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Posts posted by Dryanus

  1. Имя по буквам: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57643 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114028

    Как это работает: Это работает нормально, как и должно быть на частном сервере. Отражает "1" заклинание, которое приведением на вас.

    Как это должно работать: Мульти Отражение это то, что делает все заклинания, которые были отлиты на вас в то же время, не достигнув Вы должны быть отражены обратно. (например: Frost Bolt + Ice Lance)

    Приоритет: 10/10 (я собираюсь сказать, 10/10, потому что это то, что вы должны исправить)

    Realm: 5.4.8 x10 100x весело царство

    Дата испытания: 2014/10/31



    Вот несколько клипов заклинания, отражающих множество заклинаний и нет его не способности питомца


    здесь Bajheera (воин) отражает обратно мороза болт и морозильник в то же время с 1 REFLECT


    это то же самое видео, где bajheera отражает обратно болт мороз и ледяной копье в то же время с 1 отражают И как вы могли видеть Ледяное копье также critted так как система отражается "разрушить icelance мороз болт" с пальцами мороза! (это также buged но я доложу об этом позже)


  2. 1. Название не работает заклинание: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=128749

    2. Описание проблемы: клинков CC отрицая влияние не работает! Это не удаляет CC-е, когда используется сразу после CC ударить тебя

    3.How она должна работать:


    Прежде всего здесь есть тема про чел жалующихся клинков: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2086998980

    Во-вторых, это видео о парне делать это в 4.2.0 (катаклизма .. я установить таймер на части, когда он делает то клинков трюк):

    И в-третьих, но не в последнюю очередь, мой собственный видео этого клинков трюк на 5.4.8 (также установить его на швабру части .. первая часть из другого катаклизма частном сервере, где это не работает): http://youtu.be / _JvLZIuF2Nk



    Арена-турнир (известен как лучший сервер для пвп) уже установили это, потому что я сообщил о нем там тоже (кстати, это не ссылка, я просто хочу дать вам больше доказательств, если вам не нравится он, я буду немедленно удалить эту часть! )

    4.Date когда вы проверили его : 2014/10/31

    5.Realm x100 / x5 / Fun (все)

    6.Priority проблемы. (10) Потому что это очень хорошо, что только лучшие воины могут освоить!


    Доказательство Hansol гладиатора мага:



    Sorry for the Google Translate but i really want to show this to you !

    • Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57643 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114028
    • How it works : It works normally as it should on a private server. Reflects "1" spell that is casted on you.
    • How it should work : Multi Reflect is the thing that makes all spells that were casted on you at the same time without reaching you to be reflected back . (ex:Frost Bolt + Ice Lance)
    • Priority : 10/10 (i'm going to say 10/10 because this is something you MUST fix )
    • Realm : 5.4.8 x10 100x fun realm
    • Date when tested : 2014/10/31

    Here are a few clips of spell reflecting multiple spells AND NO ITS NOT PET ABILITY


    here Bajheera (the warrior) reflects back a frost bolt and a deep freeze at the same time WITH 1 REFLECT


    this is the same video where bajheera reflects back a Frost bolt and an ice lance at the same time with 1 reflect AND as you could see Ice lance also critted since the system reflected the "shatter icelance frost bolt " with fingers of frost ! (this is also buged but i'll report it later on)


  3. 1. Name of not working spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=128749

    2. Description of the problem : Bladestorm CC Negating effect does not work ! It does not remove any CC-s when used immediately after the CC hit you

    3.How it should work :

    • First of All here is a topic about ppl complaining about bladestorm : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2086998980
    • Secondly this is a video about a guy doing it in 4.2.0 (cataclysm.. i set the timer to the part when he does the bladestorm trick) :

    • And Thirdly but not lastly , my own video of this bladestorm trick ON 5.4.8 (also set it to the MoP Part .. the first part is from another cataclysm private server where this does not work ):

    Arena-Tournament (known as the best server for pvp) already fixed this because i reported it there too (btw this is not a reference i just want to give you more proof , if you dont like it i'll delete this part immediately !)

    4.Date when you tested it :2014/10/31

    5.Realm x100/x5/Fun (all of them)

    6.Priority of the problem. (10) Cuz this is a very good thing that only the best warriors can master !


    Hansol Gladiator mage's proof :

  4. Spell name : Heroic Leap

    Date tested : 08-14-2014

    How it works : It works as on any other Private server , it goes to the place where you selected in bee line without the "jump animation"


    First part retail second Pandawow

    Priority : 10/10 for the ones that want to make videos otherwise 10/6

    Realm : 5.4.8 100x realm



    - - - Updated - - -


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46914&highlight=heroic+leap "fixed ...."


