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Everything posted by uraganuu

  1. In here, you can stack 5 or more and all will tick, wich is what Pujo is doing to abuse his damage. What's even funnyer is he claims it's his haste, not the broken mechanic of a talent and a spell that's being further boosted by another abuse(alchemy potions). @Pujo: Your haste level(from what you described) only adds 1(ONE) single extra tick to RoF. That's not the issue. The issue is you can stack A LOT of RoFs and they will all tick their ticks almost instantly. You know this is a bug yet you still do it, therefore it's bug abuse and you should be banned. The "topic" can be closed. This is not a bug, at least not one related to TC. It's supposed to do high damage if the warr pops all his cooldowns and the target doesn't benefit AT ALL from armor on that shot.
  2. Why don't you wait for a GM to answer your report before you say that? Also, I suggest you forget the ideea that seems to be present in your head that tells you you can freely insult me and call me names on the forum where I work. Only a ban can come out of it, it would be the 5th in the last year, right? I gave photo proof of you using bugs, end of story. It's not you who decides if my reports are valid or not, it's GMs. This is THE last time you spit on me, my job and my name freely. For every bad word towards me, I will do the best in my ability to get you either muted for max penalty or banned in game and in the forum. Saying : "I just got banned for u for using pve when all where using pve in arena season 5.4.2, then i apealed and i get unbanned because ur ban was fuking retarded" - after you were FILMED keeping your PvE set proc up non-stop via use of bugs you actually dare say that? Your ban was only lifted because admins were planning on applying the fixes for the PvE sets right next day, but that doesn't mean you weren't cought cheating. And it wasn't the first time either.
  3. Everyone doing it should be banned. Also, Pujo, demanding evidence after the plethora of proof players presented? You can't play the ignorant card forever. You got banned ~4 times by now for either cheats or bug abusing and people keep coming up with reports against you, Mr. 35 million pvp damage and 13 kills in 2 seconds.
  4. I rather be hit by a 150k Thunder Clap(since it has a recharge time) than to be soloed by a spell that's supposed to tickle players like Rain of Fire. Thunder Clap can also be dodged, RoF not. I say fix the broken combo with RoF+talent, then fix Thunder Clap.
  5. You can't compare DKs to warrs. Warr is a pure melee class while DKs are a hybrid. Also, warriors cannot annihilate a target's ability to heal like DKs do, they just debuff it by a bit. Warrs don't have a pet, don't have an army of pets, don't have the ability to steal buffs etc.... Apples and oranges.
  6. Complain to Blizzard, they made the game we just play it. :))))
  7. uraganuu

    Bleeds on war

  8. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Bleed
  9. Try changing your graphics card's drivers. If you're using latest, switch to an older one. If using old, switch to newer :) Hope it helps.
  10. uraganuu

    Bleeds on war

    The abuse here is that the talent you use makes your Rain of Fire do ALL of it's ticks in a single second. You can, ALSO, stack more than 1 Rain of Fire, and if every hit is doing 20k...that's instant death to EVERYONE in the area, since 5-6 Rain of Fire stacked at 20/tick results in alot more damage dealt than anyone has HP. Haste has nothing to do with it. Getting 5k more haste doesn't allow you do to 35 MILLION damage in the same timespan AoE classes like bursting boomkins or shadow priests are doing only 5 million. There's no way in hell ANY warlock on this server can do 35 million damage in 2 seconds and kill 13 people at the same time. Not without the abuse. With the help of players and staff working to track bugs, the exploits you used on your DK cannot be performed anymore, so now you're playing warlock instead. When this bug gets fixed, you'll most likely switch to a class that can be abused in the same manner warlocks are being abused right now, and how DKs used to be abused before patchfixes. Also, you using Alchemy is not the issue here, using Alchemy potions and Elixirs with unintended effects to provide yourself advantage over others is. You're not using an elixir that gives you 340 Intelect "because it's fun and I trained Alchemy for it", you're using it because it grants you a lot more Intelect than the normal shop-sold 1000 Intelect Elixir. This, again, is a bug abuse. "Everyone can do it" is not an excuse. Everyone can kill but only a few do it. Get it? PS: I watch you duel alot on your warlock. You follow the same pattern every time. Play normally and if about to lose, stack 3 rain of fire....and your opponent drops like a wet noodle. I saw you insta-kill a 760k HP fully PvE geared warrior with 2 rain of fire. I curse that day because I didn't manage to record it in time and post it so we can get rid of you. Right now, your rotation in BGs is RoF+Shadowburn, since only one RoF is enough to bring a Tyran/Grievous guy to below 10%. That's pure skill right there!
  11. uraganuu

    Bleeds on war

    I'm just realistic. I don't care if anyone kills me in the game, I actually LOVE fighting exceptional players because it's the best way to learn, but when an average Joe pulls off those numbers and calls it legit....then yes, I am mad.
  12. uraganuu

    Bleeds on war

    Update! [ATTACH=CONFIG]100409[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100410[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100411[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100412[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100413[/ATTACH] Intended gameplay. Gg Pujo!
  13. uraganuu

    Bleeds on war

    Bleeds are working as intended. Pujo, you're really the last person that should be complaining about bugged spells. You play with bugged talents, glyphs and alchemy potions on a daily basis. It's fully obvious when you manage to do 8x more damage in the same time-span as 15 other fully prideful characters. For example, when I play mage in BGs I'm usually top damage dealer, warlocks(if not affliction) can't even come close, but you somehow managed to do 37 million damage in the time span it took me to do 5mil damage. Intended? Not in the slightest. I was in a premade with 4 other full pride chars when you did 37mil dmg and us only 5, yet we have more heroic kills and alot more uptime on our targets, since you visited the graveyard 7 times and we didn't. You kill 13 people at once, in an instant, stacking rain of fire spell....wich is merely supposed to tickle players, not kill them. You might say I have something personal against you, but I don't. I have a bad temper and attitude towards ANYONE who plays like you. A subpar mediocre player that somehow manages to kill 13 people at once with one spell. Give me a break! [ATTACH=CONFIG]100403[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100404[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100405[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]100406[/ATTACH]
  14. Exactly, the overkill part is not affected by resilience. I hit a 340k elemental blast today in full grievous. 150k hit, rest is overkill.
  15. It's supposed to act like a trinket.
  16. It's not bannable. Also, if you go afk in there and manage to die from auto-attacks, then pvp may not be for you :) Go afk in a safe zone, always.
  17. Hey, I can't know how that number was performed. By the pure looks of it, it's a cheat. If the bug is also reported(bug report written), it could very well be bug abuse, wich again...is a form of cheating. I don't care HOW it was made, as long as it breaks the normal-intended standards then it's against the rules. (We're also talking about a presumably best R1 mage here, so nobody can pretend he didn't know about the bug). Again, I repeat, I base this judgement purely from what I see, as that is enough proof. One's opinion on what may or may not have happened doesn't really matter when applying rules to the letter.
  18. PvP on a PvP server is not a banable offense, it's how the game works and there are ways around it if you don't wish to get involved in it.
  19. That 183k dmg done by the mage is literally impossible to reach in arenas. It's hard even in BGs(not Kotmogu) with the Berserker buff.... I heard about this Baz guy being "best", but after seeing those numbers it's obvious he's cheating.
  20. Sorry :) 1)Shockwavejk only types an emote in that picture. 2)The insult is in german, you should have posted a rough google translation of it. 3)You didn't type a nickname right in the report.
  21. Declined. We do not accept any edited photos or movies as proof.
  22. I recommend EasyCopy for a really simple chat addon. :)
  23. Not by the rules and also not a cheat.
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