Weegee Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 (edited) TheOneAndOnly said: You were telling me to go to corner and cry like little baby etc telling me that my brain can't comperhand that.Is that provoke? Your English speaking and understanding is not the best so who knows , maybe you cant understand some sentences (Cant comprehend them) ? And maybe u got mad cause i told you that you are bad at your class then went afk and started crying, who knows (Since you are crying here because you are bad at your class so who knows maybe you are doing it in real life too). And when did i tell you to go to corner and cry ? Calling someone a crybaby is different than that ;) P.S. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of people which start crying cause of frustration. And We can see your last edited Comment so Watch your words. It's pointless to argue with you , you are bad at your class , just deal with it. http://orig02.deviantart.net/3143/f/2014/148/8/7/fantage_deal_with_it_glasses__c2u__by_fantagestore-d7422m2.png Edited December 8, 2015 by Weegee
Deielrion Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 tiggar47 said: International forums ---->Useful Information ----> Pandawow Rules----> Ingame Rules No, you incompetent. Where did he insult your relatives? Plus it's quite ironic that you always comment on Weegee's grammar, yet you lack basic grammar skills yourself and you can't spell.
Hjorhji San Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 HoOOoooOly fuck this is the lamest report made in gaming history, and i have seen some pretty retarded shit. Like what is your point tell me? Are you really that butthurt and tender that you get offended over the slightest softcore insults, like first of all how is this humiliating you in front of everyone, when first like there arent even players around you, the whisper is for you and only, and its a fucking game. How will thiss affect in your life, will it make you a sucide victim, quit life....just come on quit this bullshit, its a game, there will always be raging and namecalling, its not something that it should influence on your personal life, and why do you have to go as this server's lame rules imply, be sportsman alike, dont fall under someone's attempt to troll you and whine on a fucking forum saying its immature, the immature here is you since you cant stand up for yourself and fall under such provokes. This is just setting up because of hatred towards WG, or because cant accept the fact on what people think about your skill in this game. 3
Gigowolf Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Woah, In my opinion, is not a violation or abuse of power say that someone suck on his chart because any persona have the right to say something... BUT I guess when someone is a staff member. He has to be careful with his words because he represent all the server and staff
Weegee Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) Gigowolf said: Woah, In my opinion, is not a violation or abuse of power say that someone suck on his chart because any persona have the right to say something... BUT I guess when someone is a staff member. He has to be careful with his words because he represent all the server and staff Actually there's 1 thing which you have mistaken, "i" don't represent other staff besides my self, since other staff acts differently and they don't have any Hate. But like you said before I have freedom of speech And telling someone that he sucks At his class isn't a violation nor an insult its just my opinion and in this case a Fact. Since i have seen him duel and he's really bad. - - - Updated - - - Hjorhji San said: HoOOoooOly fuck this is the lamest report made in gaming history, and i have seen some pretty retarded shit. Like what is your point tell me? Are you really that butthurt and tender that you get offended over the slightest softcore insults, like first of all how is this humiliating you in front of everyone, when first like there arent even players around you, the whisper is for you and only, and its a fucking game. How will thiss affect in your life, will it make you a sucide victim, quit life....just come on quit this bullshit, its a game, there will always be raging and namecalling, its not something that it should influence on your personal life, and why do you have to go as this server's lame rules imply, be sportsman alike, dont fall under someone's attempt to troll you and whine on a fucking forum saying its immature, the immature here is you since you cant stand up for yourself and fall under such provokes. This is just setting up because of hatred towards WG, or because cant accept the fact on what people think about your skill in this game. Exactly. And thank you for the understanding :) P.S. I only said that he sucks at his class and that he's crying when he's losing the duel **getting farmed** Then he blames it on Cooldowns / Lagg / Alt-Tabbing , etc... Edited December 9, 2015 by Weegee
luisomar3 Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 OMG. Can't believe a post like this. I think u two guys should get a room. No, really, grow up.
