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Everything posted by Worstworld

  1. The thread is about Enter arena> enter combat> leave combat> leave arena = No deserter, if you dont understand this, you shouldnt comment.
  2. No problem on posting here, but i would recomend you to post in this area: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=250
  3. Name of the not working things: NEW MORPHER And Illusion Whats wrong: When you join a flying/riding mount, you loose the effect and buff. How it should be: The buff and visual should stay even after mount up. Realm: Cross/Xfun Date: 10/16/2017 - Today Priority: N/A No priority, just visual bug.
  4. Thought it was regarding to the example, comparing both mmr's this is the max rating that could be won. My fault, thanks for advice.
  5. BUMP, Got some threads here with example formulas that can help. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/720492-Guide-Match-Making-Rating-(MMR) https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/4063168186 Also i got a friend that got 2500 with 30 wins in 3s on retail, gonna search his armory on webarchive to edit here.
  6. Olá, infortunamente ainda não possuimos staff brasileira capaz de gerar esses tipos de requerimento, sugiro que traduza para inglês e mande para o PM do Zeox ( Dono do servidor) Ou crie o mesmo tópico nessa área em inglês também, quaisquer dúvidas me contate por aqui, ou no discord official do pandawow, Worstworld#1991 Abraços Machmollo.
  7. Its on DEV's prioritary to-do list. No doubts that they are working on it.
  8. Fixed.
  9. Worstworld

    cloak and dagger

    Was fixed areadly, wait for update. You areadly made 3 threads of this in a week, it got fixed and tested yesterday. Stop multi threading or you gonna be punished.
  10. Fixed for world Fixed for World Wargames 2v2, cross QA is off.
  11. Still persists. If you heal a target with Ascendance, Earth shield and you let hots on him if someone attacks him, the shaman stays in combat till the healed target leaves combat, not matter if the hots areadly expired on him.
  12. Fixed.
  13. Needs review, The buff does not proc at all after casting flash of light on target, and does not work. After sucessful cast a flash of light on target, it should proc Glyph of flash of light proc, and increase next heal done within 7 sec by 10% on target with buff.
  14. Fixed for world http://prntscr.com/gv9nzi http://prntscr.com/gv9pkq Fixed for Arenas *Not able to reproduce on QA cross, did on QA world wargames 2v2. http://prntscr.com/gv9s4e
  15. https://imgur.com/a/PWZB7 Could not post the other 200+ i had cuz it started asking 5x captcha for every image i'd post. Next time go back to your Nahzï Country.
  16. an pqr/botter is visible with closed eyes, also i have been called many times pqr and called people pqr just cuz they pre kick a soul of the forest, or even i did. Sometimes we can be wrong, youre right, but cant ignore the actual pqr cancer into server
  17. Ok bud, thanks for your preocupation (:
  18. Another pqr: Sambucca
  19. Was fixed.
  20. Resume: When you enter in cross server while flying, when you come back you loose momentanly your flying skills, making you to fall apart and need to re-cast your flying mount. Topical.
  21. Oh ok, thanks. Then just missing then.
  22. Some of those spells were areadly fixed on some of your previous reports, wait for Server update. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217989&highlight=Flash+light
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