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Posts posted by Dryanus

    • Spell name : Totems
    • Date tested : 02-24 - 2014
    • How it works : works fine but the totems are buged and have a random "cube's " textures ...
    • How it should work : the totems should have the normal model (race related)
    • Priority : 10/5
    • Realm : 5.4.2 x100 realm

    • Spell name : -
    • Date tested : 02-2-2014
    • How it works : You can select the battlegrounds normally but it will not remove the chance of getting the queue for that 2 battlegrounds
    • How it should work : Now you can exclude up to 2 battlegrounds from popping up when you queue for randoms meaning : if you exclude Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley then they will NEVER pop on random battleground queue
    • Priority : 10/7
    • Realm : 5.4.2 100x realm

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  1. you sure are new to 5.4 aren't you ?

    back in 5.0 the base resilience was 40% , now with this patch EVERYONE who had hit lvl 90 is on 72%base resilience , thats almost double , your damage is halved since you do much less damage with this much base resilience ,


  2. big ups for this . no private pandaria server has english auction house , and its the worst thing ever

    i personally dont use auction house cuz i cant find anything and i dont want to go through 40 pages every time i want to buy a single gem

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