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Everything posted by uraganuu

  1. I killed this DK a few times with my feral. However, he killed me in less than 5 seconds(with my defensives up) wich NO other class is able to in such quick time. Had 600k necrotic on me and his diseases always crit, wich is impossible. If this gets declined, I will quit this server for good. The player is NOT abusing in-game bugs, the player is exploiting with external software and the numbers he pulls are impossible outside the use of such programs. Get it through your head, Pandawow, giving clemency to such ASSHOLES is literally destroying your server. We come here to have fun, not tolerate cheating imbeciles just because your policy against hackers revolves around making money with their help. Again, admins really don't give a fuck as long as they get their money. Disgusting attitude, pandawow, trully disgusting.
  2. uraganuu

    Shooting Stars

    Living Bomb no longer explodes when your target is about to die. It went from giving the mage A LOT of killing blows to giving them none whatsoever through Living Bomb unless it's the last hit. As for this, it's bugged, yes. I play boomkin and regardless how many targets I use my DoTs on, I get insta cast procs all the time.(full crit build)
  3. They didn't, in MoP it's supposed to break on hit.
  4. Fire mage: Int>crit>haste>mastery if not full gear. Then crit>int>haste>mastery for full gear. I do this because I'm able to shoot alot more Pyros than the average Joe with that setup. Feral dudu: Agility>Mastery>Crit I do this because Agility also adds to alot of healing power and crit potential. Mastery over Agi is IN NO WAY GOOD for a full gear druid. Balance dudu: Full Crit for starsurge procs OR full haste for certain BGs where you can freely cast your spells. UH DK: Full Strenght as it adds to everything you do. Full crit build is only viable for 2s arena where more bursty builds are viable. Ret pala: Strenght>Haste>crit. Some prefer Haste>Str>crit to add another HoW in their burst sequence. Shadow Priest: haste in all gems, reforge every other stat into more haste. Arms warrior: full crit, reforge haste and mastery into more crit enhancement shaman: I go Agi>mastery and reforge crit and haste into mastery
  5. It's a cheat. Ask Absoluteretard how it's done cause he's been doing it for years.
  6. Those are Blizzard's mechanics, Pujo
  7. No, it just no longer stacks with more powerful buffs as it used to. If you don't see the buff, you have a better one on you.
  8. uraganuu

    Ravage / Ravage!

    Give me a break, that last line you wrote is far fetched to the max, jegermaister. Ferals are extremely potent, even with the bug. The class is so strong it could still be almost just as efficient even with the nerf on Ravage. Almost noone play ferals because, unlike boomkin and resto, ferals need alot better coordination of your movements and ability uses. Same reason why noone plays demonology, compared to affli and destro, it's hard as hell. It's priority should be 7/10 max and this is coming from a guy who plays feral every single day. Fix other shit first
  9. uraganuu

    Ravage / Ravage!

    It's a bug and should be fixed, I fully agree, but it's priority shouldn't be 9/10 or 10/10, more like 7/10. It doesn't have a huge impact on the game, like other bugs do
  10. uraganuu

    Ravage / Ravage!

