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Everything posted by WorstWarriorNA

  1. Can you apply the season already? Forget about the website it took you 11 months to make it just apply the season and then the website DURING the season. What is the point of taking away people's reason to queue? You have no personal gain from that since a lot of players don't have a reason to queue anyways and other players see that queues start dwindling so they don't queue cause they don't want to sit in 3s queue for 3 hours and get a team of randoms who play triple dps at 20 MMR to queue. This new season is soooooo overdo that the offseason on pandawow has already passed the longest season on retail ever which was s11 (s11 was around 9-10 months,the offseason on this server is already 11 months in) only difference is that on retail it was more enjoyable and less buggy. Come on... You're running out of excuses to delay it anyways, let me put it this way: New Season=More players playing=People want to experience new classes/comps so they want to buy characters, but wait how? They buy bonuses=you guys getting more money and the guy whose character was sold gets bonuses. Which means EVERYBODY WINS!! So come on... Just do it for your OWN personal gain.
  2. Orbs being affected by spell power buffs = being able to spam more orbs???? Logic???
  3. Where the fuck is it? You said you were testing it and will apply soon... Just steal Firestorm's site and apply it like ffs it's been 10 months since the season began anyways you're used to stealing Firestorm's files so it wont be anything new...
  4. healing absorbtion=/=damage brainiac
  6. Their penis is smaller by 0.4 inches than what they should be...
  8. "Warriors are fixed now wah wah wah wah wah I can't get 2200 in 2s now wah wah wah plz buff warriors again so they will do random damage out of their ass so I can get 2700 again wah wah wah".
  9. Jk they will never apply it anyways... HOORAY MOTHER FUCKERS, I mean... MOTHER RUSSIA
  10. You're not taking the delay in consideration, the same delay that shows some people casting while moving/jumping but they are actually not casting while moving the cast was finished and then they started moving i.e it's a display delay.
  11. and deserved... it's been an offseason for a year with them saying that a reset is gonna happen in several weeks every 2 months...
  12. An American, a Frenchman and a Russian are alone on an uninhabited island. They catch fish for food and suddenly catch a Golden Fish, who promises to fulfill two wishes for each for her own freedom: The American: "A million dollars and to go back home!" The Frenchman: "Three beautiful women and to go back home!" The Russian: "Tsk, and we were getting along so well. Three crates of vodka and the two fellas back!" Ah Russians, always here to ruin your day! :) proof of the site's existence or riot!
  13. https://gyazo.com/246c94a9c65d7b7203871e22ccd76755 Proof or never happend. (u wot m8) https://gyazo.com/0bf01b9d9a403a15b19a642fafc3d58d
  14. It's been a week... Where's the website? Zeox are you even trying? or is your job basically viewing forum reports and saying :"We will fix them" or "Fixed check after update" then go afk for 2 months till Firestorm or Warmane patch those bugs and then take the files and copy paste them to the server? And when in the shit is the season starting???? IT'S BEEN ALMOST A YEAR, LIKE DAFUCK. Don't start wondering why players are leaving when they don't even have a reason to stay in the FIRST PLACE! I'd suggest resigning and giving someone competent to do your job I guarntee the server will benefit from this.
  15. "(could possibly be a visual bug. Not sure...)"
  16. Look at the video plz. Ok first of all let me correct you, horn of winter doesn't do anything other than rebuff your team and generates runic power and that's why I used it. Secondly necrotics have nothing to do with it I just have a macro that combines necro with blood tap, which I have been using since the begining of MoP on retail. Thirdly Dks here do spam necrotic like they depend on it to breathe. And I've been playing dk since 2008 FYI.
  17. Usually 2 seconds per 5 stacks used, and since in unholy presence your rune cooldown is 6-7 seconds and in blood it's 8-9 it's a pretty big deal.
  18. wrong place.
  19. If your brain is too slow to understand what's going on I'd suggest not to comment in the first place.
  20. DK Rune Bar and Blood Tap Fun/Cross When you use blood tap you get a blood rune for a fully depleted frost/unholy/blood rune (this part is fine), also any other rune that is on cooldown gets a 1-2 second cooldown reduction if blood tap is used. Should only give you the death rune for a FULLY depleted rune of any kind. (could possibly be a visual bug. Not sure...) 8/10 \ 3/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_UUHuknX7o
  21. I'm not in QA... If you weren't as dumb as a bat flying backwards you would have noticed it. You're a disgrace and you're english is as well I'd suggest you just give up before you make a bigger fool of yourself (if possible after your comments)
  22. What do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeean. Plz take some english lessons this is just a joke, no not the report your english is a joke.
  23. This whole report in a nutshell: "may kles iz byugd, du now demej pliz baf worior slem"
  24. I'm not from the QA squad and I want to tell you that you're wrong. And to kill yourself :wink:
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