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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Nice 0.5/10 report pujo.
  2. Idk what you mean lol ... working for me
  3. Is it so hard to host a tournament ? I even we (teamplay) managed it to manage a proper tournament so idk wheres ur problem srsly
  4. Noneedholy

    Blizzcon 2014

    Well, You might think that because u never saw a SP with good positioning in 3s here on Pandawow :D Let him Pre- MD or pre- fade some things and he will survive better than his mage in 3s
  5. Was an amazing Tournament.
  6. Noneedholy

    Blizzcon 2014

    Completly wrong. Give me a good sp and i could win against every 3s team that is queing atm. Sp compared to the melees here is not that strong but it would be completly stupid to say that its useless to que sp in 3s due the imbalance lol Played mage + sp with bestworld in 2s on ~2.3 mmr this s. When peak rating was 2.5. U cant say priest mage is bad. We stomped nearly all warrior teams and only got rekt by hunter or double dps teams. Also we had a really good 3s session as hpal godcomb even tho im not that good as sp
  7. Was that sarcasm ? I dont get it :mocking: I was 3.3 on x10 and 3.3 on x100 and trust me, on fun are better player lol
  8. Nice 0.5/10 report u got there lel
  9. And still yet there are ppl who trying to tell me how op druid is *cough* bslayer and nisse *cough*
  10. +rep, good report !
  11. It consumes
  12. Noneedholy

    Blizzcon 2014

    Be quiet. You dont even appear on the ladder so how you dare to judge anything that happens here on Pandawow. Random pleb. @flow ye, played with shelby and baz fireplay really well and we won almost every game. Still it shouldnt be that hard to beat those melee fotm combs like it is right now. But yeah, theres not 1 good sp playing here atm therfore you wont see good godcombs here
  13. Well there are ppl after 2 years of mop here whop play better than the 3k ones back in time ;)
  14. First of all you want to blame my english and now you speak like an uneducated kid who dropped the schooo at the 5th grade. Gj, i wont link you my retail char again, even autsch shit on you already due ur lack of brain. I can understand you btw ... not be able to gain cr on a server where its not rly hard must hurt ur retail glad feelings hm ?
  15. tirggar47 Posts: 1,679 Say thanks : 48 Received thanks: 73 (messages: 66) It consumes
  16. What are you playing ? Warrior i assume ? Maybe a l2p issue lel beat ur mw war as rsham war lul
  17. Adult behavior with your 2nd Account Funk.
  18. dude ... this DK noneedsuck is not me ... Pls dont let ppl think im playing dk lel .... Since 90% here are just voting friends ill be so nice and make the list of best player who played on this server (ofc im not voting for myself) :mage: Baz in 2s and 3s. closely followed by Deepoxy ( Many ppl will say abu but uve to see it in the other way and everyone who saw abu and deepoxy in 3s to compare will agree with me.) :monk: Windwalker obv. sinssito, MW id say Chiv since i had better games with him in 3s than with max or liquid :priest: Shelby, what a question :druid: Idk, sadly theres a lack of good rdruids here on Pandawow but id say the best druid ive seen so far here were zanked/cogu :warlock: Autschbatsch. Overall best knowledge about his whole class :shaman: Dionysus and Zanked. They are playing both on the same high level i'd say :warrior: Doomcryer and Blaston ... I wont mention these TSG hero wars here ,- nothing to discuss here :deathknight: Fenemore. Only Dk which i faced who copied decently and stopped good CC :paladin: Dartmeganz as ret and Holy idk ... didnt face a good holys. Maybe Conejjo :rogue: Sokween was pretty sick but repitch improved his skils over the years and became pretty good also. Both were top for me (Alexis positioning in 3s is aids imo) :hunter: Сороки, That russian hunter who played on X100 back in times KFC with doomcryer and kennyart + Eccay ofc. So yeah, thats it.
  19. If you can't even link us a proof here or w/e stop talking out of ur ass .. bye
  20. First world problems.
  21. even tho his english is trash i bet he could teach you smth ;)
  22. Tiggar you dont understand ... YOU ARE in noones interest. Thanks to some can*er mods who gives you the chance to act like you do atm. God damn kid lol
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