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[Arena]Arena frames

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I like it how the mods/gms/admins dont even try to responde. A simple quick response will be enaugh, even if it would mean something like that: "We are really sorry, but we have no idea nor intention to fix arena frames. Being stuck at 2k means that you dont really need them."


this is so true lol




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Posted (edited)

The entire changelog is a joke in the first place. They are making fun of us... They wrote that those fixes cover up 3.5 weeks, when last 5.4.2 update was in june... seriously to whom are they thinking to be talking at? The entire demo spec is bugged and they fix lesser bugs of destro and a minor glyph??? and the list goes on...

Forget Arena frames, you will see them maybe in another future: Archeology is clearly more important!

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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you guys still havent learned.. pandawow developer team doesnt give 2 fucks about pvp , there are so many gamebreaking bugs since 5.0 and none of them ever even get looked at , every time you open a ticket with a gamebreaking bug

"if you find a bug please report it on the forum and wait for fixes"

i play on pandawow since 5.0 launch which is 1 and a half year + and theres always been the same bugs , pandawow realises they make way more money from the x10 and the x100 realm which are both pve , so they dont care about fixing pvp

we waited 5 months for 10 fixed spells allround , most of them being incredibly useless and rest of them being "almost" fixed

they fixed 800000 quests and pve shit because the pve realms make way more money , so thats what they care about , they dont care about pvp at all , why do you think the x10 server was the first one to get updated? BECAUSE IT MAKES THE MOST

MONEY , MONEY is what they care about , not the player base , fun makes the least amount of money because people dont have to buy levels , gold , honor or conquest , they get it for free,

thats why the fun realm is the last one to update , and it will be the last one to get everything , we who enjoy pvp and arenas are not welcome on pandawow

you guys still havent learned.. pandawow developer team doesnt give 2 fucks about pvp , there are so many gamebreaking bugs since 5.0 and none of them ever even get looked at , every time you open a ticket with a gamebreaking bug

"if you find a bug please report it on the forum and wait for fixes"

i play on pandawow since 5.0 launch which is 1 and a half year + and theres always been the same bugs , pandawow realises they make way more money from the x10 and the x100 realm which are both pve , so they dont care about fixing pvp

we waited 5 months for 10 fixed spells allround , most of them being incredibly useless and rest of them being "almost" fixed

they fixed 800000 quests and pve shit because the pve realms make way more money , so thats what they care about , they dont care about pvp at all , why do you think the x10 server was the first one to get updated? BECAUSE IT MAKES THE MOST

MONEY , MONEY is what they care about , not the player base , fun makes the least amount of money because people dont have to buy levels , gold , honor or conquest , they get it for free,

thats why the fun realm is the last one to update , and it will be the last one to get everything , we who enjoy pvp and arenas are not welcome on pandawow


Not entirely sure that is the problem. They have made around $1000 just alone from me by getting my friends to join the fun realm... Imagine how much they make from everyone.


Although this is one of the most important suggestions there are other things that need to come before this.

you guys still havent learned.. pandawow developer team doesnt give 2 fucks about pvp , there are so many gamebreaking bugs since 5.0 and none of them ever even get looked at , every time you open a ticket with a gamebreaking bug

"if you find a bug please report it on the forum and wait for fixes"

i play on pandawow since 5.0 launch which is 1 and a half year + and theres always been the same bugs , pandawow realises they make way more money from the x10 and the x100 realm which are both pve , so they dont care about fixing pvp

we waited 5 months for 10 fixed spells allround , most of them being incredibly useless and rest of them being "almost" fixed

they fixed 800000 quests and pve shit because the pve realms make way more money , so thats what they care about , they dont care about pvp at all , why do you think the x10 server was the first one to get updated? BECAUSE IT MAKES THE MOST

MONEY , MONEY is what they care about , not the player base , fun makes the least amount of money because people dont have to buy levels , gold , honor or conquest , they get it for free,

thats why the fun realm is the last one to update , and it will be the last one to get everything , we who enjoy pvp and arenas are not welcome on pandawow


Enough! Stop being so ignorant.

1) Bug reports are not done via ticket in game, that's stupid. If you had bothered to read the server's rules, you'd know this. Tickets are handled by moderators and they can only give advice. The proper place for placing a bug report is the Bug Tracker section of the forum. Or did you expect developers to read tickets?

2) "there's always been the same bugs" - this is absolutely bull.... and you know it. Gamebreaking bugs and exploits have been fixed during this period, all depending on time and priority.

3) we don't consider one aspect of the game as more important then the other. Claiming "pandawow realises they make way more money from the x10 and the x100 realm which are both pve , so they dont care about fixing pvp" is stupid and, again, very ignorant. This is a PvP server, as much as we don't differentiate those aspects of the game, changes and fixes in content come in based on how simple it is to fix them. If an entire raid can be fixed with the addition of a NPC(for eample), why not do it? It's you, the players, who send thousands of tickets asking for various PvE content to be added and/or fixed. We only deliver what is asked.

4) We fixed 800000 quests because we get full queues of in-game tickets about broken quests. The majority of those is on that list, fixed and ready to complete.

5)I'm willing to bet my 2000 euro worth computer that Fun realm makes 3x more money then x100 and x10 combined. Your conclusion that x10 was updated 1st because it generates more money isn't based on fact, it's just speculation at it's best and again...it's ignorant.

6)buying levels on realms where XP is x10 or x100 more then blizard would not only be a pure waste of money, it would be REALLY stupid. You can get from 0 to 90 in like 3 hours on x100 and in like 8h on x10. People don't buy gold with bonuses, that's stupid. Smart people make gold from scratch by playing the auction house.


