee haste increase shouldn't be shown in melee box. Apart from the visual inconsistency this is purely cosmetic bug that doesn't affect game balance. It could have been exploitable if that 40% was contributing to WW monk energy regeneration, however that isn't the case. The attack speed itself is reduced correctly. 4. Fun/Cross 5. 9/10 crucial to kill totems and in general fist weaving.
  17. Why would Zeox combine them for no reason given whatsoever. Clearly no one wanted it. Not to mention Zeox said himself and I quote: " 3v3 soloque will be separate from 3v3 premade. I don't want let premade 3v3 teams to farm soloque players and get rating / titles etc." So is it ok now for best buds premade, discord, addon, geared up to their teeth best comp setup teams to "Farm" soloque random people who probably don't even speak the same language? There is no logic or any sense in this change whatsoever. If you do make a change to something that you were against yourself and the majority of the server - there certainly has to be a mind blowing explanation for it. There is even a separate ladder for Solo 3v3. Why is it then? If a random party beats a freaking god premade 3v3 they should get a freaking 3 times more rate and be on the same ladder as the premade 3v3 is. It takes WAY more skill to beat a premade with randoms. I am sure everyone gets it. I for once find it pretty hard to make new game friends. And I managed to get so many during 3v3 "solo" ques on other private server that actually do make it SOLO. Not to mention it is extremely misleading for the new players who genuinely thing that "solo" 3v3 is actually Solo. Is that what you really want pwow? Game based on lies? People q 3v3 solo and wait for their turn to come, but it will never come due to the fact that there actually two premade teams(4dps/2heals) and you(5th dps) just wait there like a stood up girl on a date for hours because things on here aren't what they seem. And giving our titles to those who farm randoms who queue solo 3s is just a complete joke.
  18. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=125355/healing-sphere 2. doesn't heal you when you torpedo, roll, flying serpent kick, warrior charge, feral charge, disengage, warlock leap and other similar abilities. Or if you get gripped by priest or a dk and you get pulled through the speheres, they still wont heal you :( 3. Healing sphere should heal anything that goes through them no matter what speed they have. 4. Fun/Cross 5. 9/10 Example #2 Death Grip interaction: - fail Example #3 Demonic Leap interaction: - fail Exaple #4 Intervene intercation: - fail
  19. 1) 3v3 solo queue and 3v3 premade queue 2) Solo queue 3v3 noobs feed free rate and titles to premade 3v3 teams. 3) According to Zeox 3v3 solo should only be matched up with other solo 3v3 teams. 4)10/10 5) Fun/Cross
  20. Thnx neff. Im sure you will do a great job ;)
  21. a.)So during Pridful 5.4.8 season in arena monks Jade lighting does 12,002 non crit turning it in to 11021 eminence healing(~92% of dot damage) With a crit of 24,725 it turns in to 22,703 (~92% of dot damage) Video proof: (~92% of dot damage) (Pridful season) b.)So during Grevious 5.4 season in arena monks Jade lighting does 18,387 crit turning it in to 16,372 eminence healing(~90% of dot damage) (~90% of dot damage) (Grievous season) On pandawow: Jade lighting damage 10248 turns in to 5180 eminence healing (~50% of dot damage) Jade lighting crit damage 21110 turns in to 10611 eminence healing (~50% of dot damage) As you can see that there is a significant difference. in healing between retail and pandawow. Please look in to formula once again, if you cant figure it out please adjust the eminence healing multipliers by x0.91 of dealt damage by monk and Xuen tiger accordingly to the 5.4.8 retail standards.
  22. Happened on me 100000 times. Beats the whole point of dispelling frost nova since you going to be deepfrozen regardless :(
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