    Yes, it does low damage, but it's not a crucial bug. Also, saying ferals don't do damage is absurd and everyone knows it. Here's a few samples of what a decent feral can dish out in terms of damage: http://imgur.com/a/sVXcI
  11. warr fear is supposed to break on hit.
  12. Pandawow still has chat mods and GMs, but now their mutes and bans don't get broadcasted. It's both good and bad that they don't show up. The good: no more drama after a mute since nobody can see the mute except for the guy getting muted. The bad: players can't report a specific moderator for abusing, if it's the case, because the name of the chat mod doesn't show up even for the guy getting muted.
  13. I hate it because I'm not in it :D
  14. The "age argument" never gets old. :)) I'm 31 and I actively play wow after playing Anarchy Online for 12 years straight. My best friend in AO was a guy called Spandelero, a 56 year old Aussie guy. The best pvp-er on AO server was a 38 years old russian dude called Toxicmen. We had a 9 year old win 5 pvp tournaments IN A ROW, facing people who were playing the game for almost double his entire lifespan. The richest guy in AO was a dude called Artyomis, he was 40-ish(he managed to hoard 5x more money than was available through regular trades in the shop and he did it with only 1 item, single drop ever on the server, a damn sword used primarily by twinks). The youngest WoW GM was 8 years old. As far as I know, he's still working there. Fact is, people can have alot of free time on their hands, or they have a job that let's them play all day....never judge someone based on his age, it's dumb and useless. Old people are already aware they play with children, calling them old is not offensive to them AT ALL. It's like telling a beautiful girl she's beautiful and expecting her to get mad about it, lol. I've been a gamer since my father built his first Cobra computer, the one before the legendary HC, and I'll probably be a gamer when I'm 60 aswell(maybe not that competitive, but it's still gaming hehe). So, one wife and two kids later and I'm still putting on my headphones and enjoying kicking some alliance butt. Call me old, I don't care :)
  15. Actually, Zilius is very professional and good at what he does. About Nemifest, he's great where he is and I seriously doubt he would even want the GM job.
  16. A simple video is enough. Just spectate him and wait for it to happen.
  17. For every Horde cheater you provide, I can show you 10 alliance accounts wich were banned for cheating....it proves nothing. Both sides cheat the same.
  18. You're delusional if you even think a GM considers the faction of a player when they ban him. They weren't banned because there were no GMs online to ban them.
  19. My guess is that there's nobody online to ban them. Fun realm has only 3 GMs, Shadrissa, Bukarasik and Neff, and I bet 2 of them are also working on WoD so....that's why the place is crawling with cheaters. The only thing they need to consider is that doing things cheaply ends up being more costly in the long run. 3 GMs/realm is not nearly enough and the banning policy does alot more harm than good. They think that banning cheaters permanently will decrease the number of players. Yes, it will lower the numbers of CHEATING players, but overall the server can only GAIN population if the gameplay experience of others isn't affected by people who cheat. So, if you want to give them a solid advice, add these: 1) double the number of GMs/realm. It costs bonuses so the "cost" is close to 0. 2)change the banning policy regarding cheats: permanent bans for ALL cheats involving external software, 1 month or more for bug abusing. The stricter the penalty, the better it works. If you don't believe me, visit retail. 3)remove chat moderators(so that the language filter actually has a purpose(as it is in retail))and, instead, change their job description to something like: Helper. A guy who answers tickets in game and gives advice on the forum. As it is now, the chat is still filled with chat violations and players have an extra reason to flame the in-game chat and the forums. 4)change staff recruitment policy, making it an absolute requirement that the players present a photo ID when they sign up. Also, change the minnimum age requirement from 16 to 18. The reason should be logical. - - - Updated - - - 5. Add a flood auto-kick bot for the chat. The rest of chat violations can be "hidden" with the language filter. - - - Updated - - - Correction: one of 3 GMs; only 1 works on WOD.
  20. Being "busy IRL" is not an excuse for tolerating the exact same cheater that's been causing havoc for 7 days now. There are 3 GMs and 2 Admins....5 people were "too busy irl" to ban 1 single guy? It's a lame excuse. They have lives, problems, issues, duties, but come on....7 days? I wouldn't blame this on the GMs, tho, I would blame it on admins. It's entirely their fault that this kind of stuff even happens. They tolerate cheaters(hello unban for bonuses)=more cheaters They don't hire more GMs, even tho it's clear enough the place needs alot more, because "3 GMs are enough for 1 realm". Yes, it's enough, but only when those 3 are actually working long hours and making sure that there's one online at all times. The true problem is simple: they don't care.
  21. Since when is Russia attacking Europe? :))) Russia sells gas to the entire EU, lmao, whoever thinks they would attack their profit cow is seriously ignorant :)
  22. 5. Refusing to believe people are generally stupid makes you look ignorant. I 110% doubt there's a guy with that specific skillset just hacking worthless accounts on a private server.
  23. POM Pyro abuse :) Fire damage is fine, but it can be exploited with POM...just saying.
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