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Posted (edited)

Will frost mage damage ever get fixed?

Ice Lance http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30455 does 30-50k in FULL grievous (522 ilvl , both offensive trinkets) and FULL procs (5k intel from trinket , 2k intel from cloak , 2k intel from synapse springs , 1k intel from flask, 4k intel from potion + 15% damage from remove curse glyph)


I understand Fingers of Frost http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112965#. are bugged , but Frostbolt http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116 doesnt seem to be doing nearly as much damage as 5.4 retail frostmage would expect.


Ive played through entire MoP (4.3 changes all the way to 5.4.7) and a Tyrannical geared Frost Mage with 5 Icicles http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76613 could solo out any class but MW Monks in 1 deepfreeze. Now Im wondering , why is my PandaWoW mage hitting 50k frostbolts in full grievous? 60k Frostfire Bolts http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44614 with Brain Freeze http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44549 as a fully procced full CD popped (even WITH remove curse 15% damage glyph) Frost Mage? Out of pure anger , i hop on my FULL malevolent (0 tyrannical pieces 0 professions) elemental shaman , and I start hitting 70k , 80k , 90k lavabursts without any cooldowns or procs.


Frost Mage on this server is nothing but a disappointment , anyone who ever played 5.4 retail wouldve known what im talking about . Frost Mages were and are supposed to be one of the strongest classes in the game , not one of the weakest as they are right now . Fix the damage scaling and fix Fingers of Frost, and while youre

at it , fix Remove Curse Glyph so we dont have to boost our damage with bugs since its so awfully low.


EDIT : Mage (4) set PVP gear bonus doesnt work since 5.0.5 patch (very long time ago)


(4) Set: Reduces the cooldown on Alter Time by 90 sec.

This is probably the most important (4) set in the entire game and it doesnt work...

Theres rumors spreading around that mages will get "fixed" with the oncoming prideful gladiators gear patch , which i highly doubt.

Edited by Subhunterx
more bugs
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  • 4 weeks later...
Frost mage DMG is fine as it is. We have other classes to fix and you are not a property.
frost mages has been nerfed on this server since 5.0.5 i think they are the first class that needs to get fixed
Dude everything's bugged here. THis server sucks so badly. Ele/enh shamans are bugged too. Same goes for DKs and hunters. Warriors and sub rogues are fking OP right now. A warrior with full CDs is equal to a ret paladin with bubble and 50% increased(instead of descreased) dmg. Even with the new patch I belive there will be more bugs than fixes.
This is by far the most fixed server i've played in. Sure, it has bugs but it's better than most of the shit out there. If you don't like it just leave, no big deal
The "most" fixed? You mean the "more" fixed. Because there're only 2 MOP servers out there.


I've seen more than two, altho some of them are still 5.0.5

I've seen more than two, altho some of them are still 5.0.5

Yea with 200 players online. PandaSh4n and pandawow are the most popular ones. The others are shit

Posted (edited)

these are arcane mages, ice lance isn't esclusive to frost mages only.

However yes, this server isn't so bugged, but I think the devs and the staff should try to better communicate with players. 5.4.8 update for example remains a mystery, there are only a few voices that say they will upgrade this week or month, but nothing official. The bugtracker also is a mess, it would be better to reorganize the section and exhort players in making a better description of the bugs and glitchs so they can be adressed faster. Certain bug threads give gooseflesh, but the thing that worries me more is the fact there are a lot of almost completely broken specs or classes, and still the only threads I see in the bugtracker are for lesser bugs without any kind of importance. For example in the monk section, there are threads about touch of karma and stuff, that yes, it's important, but far more important is to fix first all the damage dealt by WW monks that sucks right now and makes it unplayable. There is like a lack of sense of priority, that's why I'm worried certain classes or specs will be fixed only within a very long time.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
frost mages has been nerfed on this server since 5.0.5 i think they are the first class that needs to get fixed


Mages are not nerfed enuff. They have 1 min worth of CC, there DMG is too great even in low gear, and they have nothing to cast because most of their spells are instant casts. When you compare mages with other caster classes you will see that the mages are the superior caster class.

Mages don't have to worry about Diminishing Returns because they have many different kind of CC like Roots, Stuns, Silences ect... unless they are spamming polymorf, and on top of that they have a great escape mechanicks Blink, Ice Block, Blazing Speed, Alter Time ect...


Mages are doing great as it is (highest rated players on this server) and they don't need fixes unless it's a nerf.

Mages are not nerfed enuff. They have 1 min worth of CC, there DMG is too great even in low gear, and they have nothing to cast because most of their spells are instant casts. When you compare mages with other caster classes you will see that the mages are the superior caster class.

Mages don't have to worry about Diminishing Returns because they have many different kind of CC like Roots, Stuns, Silences ect... unless they are spamming polymorf, and on top of that they have a great escape mechanicks Blink, Ice Block, Blazing Speed, Alter Time ect...


Mages are doing great as it is (highest rated players on this server) and they don't need fixes unless it's a nerf.

those high rated mages are all fire mages which is not even close to frost mage people hit 127k pyros with gear but lances does 50k-60k max with buff and procs

Guys, please stop comparing pyroblast with ice lance!


"but he did 120k pyro when I'm doing 50k IL WTF BAN fire mages OP OMG!!!!!"

In order to execute an instant cast Pyroblast, you need to score two consecutive crits. This is harder then it looks.

In order to execute an ice lance, you just have to press the button corresponding it.