You didn't really put much thought into this. Afterall, it's just a rant from someone who's main class wasn't fixed. It's not a problem, tho. Bitching about it will surely speed up things. So is being offensive towards the staff that provides it.

Need I remind you that this is a free service? Who gives you the right to complain about something you get for free? It's like you're homeless, you get clothes for charity and you complain that they aren't Nike.


If you want something fixed, make proper bug reports, make proper testing and proper forum posts. "They haven't fixed shit!!!11" isn't the way to get your classes fixed faster.

Enough! Stop being so ignorant.

1) Bug reports are not done via ticket in game, that's stupid. If you had bothered to read the server's rules, you'd know this. Tickets are handled by moderators and they can only give advice. The proper place for placing a bug report is the Bug Tracker section of the forum. Or did you expect developers to read tickets?

2) "there's always been the same bugs" - this is absolutely bull.... and you know it. Gamebreaking bugs and exploits have been fixed during this period, all depending on time and priority.

3) we don't consider one aspect of the game as more important then the other. Claiming "pandawow realises they make way more money from the x10 and the x100 realm which are both pve , so they dont care about fixing pvp" is stupid and, again, very ignorant. This is a PvP server, as much as we don't differentiate those aspects of the game, changes and fixes in content come in based on how simple it is to fix them. If an entire raid can be fixed with the addition of a NPC(for eample), why not do it? It's you, the players, who send thousands of tickets asking for various PvE content to be added and/or fixed. We only deliver what is asked.

4) We fixed 800000 quests because we get full queues of in-game tickets about broken quests. The majority of those is on that list, fixed and ready to complete.

5)I'm willing to bet my 2000 euro worth computer that Fun realm makes 3x more money then x100 and x10 combined. Your conclusion that x10 was updated 1st because it generates more money isn't based on fact, it's just speculation at it's best and again...it's ignorant.

6)buying levels on realms where XP is x10 or x100 more then blizard would not only be a pure waste of money, it would be REALLY stupid. You can get from 0 to 90 in like 3 hours on x100 and in like 8h on x10. People don't buy gold with bonuses, that's stupid. Smart people make gold from scratch by playing the auction house.


You didn't really put much thought into this. Afterall, it's just a rant from someone who's main class wasn't fixed. It's not a problem, tho. Bitching about it will surely speed up things. So is being offensive towards the staff that provides it.

Need I remind you that this is a free service? Who gives you the right to complain about something you get for free? It's like you're homeless, you get clothes for charity and you complain that they aren't Nike.


If you want something fixed, make proper bug reports, make proper testing and proper forum posts. "They haven't fixed shit!!!11" isn't the way to get your classes fixed faster.


i multiclass for longer than you play wow mister i click on every spell on my bars , ive made so many bug reports on multiple accounts it would take me 2 weeks to count them, im tired and sick of waiting for fixes that are never oging to happen , i play on this server since the beginning of 5.0 and i know the amount of gamebreaking bugs there are, the law gives me freedom of speech and therefore i can complain all i want , ive never seen this disfunctional developer team since my days on cata private servers , this server is so far from a pvp server as it is from being a PVE server


let me remind you of something , lets look at the recent changelog right? how long did we wait for these "PVP " Fixes, 5 months right? lets look at all the PVP content that got fixed since this is a PVP server as you mentioned.




we waited 5 months for 10 spell fixes ON A PVP SERVER?


good thing we get archeology, YAY! cant wait to get my mount that will surely help me in pvp!


and if youre so sure about fun realm making the most money , tell me what do players on fun buy that the players on x10 and x100 dont


fun players can buy : mounts , gear , transmog , honor , conquest , faction/race changes

x10 players can buy : gold , levels , faction changes , server transfers , gear , transmog , honor , conquest , mounts

x100 players can buy : gold , levels , faction changes ,server transfers , transmog , honor , mounts , gear


your logic goes nowhere?


x10 and x100 are also way more popular than the fun realm since people prefer doing PVE (if theres any) over PVP , thats why majority of the server is awful at pvp , even on the fun realm

i multiclass for longer than you play wow mister i click on every spell on my bars , ive made so many bug reports on multiple accounts it would take me 2 weeks to count them, im tired and sick of waiting for fixes that are never oging to happen , i play on this server since the beginning of 5.0 and i know the amount of gamebreaking bugs there are, the law gives me freedom of speech and therefore i can complain all i want , ive never seen this disfunctional developer team since my days on cata private servers , this server is so far from a pvp server as it is from being a PVE server


let me remind you of something , lets look at the recent changelog right? how long did we wait for these "PVP " Fixes, 5 months right? lets look at all the PVP content that got fixed since this is a PVP server as you mentioned.




we waited 5 months for 10 spell fixes ON A PVP SERVER?


good thing we get archeology, YAY! cant wait to get my mount that will surely help me in pvp!


and if youre so sure about fun realm making the most money , tell me what do players on fun buy that the players on x10 and x100 dont


fun players can buy : mounts , gear , transmog , honor , conquest , faction/race changes

x10 players can buy : gold , levels , faction changes , server transfers , gear , transmog , honor , conquest , mounts

x100 players can buy : gold , levels , faction changes ,server transfers , transmog , honor , mounts , gear


your logic goes nowhere?


x10 and x100 are also way more popular than the fun realm since people prefer doing PVE (if theres any) over PVP , thats why majority of the server is awful at pvp , even on the fun realm


Guys, in this list 1% of ALL fixes from 5.4.2 to 5.4.8.


Its fixes from 2 weeks on 5.4.8 after update x10.


Read dates of this update...


All fixes not published, because it's more 1000.

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