Weegee Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) luisomar3 said: OMG. Can't believe a post like this. I think u two guys should get a room. No, really, grow up. Hahahahahaha :D maybe bro , maybe ^^ (But i gotta agree with you , i cant believe a post like this too, reporting someone just because he said that he sucks at his class... wow!) Edited December 9, 2015 by Weegee
TheOneAndOnly Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 luisomar3 said: OMG. Can't believe a post like this. I think u two guys should get a room. No, really, grow up. That is not all.And stop holding by it.He also called me crybaby and telling me to go and cry,which is classed as provokation/mock.And also telling me that my brain comprehend that which means he is also calling me retarded/stupid. Now please.STOP
Gigowolf Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Weegee said: Actually there's 1 thing which you have mistaken, "i" don't represent other staff besides my self, since other staff acts differently and they don't have any Hate. But like you said before I have freedom of speech And telling someone that he sucks At his class isn't a violation nor an insult its just my opinion and in this case a Fact. Since i have seen him duel and he's really bad. - - - Updated - - - ... God damn mate you are so wrong on this! in any corporation if a member of the staff has a bad behavior will impact the whole company, but also is true that you have the right to say whatever you want BUT NO in the game because you are a mod. if you want to act like a comun player, well, you just have to be a comun player and NOT a member of the staff because you have responsibilities and you get credits for this work that "you" are doing here Is just my opinion and I have a lot of experience in work and companies But take it or not is up to you... but just an advice... Try to be careful with your words in tha' game P.S. Be a jerk with grammar is not the same that have a good grammar. I guess you have to rethink about your behaviour like a mod. or leave the staff ... anyways is not the first problem with members of this comunity that you have 1
TheOneAndOnly Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Gigowolf said: God damn mate you are so wrong on this! in any corporation if a member of the staff has a bad behavior will impact the whole company, but also is true that you have the right to say whatever you want BUT NO in the game because you are a mod. if you want to act like a comun player, well, you just have to be a comun player and NOT a member of the staff because you have responsibilities and you get credits for this work that "you" are doing here Is just my opinion and I have a lot of experience in work and companies But take it or not is up to you... but just an advice... Try to be careful with your words in tha' game P.S. Be a jerk with grammar is not the same that have a good grammar. I guess you have to rethink about your behaviour like a mod. or leave the staff ... anyways is not the first problem with members of this comunity that you have Somone got #REKT
fenrir Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 TheOneAndOnly said: Somone got #REKT You seem to enjoy this way too much. That in and of itself makes you highly suspicious, man. Why should any GM worth their salt take you seriously when there are other more important matters to attend to? They aren't here to please you by getting rid of mods you believe have wronged you. They have serious jobs to do and you're constantly interfering in their ability to do those jobs with your petty feuds. You say he provoked you, yet you delight in fighting with him on the forums. Two wrongs don't make a right and you bloody well know it. @Gigowolf, why should he have to leave the staff just because of problem players or forum users? When you have one forum user acting out of line and constantly getting in the way of staff doing their jobs, the problem is not and never will be the staff.
TheOneAndOnly Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) fenrir said: They have serious jobs to do and you're constantly interfering in their ability to do those jobs with your petty feuds. I do because he doens't do his tasks and he as representative of the Project ,staff and core founders.He should be exemplary to Project and other members/players of the Community/Project.Don't you agree?.Not act immature like he did there. That is just foolish and arrogant act from a STAFF member.He should act nice and have responsablity for what he is and should do.Not randomly provoke/mock people which lose a duel. Sometimes you just have to sacriface something to get something back.That is law of equivalent exchange.In this case he has to be reported and warned/punished for the greater couse. Edited December 9, 2015 by TheOneAndOnly
Frostshotz Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 You're just trying so hard. -points out STAFF MEMBER -keeps trying to burn people -uses another account if main one gets banned -still wants his revenge after his first ban Him a month ago:good guy Him now: wtb revenge lol raging so hard over a ban atm Seriously, stop it.
lickmyorbs Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 TheOneAndOnly said: Somone got #REKT for shitz and gigz [ATTACH=CONFIG]98913[/ATTACH]
Cogman Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) lol so much beef ;) Edited December 9, 2015 by Cogman
Gigowolf Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) fenrir said: ... @Gigowolf, why should he have to leave the staff just because of problem players or forum users? When you have one forum user acting out of line and constantly getting in the way of staff doing their jobs, the problem is not and never will be the staff. Uhm I didn't say he has to leave the staff FOR THIS PROBLEM... actually I said "if you want to act like a comun player, well, you just have to be a comun player and not a member of the staff because you have responsibilities and you get credits for this work that "you" are doing here" ... So if he can't deal with issues like this or act like a real mod. with all the responsibilities that a mod have is better that he leave the job I don't have any problem with this mod in specific I just give my opinion as an expert in the subject, I have a lot of experience in communities and I work with a lot of people and this a comun problem when a member of a staff can't deal with his responsibilities and he just want to "play" and act like a regular player P.S I don't agree with the subject in matter but I think this goes beyond ... I just coment this to give an advice to this mod. although his responses has been very defensive and rude but well ... is up to him to take it or not Edited December 9, 2015 by Gigowolf
