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Posts posted by Dryanus

    • Spell name : -
    • Date tested : 02-15-2014
    • How it works : You can transmog everything that is in your bag(!)
    • How it should work : You should be able to transmog everythin even in your bank without putting it in your bag
    • Priority : 10/1
    • Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm

    • Spell name : -
    • Date tested : 02-15-2014
    • How it works : Random Battleground gives 150 Conquest Points daily
    • How it should work : It should give 150 points daily and 75 for every win no matther if daily or not
    • Priority : 10/7
    • Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm

    • Like 2
  1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735 does not scale properly with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=29838

    I've counted it many times :


    i have ~ 309.000 HP yes ?

    3% of that is 9270

    9270 *0.45 (Battle Fatigue causes it to heal only 45% of the normal amount [reduces healing by 55%]) = 4171~

    Now my Battle Fatigue heals 1881 each tick under the effect of Battle Faigue ,AND NO I DID NOT HAVE ANY HEALING REDUCTION SUCH AS Mortal Strike


    if any further information needed regarding this topic , please post a reply , i won't know if you are just leaving the topic be ... PLEASE


    10/10 Priority since this is the only spell that heals warriors , and with more than ~80% healing reduction for this spell is not going to save us in any kind of scenarios ....


    Here As requested : a screenshot .. it heals slightly more because i had Commanding shout (10%more HP)





    • Like 7
    • Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108921
    • Date tested : 02-13-2014
    • How it works : It works normally as it was working on 5.0.5 spamming Fear on even single targets , ignoring the 5.2 nerf
    • How it should work :
      Substantially nerfed in 5.2.0:
      Psyfiend belonging to an individual Priest will no longer cast Psychic Horror on the same target twice. (that should be (Spell #113792))
      This should change Psyfiend play significantly:
      Psyfiend's value is drastically reduced in duels/1v1 situations - only a single fear will be cast
      Even in multiple-target situations, priests can no longer simply attack feared targets, knowing that they will be re-feared when the effect breaks; they may wish instead to make the most of Psyfiend's effects by attacking non-feared targets, healing, dispelling, etc
      Feared players can now simply trinket (or similar) the fear without risk of being re-feared
      This one-cast-per-target rule presumably extends to immune players such as warriors with Berserker Rage, making the timing of a Psyfiend cast even more critical
      This certainly makes Psyfiend a far less attractive option for PvP. In crowded group settings, it's possible that this change will make little difference; the Psyfiend is limited to 5 fears per spawn, so if there are 5 targets within range, at least the total number of casts should remain the same.
    • Priority : 10/5
    • Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm

  2. Priority 10/11

    Spell name -

    Tested : 2-13-2014

    Pandawow: The monk weapon system is completely dumb . and i'll explain why :

    Look at this SS from Pandawow

    1.Normal Malevolent Weapon with Agility(4733-8791 Damage)


    66k-99k damage on Rising Sun Kick

    2.Totally Random BLUE 1handed spell power mace with the speed of 1.90 (1620-3009 damage)


    72k-111k damage on Rising Sun Kick


    -Now keep that in mind that not only Rising Sun Kick scales with wrong weapon but ALL monk abilities



    [*]How it works : If you put a weapon that has a weapon speed of less that 2.00 then your damage will dramatically increase and that damage should be the normal damage with agility weapon

    [*]How it should work : When you Equip the 2 malevolent weapons you should have the same damage as NOW the fast weapon , and also the fast weapon should decrease the damage not increase .. .this is a bug on all mop private servers since they started but only a few people know about it . I want this fixed cause monks are forced to use 2 handed weapons .....wich is not good for their passive ability http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=120277 .


    Fist of Fury does 30k critical strikes with normal malevolent weapon

    Fist of Fury does 60k critical strikes with 1.70-1.90 weapon


    Tested on LvL 6 npc-s :

    Rising Sun Kick with the 1.90 weapon from the picture did 175k damage

    Rising Sun Kick with http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=2490 did 145k damage

    so basically i almost did the same damage with a lvl 90 weapon as a lvl 4 weapon



    [*]Realm : Pictures are from the 5.0.5 Fun Realm but the bug remained still when 5x changed to 5.4.2 . tested it there as well but i dont have max level monk yet



    PS. NOT a single monk is using 2 handed weapon on retail . here 80% of the monks use them since they dont know about this bug

    • Like 1
  3. Mastery Attack Animation should be Prio . when it procs the animation should be shown , not the melee attack(white hit)

    i have the videos ready about it but i was lazy to render is so if its not needed i will delete them . Please confirm so i can save up 15 GB or please let me know if i have to render the videos if you need proof





    Video from retail and from pandawow :)

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