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Everything posted by uraganuu

  1. Nemifest, that's weird :))) GM island on pandawow doesn't have any quest NPCs. Did that randomly appear in your questlog? :))
  2. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    The ghoul is only affected for his energy regen, not number of hits. But more energy regen for the pet automatically means more hits, so it's basically the same :) BUMP for fix!
  3. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    Than edit your shitty bug report and stop making reports bases on how YOU THINK a spell should work. Of course in DoTs. Haste should only affect Ghoul number of hits, a full haste build only adds 1 extra ghoul attack, tho, totally not worth it, as well as pet haste on his regular attacks. That's the only benefit from haste that DKs get.
  4. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    Just look at your diseases description, asstard. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Frost_Fever - it was NEVER affected by Haste, since launch, mr retail man. You never ever logged on retail. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Blood_Plague - NEVER ever been affected by haste. Both diseases's duration were only buffed from 12sec to 15sec, but they never were affected by haste because, as bluntly fucking obvious as it may be, that's not how it's mechanic works. - - - Updated - - - Thank you, Jonte, now please log back in and tell that retail former GM he's got memory issues :))
  5. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    They count as proof only when they aren't edited, or when the guy you're asking is STILL CURRENTLY a GM. No active GM would say " as far as I remember when reffering to a fucking game mechanic. Your attempt to fuck up DKs once again has failed, you cheating cunt
  6. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    Jonte could have easily photoshoped that shit, give me a break. No GM in his right mind would be that much of an idiot to think DISEASE effects in wow are affected by Haste.
  7. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    Retail answer where an old Gm sais " as far as I remember"? It means he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. If you bothered to make an effort with that retarded spanish brain of yours and googled about DKs and diseases related to haste, you would have seen the mechanic behind it, dumbass. Diseases are NOT in the same school as MAGICAL DAMAGE DOTS, you fucking idiot.
  8. uraganuu

