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Posts posted by Dryanus

  1. Man first what is your ilvl? Do you know his ilvl? I can't say and yes warlocks can do this amount of damage it's possible. 290k? Are u joking it's not even much if you stack crit you can do more then that but since we don't know how his stats are, this is pretty lame. Your just mad cuz he owned you in a arena and QQing on the forums about it that's what I see here when your gonna say some1 is hacking or cheating come back here with REAL proof, omg this aint real u ask? Okay I will tell you a little bug with warlocks atleast this was working last week; When you cast a CB if you spamm it you have a chance of casting two at once and I bet this is what happens so yea it's bug abuseing but it aint the right title and the proof sux u have no info on what he casted or anything just a SS where u live and a SS were ur dead with 290k on the screen just plis make a valid report about something you have the proofs of.

    you are so fucking dumb holyshit

  2. hotfix jk it didnt happen on the lauch of 5.4.2 but it was hotfixed after a few weeks ... its the same as it was for TFB on 5.0.5 geez nerfing stuff before it was actually nerfed in the right time ... now you wont be able to do anything with warlocks 200k chaos spam on 4 embers with backlash but simply die
  3. hoy hoy .. its been a long time ! i checked the changelog and i saw "- Spell Intervene now no remove impairing effects and snares."

    so basically 1 month ago , you fixed it and now you remove the fix ? WTF srsly ... even the ingame tooltip says that it should remove roots ..

    not like i really care , warriors are weak AF anyways

  4. It's just a game! Why are you taking this so seriously? Please be polite with others.


    Tested 2 times to be sure, ingame for me the spell/talent work as on retail.

    (see on my focus target how stun apply in the same time with the damage)




    so if you have a problem is not because of the talent/spell.

    -is because you have delay in game

    -is because you are at max range (and the stun and damage apply when the BOLT hit the target)

    -is because you have lag and/or slow internet connection


    PAHAHA .. please delete your forum account thank you ... "International Technical Support" who doesnt even read one's topic but posts bullshit

    How it works : When used from distance (i'm not sure maybe if more than 10 yards) it has a delay and the stun effect occours 1-2 seconds later


    you used it on your focus that was like 4 yards away from you ...


    -is because you are at max range (and the stun and damage apply when the BOLT hit the target)

    -is because you have lag and/or slow internet connection

    aren't these 2 the same actually ? shit .. please ban me from forum cuz i'm correcting you .kbai

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  5. storm bolt is NOT instant stun spell. the talent have a travel time after the cast. the further is the target the longer the stun apply.

    look on min 6.45 when baj. swap to the rogue and cc the healer how the spell have travel time and delay.



    nah you clearly dont get it... when you use storm bolt from distance .. it does not stun how it should... after reaching the target .. the target recieves the damage but not the stun .. the stun occours after 1-3 seconds AFTER the damage was dealt

  6. which means that the damage to show in the images is correct damage including the 70% Resilience basic ?


    well .. on retail with my full grievous warrior i did 50k on a full grievous mage(my partner) ... he was laughing so hard :D

    but yes it is correct .. the warrior had like 48% pvp power probably .. and that makes 24 % pvp resilience

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