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152k slam, 59k deep wounds, hope this will be the proof that warrior were never broken and people stop with the whining "omg warr are doin more dmg than on retail"!


nice fix.

don't touch warrior.

but may be just nerf 10-15% dmg more for make pandawow great again.

just close thread, because this thread just for flood.


they nerfed warriors so much that its sad, some salty QA with 0 idea how to do calculations fked up everything. Im not warrior nor i have one,but to nerf that class so much is just pathetic . One class is nerfed so that other could be buffed. Lets be real warrior should be one of the greatest classes in wow. But here people have 0 knowlege how to fix things ,how the system should work ,how the fixes should be applied . Rather than hiring someone WHO ACTUALLY knows how to do things ,they gave rights to some random people who think they know it all when they dont,and they fked everything.


For 1st time i see ''staff members'' insulting players for no reason. Ofc they are some trolls and scums tho,but some people do not deserve it!


For 1st time i see a server which is ruled by abusers , wintraders, exploiters = shit people ,who actually have some rights while they know shit .


We can all read how spells should work (like most of you ''staff members'' ~> ''explain to me how it must work and ill test '' QA ) . If they were so good , claming that they know all why the Fk did you bugged so many chars? Why do ask a player to explain how spell should work?


Pwow need people who can do the calculations , people who know how to apply fixes without bugging 5,6 things.


The warrior is one of the greates class in the history of wow [ at least in blizzard] but here you made it a complete shit with your WRONG calculations.

In pwow we have abusers from all classes not only warriors , healers , dps, you can even see tank in arena killing a dps with no dampening . But when you play vs normal player who dont use cheats your chance to win is 50/50 depends how good you are. So check what you fked up and fix it :)

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Я давно уже тут не играю, но это чем надо так упороться, что бы такое вот задвинуть:

  \ said:
Пассивное заклинание Умелый воин больше не будет действовать на следующий способности: Мощный удар' date=' Превосходство, Смертельный удар, Удар колосса.[/quote']

Я снимаю шляпу )))

а здесь Хайзенберг или Маус собираются что то отвечать ?
  Ordkill said:
а здесь Хайзенберг или Маус собираются что то отвечать ?

Видимо нет


FIX what YOU BROKE. Because now warrior became useless class cant kill 400k players ,but well i guess thats what you wanted to happen RIGHT? Because some salty STAFF members decided to nerf a class , so that they can buff another one?! IF YOU Cant fix , cant apply ,cant calculate formulas HIRE SOMEONE WHO CAN ,dont bug classes otherwise you will lose players and donations.

This is not fix this is bugged nerf ,by ''fixing'' - Seasoned Soldier you bugged that class '' While wielding a two-handed melee weapon, your Physical damage dealt is increased by 25%, and the Rage cost of Whirlwind and Thunder Clap are reduced by 10'' .


increased - no one sees that,i dont know what you did ,but you broke the whole class . And at least you can give answers to players if its going to be fixed , when , or if its not going to b fixed . People what to know if their class is going to be fixed so that they could decide if they will continue playing here.


Э, хуеосы, я топ воин не для этого возвращался на эту ссаную пиратку. Чтоб бить по 13 ка морталлом ?

Давайте исправляйте или ебало набью.

Все поняли?

Тогда за работу:appl::appl:

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Posted (edited)
  oneshotx said:
закройте тему уже.

варов надо еще нерфить.


Удалите пациента. Тут секретные материалы нужны. Агентов можно?

/Summon Фокс Малдер

/Summon Дана Скалли

Edited by Veynnzy
  • Like 2
  oneshotx said:
закройте тему уже.

варов надо еще нерфить.

кто диаболик- тот отсталый, кк?

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