    About haste on dk

    DoTs available to melee classes are NOT affected by haste whatsoever. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8568958631 Same as feral bleeds, same as warr bleeds, same as rogue poisons. Also, has anyone ever seen a DK haste breakpoint guide? I thought so too. http://www.skill-capped.com/forums/showthread.php?28036-The-truth-about-Haste-amp-other-useful-Stat-info.
  9. It's not the server's fault that Pujo is a cheating wanker. It's the servers fault they haven't perma banned his jaja ass so far.
  10. Your post is dumb and you obviously don't know how the spell is supposed to work. If a spell was already cast and on it's way to you, then you use Dispersion, you will take the full effect of the spell. Learn to use the spell before thinking it's bugged. Also, I suggest you keep a respectful tone on this forum if you want to continue having access on it.
  11. That's because it's regular flooding, not DDoS. None of these asshats on the forum can properly DDOS, lol. Tell them to check your connection for flood/access requests and ask them to see wich IPs are repeatedly showing up, then you can have them blocked. Usually, a proper botnet is unstoppable because it uses a network of computers all around the world to do it, while a virtual botnet, wich these incompetent asshats use, will come from 2-3-5 IPs max(again, easy to block out).
  12. Or you can tell your ISP you're getting DDOS attacks and they will either block it for your IP or change your IP for free.\ Repitchx, use the VPN they offer, it's free: https://hide.me/en/proxy
  13. I would disable all of these items. I'm glad some aren't working anymore
  14. feral+disc should be right there in the top also
  15. 2 of my characters were fully geared by doing BGs exclusively. And I don't just mean the pvp set, no, I mean pvp+pve for ALL specs. Some people dislike arenas, you know, and even tho it's much slower to gear it, it's very possible. Blacksmithing allows you to use TWO extra sockets, one on the gloves and one on the Bracers. Some people who HAD blacksmithing and then unlearned it, may experience visual bugs like showing the sockets there all gemmed but they don't get any stats from them. Training engineering on a Human class is in no way dumb. Besides the 1920 stat boost, the Nitro Boost and the Goblin Glider are a must for any pvp oriented player. Stacking on use trinket with the engineering glove enchant is an exploit and should be reported.
  16. Did you check your spam folder? Somehow, I get mail confirmation EVERY SINGLE TIME I try it.
  17. Do you want us to come to your house and fix your computers and internet connections? Also, if you don't like the server....why stay? Find a better one. Good luck!
  18. Of course not.
  19. You got 2.8 on a DK with 400k absorb/necro. It's like me being a god in counter strike but I play with wallhack and aimhack....Since Pandawow fixed your reforge exploit AND your gargoyle bug, you haven't played your DK....you rolled a destro lock and "be a god" with yet another broken spell. There is NO WAY IN HELL a clicker can go beyond 2k rating, even on pandawow, without the use of bugs. NO WAY.
  20. Your picture shows nothing. Also, rollex usually fights in full pve gear. Being world pvp, the proof is not conclusive. You're also not showing the warrior's buffs and gear, just the damage. Those numbers can only come from a buffed fulll pve warr with Avatar trained, in world pvp. For someone who was advocating that the rules for reporting bugs need to be respected, you sure failed. Sure is nice seeing you trying to manipulate people once more by showing "tampered" proofs.
  21. In order to properly DDoS, you need a Botnet, that's a plethora of strong computers hacked to your disposal, each sending thousands of requests to the same IP at the same time. This is DDoS and none of you ever experienced it, by the looks of it. What people in pandawow call DDoS is actually packet flooding and it usually relies on virtual machines to do the job. Firewall helps you prevent such things as most come with a flood protection. If you also tamper the settings of your router and close all unused ports, both flooding and DDoS-ing become impossible in the form you guys are experiencing. Since I got here and got a job, dozens of people tried to flood me, DDoS me, steal my facebook or email accounts, over and over for almost a year and a half. None of them succeded and you know why? Because I take minimum security precautions on my system, pure and simple. I said "hacking tools" because that's usually what people do, they search the web for "DDoS tool" and expect the same outcome out of it as it would normally come from a proper DDoS. People who "DDoS" on pandawow do it from their personal computers and not using a botnet, that means that while the "ddos software/interface" is running, they literally can't do much on their PCs since both the target and the attacker are affected by the same limits imposed by their systems. Having "your own server" for stuff like this is just as inneficient as doing it from your home PC. I posted the steps you need to take to prevent such actions in a very similar thread, read them, follow them and no flooding or DDoS-ing(coming from amateurs) will ever affect you. Here is an article wich will help you: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2564424/security0/how-to-defend-against-ddos-attacks.html Here is an article wich further explains the terminology: https://www.incapsula.com/ddos/ddos-attacks/botnet-ddos.html
  22. You get fired up and you fall, you don't stay in fly mode. GM saw you and banned you. Also, this is not the proper place to appeal.
  23. It's not bugged, Deielrion. The spell is intended to make you immune, just as it's description says: While standing in this corruption, the Death Knight is immune to roots, snares, and effects that cause loss of control. This ability instantly removes such effects when activated.
  24. Killing 15 people in 2 seconds wasn't enough proof for you, pujo, that the spell had unintended effects? Give me a break. You were busted abusing a bug, you defended it regardless how many people pointed you in the right direction and you even had the audacity to insult us, extending this useless whining for months, when the proof has been delivered countless times. Or maybe you think people with 6k+ reputation in wowwiki are clueless shiteaters?
  25. How many times do I have to repeat this? Just because the low-end "hacking tool" he downloaded is called DDoS, it does NOT mean that what he's doing is actually DDoS. He's flooding, pure and simple. The difference between flood and DDoS should be perfectly clear to everyone. Get a proper Firewall software, turn off all open unused ports on your router and NOBODY can use such software against you. At least not someone who downloads "hacking tools".
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