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Everything posted by Worstworld

  1. Fixed. http://prntscr.com/gazhdz
  2. Fixed.
  3. Last part needs review. _____________________________________________________ Fixed. Fixed Fixed but needs review. Working: ►Now you can pass leader (not 100% working) ►New leader can now give markers Issues: 1►You are not able to use leader commands (listened in spoiler down below) unless target marker icon. 2►Old group leader still with visual that is the leader, but not able to use commands (leader has been areadly gave to other player) 3►When you pass leader, it doesnt show in chat - Should show in chat "%player is now the group leader" ( http://prntscr.com/gaz62a ) Phrase 4►When you pass leader, it does not transfer the group leader crown to the new group leader, Neither group leader addictional commands, (Only working Target marker icon) ( http://prntscr.com/gaz5gq ) Crown [spoiler=Addictional leader commands] How it should be after recieve group/raid leader: http://prntscr.com/gaz7lz How it is atm after recieve party/raid leader: http://prntscr.com/gaz7qr How issues should be: 1►Should be able to use all leader commands after someone transfer it 2►After transfer group leader, you should not stay with group leader "visual" (should be: http://prntscr.com/gaz7qr) 3►After change party/group leader, should announce to party members new group leader: ( http://prntscr.com/gaz62a ) 4►After transfer group/party leader, should transfer visual crown ( http://prntscr.com/gaz5gq ) and the new leader commands.
  4. Fixed.
  5. Fixed.
  6. Fixed.
  7. Updated with more proofs.
  8. Issue: When someone rename/faction change/race change, player's name is removed from everybody logs, making games logs looks weird. How it should be: Arena logs should not remove player's name after updating character, etc. Should just update the name/race/etc. Date: 20/08/2017 Realm: Website, cp.pandawow.ru/en Priority: 0/10, no priority in this. Comments: Its not critical, just check the enemy (3 players) team damage, and compare to the other team (2 players) healing, if its weird, its bug. If its not, its wintrading. Proof: Player that renamed log, first game is +5 points, His name used to be Digbickxoxo, got rating until 1.9 cr, then he renamed to sarahxo, his older logs got erased from every players she played with. http://prntscr.com/gavv1f Update for proofs: Original game screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/330715694360428545/341601382882738176/unknown.png?width=936&height=585 Logs screenshot after rename of Digbickxoxo to Sarahxo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342610995107201024/348929542246629389/unknown.png
  9. Was fixed, wait for server update. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=220660&highlight=Glyph+renew
  10. A video would help. ------------------------------- Seems like nightfall proc is increased, the most mana/soul shards you have in the moment of the proc. (The lower mana/ soul shards, lower is the proc chance) Edit: Had just tested world: Xfun, In 1 minute i got 2 procs only.. Might be just a cross bug? More tests: First proc: 0.1 sec ( Could not print ) + 2 procs: http://prntscr.com/ga895w (first 30 seconds) last proc: 1 minute http://prntscr.com/ga89hj Total of 4 procs Again re-tests: First 5 seconds: 2 procs http://prntscr.com/ga89y7 No procs anymore: http://prntscr.com/ga8ads Total of 2 procs - - - Updated - - -
  11. After this wave of bans for wintrading, im starting to doubt about the value of this season. Literally tryharding season. Id rather season to be canceled tbh. But its just a personal opinion.
  12. Must try using here. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=165
  13. Cant see any troubles with this. Fixed.
  14. Finished the tests. Updated the Post #21
  15. The ledges are fine. Yes.
  16. Has been fixed long time ago. Tested 08-15-2017
  17. Update: Pandawow atm in patch 5.4.8. PvE Items or higher than 550 downscale to (540) Inside arenas/bgs. Tested 08-15-2017
  18. Has been fixed long time ago. Tested 08-15-2017
  19. Has been fixed back from 2014. Tested 15-08-2017
  20. Has been fixed back from 2014. Tested 08-15-2017
  21. Worstworld


    It has been fixed. Tested 08-15-2017
  22. Fixed: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=209920&page=2
  23. Update: Should be fixed with: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=212057
  24. Update: Has been Fixed. Tested 08-15-2017
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