Weegee Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Gigowolf said: God damn mate you are so wrong on this! in any corporation if a member of the staff has a bad behavior will impact the whole company, but also is true that you have the right to say whatever you want BUT NO in the game because you are a mod. if you want to act like a comun player, well, you just have to be a comun player and NOT a member of the staff because you have responsibilities and you get credits for this work that "you" are doing here Is just my opinion and I have a lot of experience in work and companies But take it or not is up to you... but just an advice... Try to be careful with your words in tha' game P.S. Be a jerk with grammar is not the same that have a good grammar. I guess you have to rethink about your behaviour like a mod. or leave the staff ... anyways is not the first problem with members of this comunity that you have That's not quite true. The fact that i am a staff member i cannot represent the whole staff company since i am not the only mod, there's also GM's around me. And like i said before , Me saying to someone that he sucks about his class ((Since i play a , all 3 specs **Besides guardian** And i know how to play them correctly) Doesn't Mean that i am Insulting or Violating someone, It's just me pointing out the fact about him that he's BAD as Feral. Other Gm's / Moderators don't deal with this kind of stuff since GM's are 90% not in game and they are at forums, and That's why they don't have any hate towards them, Neither do i have hate because i am a Mod and i mute people , i had hate even be4 i got mod(I think i already said this somewhere) And yes i know that i have responsibilities about my actions But my words weren't enough to actually do any harm. And besides Who the F makes posts and report about a player Who's telling him that he's bad at his class and tells him that his Crying cause of it. Man up and l2p. - - - Updated - - - Gigowolf said: Uhm I didn't say he has to leave the staff FOR THIS PROBLEM... actually I said "if you want to act like a comun player, well, you just have to be a comun player and not a member of the staff because you have responsibilities and you get credits for this work that "you" are doing here" ... So if he can't deal with issues like this or act like a real mod. with all the responsibilities that a mod have is better that he leave the job I don't have any problem with this mod in specific I just give my opinion as an expert in the subject, I have a lot of experience in communities and I work with a lot of people and this a comun problem when a member of a staff can't deal with his responsibilities and he just want to "play" and act like a regular player P.S I don't agree with the subject in matter but I think this goes beyond ... I just coment this to give an advice to this mod. although his responses has been very defensive and rude but well ... is up to him to take it or not Yes i do have Responsibilities but those Responsibilities Have nothing to do with me calling someone Bad at his class, Since my job is to answer tickets and mute people **For that i take Responsibility ** And I don't have any actual issues , me as a mod doesn't mean that i can't have any opinions about a player nor point facts about him (In this case that he's bad) And if i am a Mod doesn't mean that i am not allowed to play the Game nor to behave like a player since I am a player in-game. (You are trying to say that if i am a mod i cant have my opinions nor that i can behave like a normal person? That makes no sense and you are wrong at that part) I as a mod , i don't have any actual restrictions , I can talk in-game , i can go arenas / bg's , i can do duels and i can raid and do other Things which every person can and is allowed to do. I as a moderator , don't have any advantages nor disadvantages compared to other people, I do my work which is to mute people which have broken the rules and Answer tickets which were made in-game. P.S. I don't need any advice.
Iamzodzy Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Weegee said: Second of all you Suck at your class because you are bad at it and everyone saw it @ the dueling area. Don't let me go there with you, bad boy. Should keep quiet about people being bad, when you're not that good yourself -Zod
Weegee Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Iamzodzy said: Don't let me go there with you, bad boy. Should keep quiet about people being bad, when you're not that good yourself -Zod If you say so *winks*
Deielrion Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Of all the people who's posted on this thread, why haven't you made an additional 10+ reports on off-topics like you do with Weegee? It's because you're so fixated over him, and obsessing uncontrollably. Just let him go and if you really don't like him, put him on your ignore list. 1
Gigowolf Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Weegee said: That's not quite true. The fact that i am a staff member i cannot represent the whole staff company since i am not the only mod, there's also GM's around me. And like i said before , Me saying to someone that he sucks about his class ((Since i play a , all 3 specs **Besides guardian** And i know how to play them correctly) Doesn't Mean that i am Insulting or Violating someone, It's just me pointing out the fact about him that he's BAD as Feral. Other Gm's / Moderators don't deal with this kind of stuff since GM's are 90% not in game and they are at forums, and That's why they don't have any hate towards them, Neither do i have hate because i am a Mod and i mute people , i had hate even be4 i got mod(I think i already said this somewhere) And yes i know that i have responsibilities about my actions But my words weren't enough to actually do any harm. And besides Who the F makes posts and report about a player Who's telling him that he's bad at his class and tells him that his Crying cause of it. Man up and l2p. - - - Updated - - - Yes i do have Responsibilities but those Responsibilities Have nothing to do with me calling someone Bad at his class, Since my job is to answer tickets and mute people **For that i take Responsibility ** And I don't have any actual issues , me as a mod doesn't mean that i can't have any opinions about a player nor point facts about him (In this case that he's bad) And if i am a Mod doesn't mean that i am not allowed to play the Game nor to behave like a player since I am a player in-game. (You are trying to say that if i am a mod i cant have my opinions nor that i can behave like a normal person? That makes no sense and you are wrong at that part) I as a mod , i don't have any actual restrictions , I can talk in-game , i can go arenas / bg's , i can do duels and i can raid and do other Things which every person can and is allowed to do. I as a moderator , don't have any advantages nor disadvantages compared to other people, I do my work which is to mute people which have broken the rules and Answer tickets which were made in-game. P.S. I don't need any advice. lol so arrogant ... but well "man" who dosen't need any advice good luck with your job is pointless argue with you ... is like clap with one hand
uraganuu Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 "Go cry" and "you suck at your class" aren't violations. The fact that he's a staff member, with the given "proof" doesn't even matter. I'm going to Decline and close this thread, as it's gotten full of unnecessary comments and flaming. If a GM wants to handle this report further, he is free to apply his rank and open the thread.
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