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[Class] [Monk] Spell - Touch of Karma


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Date Tested: 03/29/2014


Realm: 100x

Spell: http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by [Windwalker]

Priority 10/10


How it Works: Targets with http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by do not take all of the mitigated damage.


How it Should Work: Targets with http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122470#modifiedhttp-by should take a large or some of the damage caused by Touch of Karma if the monk is being attacked. [*NOTE* Reflected karma damage should be dealt as Nature Damage aswell which it isn't doing.]




http://i62.tinypic.com/30wbfp4.jpg - Touch of Karma applied.


http://i61.tinypic.com/107qpat.jpg - Touch of Karma limit by passed from burst but no damage redirected towards Warrior.

"Damage cannot exceed your total health"if you limit damage gets all the following, remember that the warrior has many defensive which mitigates damage taken
Yes thats true but this was a test duel no defensives were popped. No damage was dealt at all on the warrior. I've even tried in bgs before and still no damage reflected back to the karma target.
  • 2 months later...
It's only...half-working. I pop ToK on someone while I'm being bursted down by 10 people. Automatically, my target should suffer the entire damage that's being tossed at me. Damage logs show that only a maxximum of 20% of that damage is actually reflected on my target.
  • 4 weeks later...
Well ToK is clunky. It double dips in resilience, but i agree it should redirect all damage on you 'not exceeding your total health', on the player ToKed. But it isnt happening. ToK resets with every damage and should ADD the damage but here it just resets over n over again. A lock with chaos bolt should take ~20k per sec damage but if he hits with conflagrate shortly after, he gets hit for ~3k per sec.
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

yesterday a monk instantly killed me seconds after he placed on me the touch of karma. panel damage shows :

""touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage".... 138k each tick!!

I know the touch of karma reflects damage done as nature damage, so when he uses it, I try to put myself transform into bear form, i stop autoattack and i put me bark skin, so it is absolutely impossible that would make me a total of 1380k damage.

this happened to me 3 times

if this happen again, I will not hesitate to upload screenshots of people who know that bugr, and takes advantage of this to win Arenas

Posted (edited)
yesterday a monk instantly killed me secoasds after he placed on me the touch of karma. panel damage shows :

""touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage

touch of karma 138421 nature damage".... 138k each tick!!

I know the touch of karma reflects damage done as nature damage, so when he uses it, I try to put myself transform into bear form, i stop autoattack and i put me bark skin, so it is absolutely impossible that would make me a total of 1380k damage.

this happened to me 3 times

if this happen again, I will not hesitate to upload screenshots of people who know that bugr, and takes advantage of this to win Arenas


Sorry but are you def? You can't ban Ww monks that use a spell as crucial as http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122470/touch-of-karma. It's the only cd that lets monks reset the fight, an "oh sh*t!" button. It's like removing http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=61336/survival-instincts#comments for feral druids. They must hotfix it, not completely obliterate a spec by making it unusable.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
"Damage cannot exceed your total health"if you limit damage gets all the following, remember that the warrior has many defensive which mitigates damage taken


If he would drop entire burst on karma and then pop all his deff cds it would not stop him from dying I did that on retail 3s arena, warrior died withing seconds after he finished bursting me under wall die by the sword+ deff stance karma was ticking 70k on him so no amount of deff can save you if you drop everything on karma.



Even the slightest of damage on karma proved to be trouble on retail, because it doesnt double dip in resi like here its barely mitigated on retail you either cc the monk or not hit him or suffer the consequence. Here karma breaks before the karma debuff expires does shit damage and overall its completely useless I urged the staff to pay attention on recent bugfix but they just simply reverted it from its OP bugged state to again useless and completely worthless state.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Lets be honest , they dont give a fuck about MoP class specialization while presenting MoP + they dare to write in website ''Work well PVP and PVE content from patch 5.4.8.'' ( and atm it's grammatically so , so wrong , ain't sayin' my gram' is perfect , but c'mon it's server's website!)



Edited by Arevon
Lets be honest , they dont give a fuck about MoP class specialization while presenting MoP + they dare to write in website ''Work well PVP and PVE content from patch 5.4.8.'' ( and atm it's grammatically so , so wrong , ain't sayin' my gram' is perfect , but c'mon it's server's website!)





I'm seriously thinking I won't be alive to see this crucial spell finally fixed on this server, and I'm 19...


There are people younger than you , imagine their pain :D

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Seems that double resi bug is fixed and stuff but now DoT resets with each second ! Maybe this will be fixed with realm restarded or something? Probably so because I dont see any sparring effect yet too.. Edited by Syrio
  • Developers
Seems that double resi bug is fixed and stuff but now DoT resets with each second ! Maybe this will be fixed with realm restarded or something? Probably so because I dont see any sparring effect yet too..

All fixes (including touch of karma) will be applied in next week.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
I can't believe my ears! I'm so goddammit happy, thanks for all the developers!


Don't get too hype'd by hopes :P. I'm happy that Zeox fixes class bugs now too , but I think he does rush way too hard....Like if he will rush so , he could type something incorrectly and leave a mistake and that spell would be fu#k'd up :(

Edited by Syrio
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