Without popping trinkets and potions, Ice Lance should be doing around 60-70k damage on a frozen target, considering it's an instant cast spell. That's what fire mages currently do and that's pretty much what all mages should be doing.


The real problem with Ice Lance is in Arcane spec, where Ice Lance hits up to 250k on frozen targets. That's absurd and should be fixed. Apart from that, there isn't any problem with Ice Lance.

You shouldn't contact them personally. If you have a bug to report, do it by following the rules of posting. This guarantees your report is being checked and, depending on the gravity of the bug, it will be placed in a queue for fix.
Mages are not nerfed enuff. They have 1 min worth of CC, there DMG is too great even in low gear, and they have nothing to cast because most of their spells are instant casts. When you compare mages with other caster classes you will see that the mages are the superior caster class.

Mages don't have to worry about Diminishing Returns because they have many different kind of CC like Roots, Stuns, Silences ect... unless they are spamming polymorf, and on top of that they have a great escape mechanicks Blink, Ice Block, Blazing Speed, Alter Time ect...


Mages are doing great as it is (highest rated players on this server) and they don't need fixes unless it's a nerf.


Superior caster class?Well kinda true,but since i play only lock its really hard to kill a mage because of their dumb alter time burst,double ice block,20sec cd on all ccs(including DR) in which their target is in cc and many other stuff(evo heals too).They have silence and stuff,but thats what blizzard made them,so its hard to play them,and hard to kill them.Atleast for now we dont see alot of mages,but if in te future we will,well tere will be a Cataclysm 2 expansion.


BTW:they dont deserve to be a caster class,their spells are almost all instant casts if u look from te enemy's POV.

Guys, please stop comparing pyroblast with ice lance!


"but he did 120k pyro when I'm doing 50k IL WTF BAN fire mages OP OMG!!!!!"

In order to execute an instant cast Pyroblast, you need to score two consecutive crits. This is harder then it looks.

In order to execute an ice lance, you just have to press the button corresponding it.

Without popping trinkets and potions, Ice Lance should be doing around 60-70k damage on a frozen target, considering it's an instant cast spell. That's what fire mages currently do and that's pretty much what all mages should be doing.


The real problem with Ice Lance is in Arcane spec, where Ice Lance hits up to 250k on frozen targets. That's absurd and should be fixed. Apart from that, there isn't any problem with Ice Lance.

No it is not hard to get a pyro as a fire mage just get a heating up proc then deep then scorch thats 1 pyro then combustion thats 2 then inferno blast thats 3 pryos = 350k+ Dmg in 1 deep dont say this is not true cuz i have tried this myself and it works.

No it is not hard to get a pyro as a fire mage just get a heating up proc then deep then scorch thats 1 pyro then combustion thats 2 then inferno blast thats 3 pryos = 350k+ Dmg in 1 deep dont say this is not true cuz i have tried this myself and it works.


Inferno blast+combustion+inferno blast?What if the combustion doesnt crit?


I didn't claim it's hard, it's jusr RNG and therefore alot harder then just using Ice Lance.


Also, stop advocating to nerf a certain spec just because another isn't going great.


As for your rotation, you're missing out on alot of pyroblasts!


I always get 2 pyro procs before using alter time and bursting. Do this:


Scorch untill you get a pyro proc, then get another one immediately(before the first one runs off), so now you have 2 pyros ready to fire.

Pop your cooldowns, Frostjaw, Deepfreeze, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Inferno Blast, Pyroblast, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Infernoblast, Pyroblast, Combustion.


When you combust, you get the chance to apply another deep freeze, essentially going with that rotation forever. Most fire mages I see do 5-6 pyroblasts at most, but with that example and a decent ammount of crit(over 40%) you will shoot pyros forever.


Scorch untill you get a pyro proc, then get another one immediately(before the first one runs off), so now you have 2 pyros ready to fire.

Pop your cooldowns, Frostjaw, Deepfreeze, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Inferno Blast, Pyroblast, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Infernoblast, Pyroblast, Combustion.




I am pretty sure you can't do that with the bugged Glyph of Deep Freeze. You just don't have enough globals. Not to mention how often the server somehow fucks up the rotation, not giving you a proc

I didn't claim it's hard, it's jusr RNG and therefore alot harder then just using Ice Lance.


Also, stop advocating to nerf a certain spec just because another isn't going great.


As for your rotation, you're missing out on alot of pyroblasts!


I always get 2 pyro procs before using alter time and bursting. Do this:


Scorch untill you get a pyro proc, then get another one immediately(before the first one runs off), so now you have 2 pyros ready to fire.

Pop your cooldowns, Frostjaw, Deepfreeze, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Inferno Blast, Pyroblast, Alter Time, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Infernoblast, Pyroblast, Combustion.


When you combust, you get the chance to apply another deep freeze, essentially going with that rotation forever. Most fire mages I see do 5-6 pyroblasts at most, but with that example and a decent ammount of crit(over 40%) you will shoot pyros forever.


Im not complaining about the nerfing about this spec,but that 40% crit is quite alot for me(i dont play mages but idk if its possible for me to get it).And you are a skilled mage so its obviously that u wont spam Ice Lance and Deep Freeze.But i really hate what blizzard did with alter time,so mages can now just cancel it and get a 2nd proc+their cds full.


So the fire mage is pretty much an AK-47 with pyroblasts and goes same for druids.(they can even dot multiple targets lol)

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