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Posts posted by Dryanus

  1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=3411 http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114029


    Run at high speed towards a party or raid member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack within 10 sec while the target remains within 25 yards.


    Run at high speed towards a party or raid member, removing all movement-impairing effects upon you, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made against them and reducing their damage taken by 20% for 6 sec.

    Replaces Intervene.

    It should intercept that attack

    Priority is 10/10

    Tested on Fun Realm 100x Realm and 10x Realm



    Link soon

  2. Spell name : XXXXXXX

    Date tested : 04-22-2014

    How it works : The bleeds/dots/hots work normally but not as it should ... lets say you are spamming devastate that puts deep wounds on the target then the target will never get damaged by the deep wounds since it always refreshes it to the current "max" duration and that is 15 sec ( devastate -> 15sec deep ,devastate -> 15sec deep)

    How it should work : When you (for example) use Devastate repeatedly , then it should put Deep wounds on the duration more than 15 sec ,

    [Deep Wounds proc 1 times / 3 seconds ... so lets say i use devastate and deep wounds is applied on the target , the Global Cooldown on Devastate is 1 second . so the next devastate should apply a deep wounds with the duration of 16 seconds and that means the deep wounds will tick after 1 second ] ("For every 3rd Devastate you use there will also be a deep wounds tick )

    Priority : 10/10

    Realm : 5.4.2 Fun realm


    Proof (clips were taken on Retail 2014.04.22 5.4.7 and on Pandawow Fun) :



  3. Hello,

    Here we go again...Before you make a new post on bug tracker take a look here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796

    Last post about this was http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=53846

    Have a nice day.


    Also i see here some false information




    1. bleed damage in MOP is not reduce by armor.

    2. Read http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/10311851426

    "Yea, I vanished just under half health (roughly 150k) and meandered off to heal up... 38k, 41k, 29k, 35k, 31k... and I died from 1 solo DoT... the warriors deep wounds."

    3. A lot of ppl QQ on forums about warrior damage/ warrior cc / warrior mobility / warrior bleeds /warrior intrerrupt / warrior stun.



    Thank you.


    thank you for not letting me say this .. i would not have been able to control my words

    • Like 1
  4. Here we go again, new patch, LETS QQ ABOUT WARRIORS ALL OVER AGAIN.... stfu L2P your class or stop doing pvp. Simple as that.

    fart in the wind


    - - - Updated - - -


    I don't see how you think their heals are OP the http://db.pandawow.me?spell=29838 is healing like 6k-10k on full gread but the http://db.pandawow.me?spell=103840 can heal more if it crits. Just learn how to play your class, I myself have no problem killing warrior in BGs or Arenas. I just wanna mention that I did some arenas for the first time on my druid and the easiest combo to kill was Resto Shammy and Arms warr, I was both capping a Lock and a Warr and I saw no op damage coming from the warr I was capping with, I was as highest at 1.8k rating.

    you are totally dumb please remove international support and go play pve

  5. Well,I was twinking back on retail,mainly lvl 19 and 70,and that's why I'm telling you levels 71-75 are overpowered for TBC instances.

    Thanx Dryanus for the update,and i would like for you to join also ^^


    All the best wishes and have a nice playtime.Your Thorval.

    i would but i dont have the time atm ... not even for 90 pvp .. i have a lot of shitty exams and stuff like that .. so :/ anyways good luck with the guild .. its a great idea :D

  6. Hello, pls update your post with:

    - server

    - faction

    - caracter name to contact ingame /w /email or /pm on forum

    - level range (only lvl 70) i think is better 70-75 (but with tbc gear) your call here

    Thank you!





    70 (dont try to change someone's ideas when they are already great)

    thankyou !

    • Like 1
  7. Hello, Thank you for pointing that out


    Please tell me if you find here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/10195910192

    any diminishing return for http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=102060 or http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=6552 or "prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. "

    you DON'T because they don't have diminishing return. that's why they nerf them in patch 5.4.7 (warrior was too op when he can sits on casters, special on hardcasters)


    this is exactly why i said "and you ppl play PvP ? holyshit ... thats disturbing" you clearly never played on a working server so far :)

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