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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Write in English or in russian section. Declined.
  2. Experienced this on my restoration druid while trying to cap. Frustrating.
  3. GMs don't have such command. Does this happen on other computers? Have you tried using x32 or x64?
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=60127 This thread has some proxies that are specificly for pandawow. Also, I found better results(as someone who plays at constantly 250 ms) using WTFast than Pingzapper(I'm from America), which brought it down to 230 ms(along with cabled internet). The problem is your location, the servers are hosted in Germany, therefore you'll always have a higher ms than you have in most of other retail games.
  5. This is an alredy known(or at least reported) bug and will be fixed in time. Wait for fixes.
  6. I'm just here waiting for them to incorporate guardians into ferals again to make it more casual. Or letting warriors wield bows again. Or shamans having only lightning bolt on their action bar. I was going to mention the old judgements from paladins but they were dumbed down simplified. Also, this is probably one of warlocks' only hopes, but not all changes mentioned in there will go to live. I hope this one doesn't, and I don't even play warlocks lol. @Edit God, I was just joking about the hybrid feral/guardian but they've taken it too far.
  7. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  8. Your character needs 7 days on /played in order to be put up for sale. Also, not according to the rules. Declined.
  9. I think we all have had to gear a toon and got Isle of Conquest and thought "ugh, that BG again" and just left and took the 5 minutes deserter rather than an over 15 minute game on an unfunny battleground. Since the option to remove battlegrounds from the random queue isn't working, then I think that it would be viable, or of the majority's interest to simply remove this battleground until it gets fixed(either the bombs/engines' siege damage or the random queue battleground removal tool). Please keep this thread off of spamming, insulting, flamming, toxicity(this includes indirect insults and offenses) and trolling, and explain your point - if you want to comment - clearly.
  10. I know, right. With the multi-spec feature that is coming for Legion I'll probably play guardian, restoration and feral. Balances are just *ugh*.
  11. The arena spectator is still bugged and work is being done(as you can see in the changelogs). Wait for fixes, until then, you'll have to keep looking manually in the NPC.
  12. Can you see other 3s teams queuing?
  13. Have you tried using .st or repairing you character in the control panel?
  14. Fangs of Ashamane and G'hanir, the Mother Tree. At least now I can cosplay as a rogue, 'cause dual wield! and the megablast cool cat forms.
  15. You're wrong. The ban will be as long as the previous one - 30 days ban.
  16. Also, you can follow these guides: Official Unofficial(read 9.)
  17. ^ Not according to the rules. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Declined.
  18. Realm - x100 Spells - Gift of the Titans and Power of the Titans Date tested - 06/10/2015 Description - None of them do what they should do. Actually they don't even work at all. How it should work - Should provide the effects displayed in the tooltip. Priority - 6/10 Comments - Thanks to Weegee for pointing this out.
  19. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122775 Also it must be created in the "Other problems" section.
  20. Declined, you didn't prove that the account is yours nor is your thread according to the rules(including the title).
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Also he isn't breaking any rule...
  22. You're in the wrong section but...whatever. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=145126 Check 9.
  23. Realm - Crossrealm Date tested - 06/10/2015 Description - Whenever you start to spectate an arena, your haircut changes(this change varies from character to character, probably based on their skin tone/hair color/etc). Only hairstyle changes. How it should work - Haircut should not change at all. Priority - 6/10, we don't want to look fugly. Comments - Before you go bananas, the priority we set isn't important because they choose the priority, this is stated in the rules of reporting a bug thread.
  24. Take a teleport to Dalaran and you can find him next to the mount trainer that is mounted in a blue dragonhawk. See the images in the spoiler for more details.
  25. Have you tried the NPC in Dalaran?
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