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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. it consumes
  2. ye ofc because you got buttraped ur mad or what lel
  3. stop talking out of ur aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa** noone ever did 5 minutes only critical damage otherwise u would have died in 1 minute already ????
  4. Noneedholy

    TOP 2v2

    yeye everyone uses scripts except you Kappa
  5. Noneedholy

    Arena bug

    Heeeellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuster or zeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooox is it so hard to fix a god damn bug which affects the whole PvP gameplay here ?
  6. Did u Ever play retail ? Like all ur xp is based on pandawow so why ur even talking lol?
  7. Noneedholy


    and still playing with him & keep recking ppl after his rogue ddos ppl. ye really shoutout to this guys Kappa Nice from him that he exposed him but pretty sad that he + his mage have to support this silly ddos cunt
  8. Djtpz keep getting rating by ddosing Dionysus today ! Kagu/djfreezer + Akuyama keep pushing in 2v3 arenas while playing DDoSmp PogChamp for the DDoS cleave
  9. whats ur war name ?
  10. I'll also post some news : http://i.imgur.com/Zt7NKqV.jpg Fuck this ddos scums
  11. #waiting for juster to come back
  12. Noneedholy


    luls get shit on and go away
  13. Noneedholy

    Frozen orb

    its 10/10 lol
  14. Noneedholy


    RMP that dies 5x in the opener against RMD ye TOPKEK
  15. Noneedholy


    Retarbolique long time no see hm ?
  16. you didnt even notice we play RMD ffs
  17. Maybe some1 shoudl go on PTR and test it. Just to proof it with a vid
  18. yes ! There are quality queues atm on Pandawow no joke ! - - - Updated - - -
  19. Ur the cancer in person. No offense
  20. Dion u faq... Lel We had some nice rmd vs rmp games today .. funny to play bud sadly no vods
  21. Noneedholy

    Arena bug

    STILL BUGGED ! stop lieing in ur changelog for fuck sake u fixed nothing lol ... that bug is still common and so fucking annoying
  22. Didnt know i got farmed ? I lost on my mage n war ye /cry. And stomped zankeds TSG, akuyamas RMP etc. As RMD right after. Wheres ur point m8? How u even dare to talk about 3s lol
  23. Sitting the whole day n night @the spectator and not even queueing by urself /LOL
  24. Do u even know what ur talking ? No resil would mean you do 500k hits on them so ye, it would be 1hit Rofl Its like a "pet" for warriors and should be affected by the warriors resil. About the HP part im not sure u might be right.
  25. Plebs like u always looking for excuses for not gaining cr or ? Lel
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