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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Realm tested - x100 and Fun Date tested - 17/10/2015 Description - The movement speed boost persists even if you leave cat form, working in caster and moonkin form. How it should work - Speed boost should only work in cat form. Priority - 6/10, restoration druids and balance druids gets a lot harder to catch up to, specially for classes with little to no mobility. Comments - Had forgotten to report this one, thanks to Nemifest and Weegee which pointed this out.
  2. I had forgotten to add the 1276 base damage, added now. Formula corrected and updated, damage is still higher.
  3. http://cdn1.pri.org/sites/default/files/story/images/cookies733.jpg
  4. Realm tested - Fun realm and x100 Date tested - 17/10/2015 Spell/Item - Any mount, including druid flight forms. Description - When you dismount, you simply fall down, no matter what direction you were going. How it should work - You should fall in the direction you were going, Zen Flight is currently not affected by this bug, see the video below to see how should it work and how it is working. (if it doesn't load then it is because it is being uploaded) Priority - 3/10, really annoying if you're used to dismount and you also can't make some stunts and stuff. Comments - Thanks to Weegee for pointing this out.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=154828
  6. Realm tested - x100 Date tested - 17/10/2015 Spell - Death Grip(read changelog) Description - The spell isn't taunting the target when used. How it should work - Should taunt when used. Priority - 6/10, hard to remove mobs that are going for one of the DPS/healers during your raid with only Dark Command. Comments - Thanks to Weegee for pointing this out.
  7. Realm tested - Fun realm Date tested - 17/10/2015 Spell - Slam Description - The damage is higher than it should, I can't tell exactly what since I don't know the coefficients that are being used in the database. See spoiler for more details. How it should work - The formula should be applied properly. Priority - 9/10, warriors can literally do over 130k slams in their burst, and you add this with some other bugs such as the untrinketable intimidating shout/~~45k deep wounds, which can make warriors easily kill anyone/anything. Also the damage difference gets only higher and higher the more gear/buffs you get. Comments - *Insert a pun here* Screenshots http://i.imgur.com/0i4BKcg.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KtDmHz6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FdZ8T4B.jpg
  8. Indeed but I'm sweating and tired'n stuff, I need a break. I'll go back to my testing marathon in like 30 mins.
  9. Realm tested - Fun realm Date tested - 17/10/2015 Spell - Deep Wounds Description - Currently the damage formula is wrong, can't tell exactly what since I don't know the coefficients being used in the database now. See spoiler below for more details. How it should work - The damage formula should be applied properly. Priority - 8/10, you can literally do 45k bleeds in the burst, and warriors are alredy if not the, then one of the best DPS. Comments - When I was making this report, I noticed that I could do some 50k bleeds with a full gear warrior, easily(with arena buffs and procs), while a feral can do 70k~~80k(with arena buffs and procs), so I thought that it was kinda weird. Screenshots http://i.imgur.com/Hhn9lvS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/adEv4Sd.jpg
  10. No. Pick another nick if yours is alredy taken.
  11. Do you have the option for a rename, such as the one that you get if your character was from x10?
  12. Realm tested - Fun realm Date tested - 17/10/2015 Spell - Agony Description - The damage formula is higher than it should, I can't exactly tell what coefficient since that requires the database. See the spoiler below for more details. How it should work - The damage should be applied correctly. Priority - 9/10, one of the main spells that affliction warlocks use, also this damage difference gets higher and higher the more gear you get(and buffs, such as the ones from Restoration Shamans), not mentioning that this is the spell with the highest damage difference(based on the 2 others, unstable affliction and corruption). Comments - This is probably one of the last ones for affliction warlocks, thanks to Noneedholy for ~~complaining~~ about it. Screenshots http://i.imgur.com/rh4HFlP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/88pAdir.jpg
  13. Nope, couldn't find reliable resources for all of them, but I'll test agony today. Same for warrior bleeds and some symbiosis stuff. This is going to be the weekend.
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=153742 Also, an annomally is an anomally, and I don't have a geared affliction warlock to test. @Off-Topic I'm going to test warrior bleeds later.
  15. Realm tested - Fun/Crossrealm Spell - Symbiosis(removed in Warlords of Draenor) Date tested - 14/10/2015 Description - If you remove the symbiosis buff(for example, if you want to symbiosis with another class), you'll bug symbiosis and won't be able to use it again until relog/leaving battleground. How it should work - You should be able to remove the buff to recast it at any time. Priority - 6/10, really annoying and if you do BGs a lot you might consider removing symbiosis from a spell that is on cooldown to use it in another class so you can get a spell that isn't on cooldown yet. Same for PvE. Comments - Thanks to Weegee for noticing this.
  16. From which realm is your character? Also, from what realm is this orc warlock?
  17. You should've checked if the mount is account-wide, not our fault. Declined.
  18. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/uwMIkHUAHVI/hqdefault.jpg
  19. You have to complete the first quests in Arboretum, with the Order of the Cloud Serpent. The quests are yellow. The first one you get from the pandaren lady in the shrine, which you have to go to the island nearby where you meet some instructor. Then this instructor will give you 3 quests, complete them, and then in the end you'll be brought back to the Arboretum, where you'll get the final quest to get the riding skill. Takes ~~6 minutes.
  20. Soulburn + Soul Swap = All DoTs applied. I just had to use the soulburn in the beggining.
  21. Confirmed. Bug lasted for less than 24 hours.
  22. I did a macro on which I casted soul swap in my focus target, and then placed it on mouse scroll down, then I placed the normal soul swap in mouse up. Result? I wasn't even pressing buttons at all. But this is no place for cry and etc, that was just a comment.
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