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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. its how its working atm in pandawow, thats why i ask - - - Updated - - - it is if war uses reflect bot
  2. Question: Blood horror from warlocks, here its reflectable by warriors, but someone said to me that in retail u can't reflect Blood horror. Anyone that played on retail knows it?
  3. im still looking for the sense of humor, seems that is missing here
  4. http://prnt.sc/c5bl4k x100 realm they are so noobs rule broken: lack of skillz :v
  5. then i would make all the 10 classes with prideful cuz my dk have 140k conquest and my warlock 40k
  6. its mooving and casting. At min 3:07 its casting and mooving, his hands are with the casting bright and at the min 3:09 shoots his cast while mooving, stop trying to not fix dk bugs - - - Updated - - - in pandawow* - - - Updated - - - cheers, is mooving while casting. (3:07 to 3:09)
  7. what more things u can do with ! ? ah ye conversion but don't work http://z0r.de/6832
  8. What are warriors doing: http://z0r.de/2023 What are monks doing: http://z0r.de/2467
  9. atm gargole does 15k-18k non crit-35k crits, what a nice burst ah? gargoyle hits less than warrior bleeds..
  10. Yes i did to apologise, cuz this was the 2nd time i posted the same.
  11. why your posts are so weird
  12. all the teleport options disapeared, now there are just duel zone and main cities
  13. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193140 (ty for the answer) Aight, i won't post it again, sorry for caps but this bug its extremelly anoying in game D:
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193140 and x100 realm explains all
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=192410 stamina interaction between priests, warriors, and warlocks) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=158387&highlight=mastery+shaman (mastery interaction between shamans and palas) learn this simple piece of shit bug and and stop buffing inside bg like cunts.
  16. cuz u can't even post properly: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845
  17. hits 4k with 27236 spell power, 0 procs with 40k spell power (550ilvl) and no procs this becomes 4k diference on dmg (8k when it was 14k), with procs becomes 10k diference on dmg (13k when it was 22k), so yes, 10/10. The logic is that appart that is alot of dmg diference (almost 50% of his dmg scaling), it was blizzlike dmg formula before a random nerf.
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