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Everything posted by Worstworld

  1. So what you are saying its bugged is that its not working? Like deep > into deterrence should get dmg and its not getting?
  2. Also, atm aimed shot hits for 60k in leather etc.. with lucky you can get 80k on cloths full procs. its wrong, gonna search some retail videos to proof that report is true
  3. If deterrence is up, how it should be possible? Can you get any proofs? Seems like an retail bug as people said.
  4. Also a huge bump on this regarding another bug report with same spell.
  5. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze from Water elemental. 2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze Is able to be used even under any crowd control effect. ( When cc is applied on water elemental* ) 3. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33395/freeze Should not be able to be used under Crowd control effects. Such as CC, fear, stun, polymorph, silence etc... 4. Fun world 5. 09/13/2017 6. 8/10 7. Proofs: Used under deep-freeze. http://prntscr.com/gkpkjm Used under Counter Spell. http://prntscr.com/gkpllm Used under Ring of Frost. http://prntscr.com/gkpm1a 8. Also another bug report regarding freeze. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=215705 - Huge thanks to zehÖrn to let me know about this. 9. How to reproduce: If you click on the pet bar before you get cced, and the circle to apply the spell is up ( Click here to see the image ) When your pet get cced, or even you togheter with him, hes still gonna be able to use the spell under CC. Click here to see the image Using under CC. Click here to see the image 10. How it should be example: Should be like clicking ring of frost area spell to use > getting cced with spell ready to click > Trying to use while cced > "Cant be used while stunned etc" Click here to see example
  6. Added grounding to QA Section, wait for spell to be fixed. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=204901
  7. Also, grounding totem should be consumed by dominate mind too. True, i forgot about this fix. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219519&page=2
  8. It was fixed. Wait for update http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=222753&highlight=Freezing+trap
  9. Wait for official annouce before making such threads
  10. Weegee, Same as this http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=225977
  11. Worstworld


    Find a good team for premades (Max of 4 players per team), and queue togheter doing some strategies. Even without gear you still can win.
  12. Worstworld


    It was areadly fixed, wait for server update.
  13. A npc at all that give you 600 professions would be nice, but he said he doesn't want to "unlock client" something like that.
  14. You must use the correct format to report a player I would edit if i was you, before any gm declines it.
  15. Not bad, but i missed the syncronization of tracksound with video. and a better track ofc
  16. Check now.
  17. The best time you guys had to suggest that, was during 1 year off season we had. Doing this kind of change to 5.4.8 would make server loose a lot of players, gurubashi, pver's etc. Due the new annoying bugs would appear. I agree that warrior got something wrong, but atm best thing we can do, is searching for it. Also i noticed that shaman's mastery when applied to a warrior, all his mastery spells get strongly weird. Check this video from bajheera for example, his Opportunity strikes procs once per 3 - 4 seconds, sometimes lower, but its still a big time between procs, But sadly atm for devs its working proper. Since atm on pandawow we got like, 2 opportunity strikes per second.
  18. Problem: Some spaceshift auras transformation does not get applied Not working ones: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=51514 http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=118 http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=114049 Problem²: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/342626768672522240/354971542448504842/BhtbOA-AQp6_yCuUnxHavg.png?width=934&height=585 How it should be: Should display spaceshift transformation after spell arrive at target. Realm: QA Cross Realm/XFUN Cross Date: 06/09/2017 Priority: 6/10, Just visual bug, spell still working by itself. But would be nice to get fixed before the merge with wowcircle.
  19. What you guys cant understand is that, the update to 5.4.8 sould make we loose all bug fixes progresses. even with a 0.1 chance to fix war, all devs progress would be lost and could let it more bugged than its actually, even fixing war
  20. Needs review, Everything about this was fixed, only issue now is that, when you marker your party members before enter arena, when you enter arena you cant use any leader commands. But markers still on players. Should be able to use leader commands even if you give markers to you party members before enter arena. 2►Old group leader still with visual that is the leader, but not able to use commands (leader has been areadly gave to other player) Fixed. 3►When you pass leader, it doesnt show in chat - Should show in chat "%player is now the group leader" ( http://prntscr.com/gaz62a ) Phrase Fixed. 4►When you pass leader, it does not transfer the group leader crown to the new group leader, Neither group leader addictional commands, (Only working Target marker icon) Fixed.
  21. A valid bug report. - - - Updated - - -
  22. The bug abuse was areadly fixed, wait for update.
  23. The bug was areadly fixed, wait for update.
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