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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Unfortunately these tests will be next to impossible to be done outside arenas. I'll close this, if any of you still wants to test, please send me a PM. If they come to fix War Games I'll probably re-open this or create a similar thread. Closed.
  2. Re-tested the warrior's Slam, seems to be working as intended. I'd like to test the spells in arenas and in duels, specially because I think that there might be some malfunction regarding PvP Power and Resilience in certain spells. Just a theory though, can't do much.
  3. Further tests showed me that Slam is working as intended. The problem might be regarding procs or enrage effects. I'll test these later. @potatoe That was a mistype, probably because sometimes I forget to add a coefficient and then I have to do the entire formula again, and I might have forgotten to change this one.
  4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=73659 Write according to the rules so we can be able to help you. Declined.
  5. After transmogging your items, re-equip them and the transmogrification will be saved, there is no need to relog.
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  7. I'm going to open a local server so I can have access to a database, allowing me to get much better results and also tell exactly what is wrong, in which table and etc.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Oe8hSentSo Just leaving this here so you guys can have a notion of how damage was back then on retail.
  9. Instead of dragging the item to your inventory icon in the inferior right side(default positioning), drag it to a slot(the grey ones in the bags) so it won't bug. This is a safety measure to prevent hackers from duping items.
  10. Tested Slam. Spell not working as intended. Tested Haunt. Spell working as intended. Main post updated.
  11. Realm tested - Fun Spell - Slam Date tested - 26/10/2015 Description - The damage you get from the formula is higher than it should. How it should work - Formula should be applied properly. Priority - 9/11, the more gear/damage multipliers(such as buffs, Avatar, debuffs on target, etc) you get, the higher the damage gets, ending up with even 115k+ slams with a trinket proc(and armor debuff). Screenshots http://i.imgur.com/MdA5jst.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nds7S1p.jpg Spell working as intended, thread declined
  12. Tested Necrotic Strike, not working as intended, affected by PvP Power(the absorb) while it should not. Main post updated.
  13. Updated of why it is bugged, and also a simplier formula.
  14. You got a point. @Topic So the bug might be only with people from Fun realm? Still the x100 has this bug, but it might be in a lower magnitude.
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  16. If it is indeed dealing normal damage, then there will be no buffs or nerfs. Unfortunately I'm only available on fun realm.
  17. Hello! First of all, I'd like to say that this is not a QQ thread, but a request thread. If you have a full geared character and wants to help with some tests, then please comment below. If you're here to spam, insult, flamme or anything else that does not contribute with the thread, then please leave. Classes will be tested, all of them, all skills, all specializations(but mainly damage) regardless if you think that they are bugged or not. This thread is merely made so the players can know what we are working on and also gives the opportunity to help. I guess that anyone that has played competitively on retail for a while has noticed that damage doesn't seem to be quite legit. Yes, I am talking about the most broken classes here, the warlocks(specially affliction), the warriors(arms in specific), the death knights(unholy), shamans(enhancement specially) and etc. Some are bugged in a beneficial way and others are not, such as the demonology warlocks that have an awful damage due to a lot of bugged mechanics, and in the other spec, affliction, we can notice some quite high haunts. The intent of this thread is to check if they are working as intended or not, and if they are not, then we can make the server better arena-wise. I will ask other testers(such as Neff) to help me too, if they are available. Click the spoiler below to see which spells I want to test. Feel free to add any other in the comments. Spoiler is susceptible to edits. I'll just trust that you won't ruin this thread and idea.
  18. Indeed, but the amount needed to break fear should be a lot lower, enough to even a corruption(where you and the warlock have same gear level) break it.
  19. I recommend you uploading your images here with normal resolution before it gets declined.
  20. Furmetal


    I do think that there is some bug regarding haunt damage. I'll check it later when I have more time. @Edit Works as intended, the problem are just the trinkets. Anyway, I do agree that warriors and warlocks are dealing way more damage than they should, I'm not talking about a 80k crit or a 60k slam, I'm talking about 130k(at least on leather wearers) and 250k+(warlocks). Does not seem legit to me at all.
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