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Warlock Gateway Gilneas

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1. *Равиин



2. x10 realm

3. These three guys were abusing the warlock's gateway to reach the roof and kill players from there. We can't reach the same place as they do because its impossible wthout exploiting those gateways.

4. Here are the screenshots:






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So everytime I report a hacker or some exploiter, you guys look at it and ignore it.. If there's a "Report a Player" section, the reports should be answered. We don't report people because we dont like them, we report because we expect that those who abuse bugs should be punished, as the Pandawow rules says. But noooo, lets just ignore to protect them, because you don't like me and some others.


Good job pandawow, good job. (Y)


By the way, it's not the first nor second time i report and get ignored.

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If the staff keeps that attitude, the server will die, because everyone that is not russian gets pissed with this and will leave the server one time or another. It's not only in the report player section, its on the bugtracker and everywhere else. I believe that all Pandawow members should be treated equaly, regardless of their nationality or whatever they think we are/have.
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