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Everything posted by Halta

  1. Name: https://db.pandawow.me/?item=42753 Problem: The glyph makes it so the last two icicles generated by any ability it effects (Frostbolt, Frostfire bolt etc), to be WAY stronger than they should be. The first icicle generated out of the three is normal damage. Date: 2024-03-08 Realm: x100 Test done with 26.9% mastery, only the first icicle out of three is doing proper damage:
  2. Name: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=20066 Problem: Repentance breaks from ANY HoT spell ticks (Rejuvenation, Renewing mist etc.) Date: 2024-03-01 Realm: x100
  3. Halta


    Name: Blink Problem: Sometimes when you blink a stun, you remain stunned. Date: 19/1/19 Realm: Cross Priority: 6/10 https://clips.twitch.tv/WanderingObliviousSowBrokeBack
  4. Bumperino
  5. Name: Sacred Shield Problem: While SS is up on anyone in your group who is in combat, you stay in combat aswell. How it should work: Once SS is casted, it should be independent from the paladin in relations to combat. Date: 18/1/19 Realm: Cross Priority: 6/10 https://clips.twitch.tv/ArbitraryPlainSageBIRB https://clips.twitch.tv/DaintyResourcefulDinosaurKreygasm
  6. Name: Infusion of Light Problem: Sometimes very rarely, IoL stops working completely. The buff stays up but your cast time is not decreased. Date: 18/1/19 Realm: Cross Priority: 7/10 https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulReliableStrawberryTBCheesePull Old report: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=239369
  7. Apparently it also deflects pet's Nova https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringGrossSalamanderSquadGoals
  8. humpty bumpty
  9. Name: Sparring Problem: When Sparring with the glyph for magic, you can deflect Ice Ward and pet Nova (only on cross). How it should work: Ice Ward should not be deflected by sparring as it's an AoE unlike for example Blood Horror. Realm: Cross Date: 14/1/19 Priority: 6/10 https://clips.twitch.tv/LongMushyPotThisIsSparta https://clips.twitch.tv/UnsightlyWiseOstrichBCouch pet nova - https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringGrossSalamanderSquadGoals
  10. bumpering
  11. Halta


    Blinding Light should also penertrate Cloak of Shadows since CoS just raises the miss chance to 200%, BL is not on the Hit table. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=238954&p=1413838&viewfull=1#post1413838 Yet Zeox still declined that report in the name of "retail bug". SoulSwap through CoS should be fixed.
  12. Name: Guardian of Ancient Kings (Holy) (86669) Problem: It doesn't work when the paladin casts a helpful Holy Prism. How it should work: Guardian should duplicate Holy Prism's heal amount. Date: 1/1/19 Realm: Fun Priority: 8/10
  13. Problem: Since the new update that fixed Onuse trinkets while casting, they are ignored in the spellqueue when you use them in a macro after casting (Example below) Date: 30/12/18 Realm: Fun Priority: 6.5/10 Macro:
  14. Problem: Disorient/confuse pathing movement speed is slow, and the path range targets move around is too limited. Date: 26/12/18 Realm: Fun/Cross Priority: 7/10, this makes it trivial to land traps atm. Same issue with other spells like Blinding Light, Dragon's Breath etc. Pandawow: Retail Polymorph Examples: (check center-left) Retail Scatter Shot examples:
  15. Yeah you're correct, found retail proof aswell:
  16. Bump, big issue that slows down ur character
  17. Name: Zen Sphere (http://web.archive.org/web/20140701172806/http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124081) Problems: 1) The HoT healing is too low. 2) It explodes when you reapply it on the same target when it shouldn't (SPELL_ATTR8_DONT_RESET_PERIODIC_TIMER). Date: 23/12/18 Realm: Fun Correct formula (with healing stance): 114 + 1.2 * Attack power * 0.09 (114+1.2*24512*0.09)*1.2526 =3459 On Pwow it does 2632:
  18. Delete, cleared it up over discord!
  19. bumping
  20. Name: Stay of Execution Problem: It doesn't heal for last tick * 5 when dispelled/spellstolen. How it should work: It should do last tick*5 when dispelled or spellstolen (lock observer too). Date: 19/12/18 Realm: Cross Priority: 7/10 https://clips.twitch.tv/KawaiiFastBasenjiGrammarKing I don't get how it can be bugged again since it was fixed before.
  21. bump, any time you spectate him he does the same thing
  22. Name: Holy Prism (healing version) Problem: When you holy prism a friendly mage who is in Ice block, it does 0 healing. It's the same with Divine Shield, and immunities in general. Date: 17/12/2018 Realm: Cross/Fun Priority: 10/10, yikes.
  23. bumpers
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