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Everything posted by Worstworld

  1. I saw another comment *Not blue post* saying it got an cooldown, but it is about preventing a proc off of proc from duplicating. Might have some cooldown, the question is, how much seconds?
  2. Added to the report, also thanks for the help with math.
  3. Tooltip for the Undefined spell: Heart of the Wild
  4. Updated the tests )
  5. Name of the spell: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery:_Strikes_of_Opportunity OR http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=76838 Whats wrong: ► The initial chance of trigger an addictional attack is the % mastery player got. If player got 45% mastery, the trigger chance is 45%. At the moment, the trigger chance is way to high, from 15 hits i've made, 13 of them triggered the Mastery. The trigger chance seems not to be following the Passive spell tooltip, it seems higher than it should. ► It can proc from itself. How it should be: ►The trigger chance should be the same % as your mastery, in visual and pratical. ►Shouldnt be able to proc from itself. (Thanks @Morelleth) Tested: 08/30/2017 Realm: XFun Priority : 10/10 Addictional screenshot: Mastery % / Tooltip trigger chance % http://prntscr.com/geyybp More tests: Total of attacks: Melees: 25+22 = 47 attacks. http://prntscr.com/geze9r Mortal strike: 8+2 =10 + 47 /\ = 57 attacks. http://prntscr.com/gezhat Opportunity Strike %: 29+9 = 38/57 attacks. http://prntscr.com/gezf05 57+38 - 100% 38 - x х = 3800/95 = 40% http://prntscr.com/gezgf5 Tests made with 45% Mastery. http://prntscr.com/gezhsb
  6. I think updating core to 5.4.8 wont fix damage/formulas, but might add some interesting systems: Like, Progressive deserter, first time you get deserter = 5 minutes, if you get deserter again, 10 (or 15, not reminded) ... About warrior damage, every player can realize its broken, but no way to discover what is broken that easily.
  7. Heared that it is: Àscindazxs something like that (pandawow version ofc)
  8. Was fixed back from 2014. Might be back for some weird reason. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=93238&highlight=Mirror+image+combat
  9. Violators: Trustd Alior Eckø Arguim Querataqueso Realm: Fun (realm 3) Reason: Wintrading Proofs: 3v3 Match ID 505614 505604 505590 505579 505569 505473 505453 Comments: Faced them in 3s, decided check logs. My team: Vazir, Dotscriptx, baghu
  10. For example: He reported because the cc on traveltime should land, atm it lands but it doesnt have any effect over dominate minding. ( Keep working even under cc) Better to create another report?
  11. Visual from nitro boots to blazing, Fixed. Visual time apply, Needs review. Needs review: The fire visual is 100% created before the warrior reaches the target: http://prntscr.com/gc35m6 (should have same animation time as the wind created on the back from warrior) The fire visual should be created following warrior steps: (retail video)
  12. Needs review. For PvE. Everything is Fixed. For PvP. Need the following reviews. -Need reduce duration without glyph from 10 to 8. -Need reduce duration with glyph from 5 to 4. Tests: Soulburn + Curse with glyph: ►PvP - 5 seconds in all targets + 70% slow. ►PvE - 15 seconds in all targets + 70% slow. Soulburn + Curse without glyph: ►PvP - 10 seconds in all targets + 30% slow. ►PvE - 30 seconds in all targets + 30% slow. Only the curse ►PvP - 10 seconds in the target + 30% slow. ►PvE - 30 seconds in the target + 30% slow. Quotes: Glyph of curse of exhaustion tooltip as proof: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=58080 Curse of exhaustion tooltip http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Curse_of_Exhaustion
  13. They should do the same as your actual summoned pet does, even copy shared pet spells, like Roar of sacrifice etc.. gonna post a video proof from retail tomorrow.
  14. Worstworld


    Its not because its a 1/10 bug that its gonna never be fixed, mainly about pathfinding. This is huge, not happening just there, at bgs too.
  15. Charge moviment should be stopped in the moment player gets stunned, right? Instead of keep walking while stunned.
  16. You must specify the match id in your report, or post a video proof. I think its gonna be declined. ps: i think its edited.
  17. Name of the violators: Kolovorat Келтузэт Dokkvoin Crovojad Докклол Маажок Realm: X100 Reason: Wintrading Proofs: 3v3 Match id's http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=5891344&realm=1&type=1 491104 491119 491061 491023 490988 490872 Comments: I was queueing 3v3 then i faced this guys some times and they just sitted afk, decided to check logs and they wintraded with some other russian names guys from x100. Violator names were described in the first part of report. My team: Shearxyou - Realdampener - Blackbøyx
  18. Issue: When you say "Money" "money" "MONEY" on chat, you get muted. How it should be: You should not get muted by saying word money Date: 21/08/2017 Realm: xFUN Priority: 0/10 - Dont take any priority at this. Its just 30 seconds of mute, but it get people mad.
  19. One possible solution. 1►Press (Windows + R) 2►Type "cmd.exe" 3►Type "tree" 4►Wait till all oppened process/internet adapthers are loaded 5►Type "ipconfig/flushdns" (It must clean your DnS cache) 6►Wait till it loads a sucessfuly flush. 7►Type "ipconfig/renew" (It must clean your router/internet adapther cache - not 100% needed, but might help) 8►Wait 30 seconds, and re-open world of warcraft.
  20. Nevermind, was fixed areadly. Its another related bug with Traveltime interaction. Can delete this topic.
  21. Welcome back. Bem vindos novamente, qualquer coisa contem comigo, abraços, Machmollo.
  22. Update: 4► Fixed: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=214924
  23. Fixed². http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=156510&page=3
  24. Fixed. Fixed Fixed Fixed
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