    • Like 2
  5. Spell name : Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity

    Date tested : 08-13-2014

    How it works : The animation does not work but the damage does

    How it should work : the animation should work like on retail and as i already reported ! the "hit" effect from mastery should do its job


    Priority : 10/10

    Realm : 5.4.8 100x realm



    i'm mad on this post too cuz Zeox said he already fixed it ! ..

  6. Spell name : Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity

    Date tested : 02-13-2014

    How it works : The animation does not work but the damage does

    How it should work : the animation should work like on retail and as i already reported ! the "hit" effect from mastery should do its job


    Priority : 10/10

    Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm



    i'm mad on this post too cuz Zeox said he already fixed it ! ..

  7. Spell name : Heroic Leap

    Date tested : 02-11-2014

    How it works : It works as on any other Private server , it goes to the place where you selected in bee line without the "jump animation"


    First part retail second Pandawow

    Priority : 10/10 for the ones that want to make videos otherwise 10/6

    Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm


    - - - Updated - - -


    Zeox lied and im mad !


    - - - Updated - - -


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46914&highlight=heroic+leap "fixed ...."

  8. I would not call it a rank 1 warrior tho :/ Neiko is the rank 1 player on the whole realm and he is a warr. I have nothing against people saying their warrior is rank one but when there is proof that it's not I kinda have a thing against the guy...


    But Good luck to you.


    tho rank 1 ppl on pandawow : charge reckstorm ... thats what neiko does too . there is / was only 1-2 really good warriors who could do something other than "abuse to r1" :D

    • Like 1
  9. this bug was also on retail for a long time, I don't think they will fix it on here.


    - - - Updated - - -




    He's not completely wrong, warriors along with mages are one of the most fixed classes at the moment, while there are a lot of specs that are completely unplayable (windwalker, enhancement, feral, demonology). It's all about priority, and I don't think a 10k less damage would be more important than making other classes at least playable.


    i'd recommend you not to talk before thinking:D saying bull*** stuff about retail and now saying stuff that doesnt even make sense , just leave please nobody is interested in your arguments , there is no unplayable spec,its cuz you are bad ,,,,, i saw plenty of 2.4k + ferals and enhancement shamans , demonology is a pve spec obv it wont be playable in pvp

  10. #showtooltip Charge

    /cast Charge

    /cast Hamstring

    /cast Mortal Strike

    /cancelaura Bladestorm


    you will spam hamstring all the time wasting plenty of rage...



    Defensive Stance + Shout

    #showtooltip Defensive Stance

    /cast Defensive Stance

    /cancelaura hand of Protection

    /cancelaura hand of freedom

    /cast Battle Shout


    you will lose a whole global .. thats why its stupid , same goes for battle stance


    Focus Charge & Fear

    #showtooltip Intimidating Shout

    /cast [target=focus] Charge

    /cast [target=focus]Intimidating Shout


    it really depends on the situation tho , it can be useful as well as useless , i would not recommend it :



    Battle Stance + Shout

    #showtooltip Battle Shout

    /cast Battle Stance

    /cancelaura hand of Protection

    /cancelaura hand of freedom

    /cast Battle Shout


    THESE are useless


    - - - Updated - - -


    #showtooltip Shield Wall

    /cast Defensive Stance

    /cast Shield Wall

    /cast Commanding Shout


    useless too , i'm sorry for being harsh but its not worth switching shouts for a shield wall :D

  11. http://i.imgur.com/0P1oN1k.jpg





    ^ look at dem smexy eyes


    - - - Updated - - -

    altho i highly recommend disqualifying everyone who got their transmog by Cheat Engine ... since its a hack ... not gonna name anyone but ,that is just unfair to those who use normal transmogs to get a nice gear (Ex ...."the worgen with unmoggable glasses and full cloth set while holding the 2hadn guitar wich is prolly cuz he's a warrior in full cloth and a cosmetic glasses ) .. even if its not cheat engine ... its not transmog ... keep that in mind

    • Like 6
  12. (Officer)Dotliciousv : 2.4k in 2s (Full malevolent a few tyrannical) - This is an Alock right? I saw him yersterday and he is mostly Tyrannical and some Griv. And has like 2050 raiting with +180 wins. I dont consider that as good. If you really want a good guild you should have atleast skilled Officers . So why you lie in the Forum? I know you , Raz and Mini . All stats are True , but not that Dot guys. Maybe you shall Edit it .


    maybe i should

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