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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=73659 Not according to the rules, also, wrong section.
  2. While the reason might not be so obvious if you don't play arenas that much or frequent the report a player section, but if you go in that section, you can see some reports about players abusing the crystals in Dalaran Sewers. The crystal basically prevents you from being knocked from the starting area, so you can stay there until 100% dampening(or close), so people can abuse it as double DPS comps that have some stealth/terrific burst. The crystals should be repositioned as fast as possible before people start to abuse it, specially on higher rates.
  3. Noticed this too, even asked Nemifest to test it with me but he was away. But how did they manage to bug it? Where they like trying to fix it? The spell was alredy working as intended...
  4. What stack? Riptide doesn't have stacks nor does Unleash Elements.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Edit according to the rules or your thread will be declined.
  6. Elemental Restoration(changed in Warlords of Draenor)
  7. The problem might be the server itself. How is your connection now? I play at 250 ms...
  8. Also makes you drop the flag.
  9. Create a thread in this section following these rules, then wait for an admin's reply.
  10. Wrong section. Send it to Juster or open a thread on General Discussion.
  11. Realm tested - x100 Date tested - 13/10/2015 Item - Rune of Re-Origination Description - Removes a lot of your stats, instead of increasing them. How it should work - Should increase according to the mechanic in the description of the item. Priority - 5/10 Comments - Procs mostly for haste. Proof - Image 1 and image 2. Thanks to Nemifest which noticed this and provided the images.
  12. From over 15 members of the staff, ~~4 or 5(estimated number) actually fixes the bugs, and those are the developers and admins. Doesn't matter if I reported it or not, it'll be fixed in time. The priority that I set also doesn't matter that much, they have their own priority system. If I had set the ring of frost to 1/10 priority and this glyph to 10/10, the ring of frost would still be more important, they fix the bugs according to what is easier and while they do the ones that are easier, they work in the other ones that are more complex. All bugs should be reported, no matter how pointless they are.
  13. If I'm not wrong, we had it in 5.4.2. or beggining of 5.4.8. Then it was removed for X reasons.
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Edit according to the rules or your thread will be declined.
  15. Player - Hackftw Realm - Fun(?) Report - He is clearly flying under the map. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/5YnSwql.jpg Comments - That character is probably alredy deleted and they lost the battleground anyway.
  16. Realm tested - x100 Spell/Item - Glyph of Counterspell Description - If you have the glyph equipped, upon using counterspell, it will only kick, it won't silence. How it should work - Counterspell should still silence with the glyph. Priority - 3/10 Comments - Helping Alexpapado which had this issue helped me realize this.
  17. What level is your mage? Also, did you try repairing character? Since when did this start? Have you considered diminshing returns?
  18. Well, I couldn't find the formula for Rip nor Thrash for 5.4.8., I'll probably find it later. @Edit - Sorry for double post, sometimes the "--Update--" doesn't work.
  19. Anyway I'm pretty sure that my thread, even if it is an important bug, won't get as much attention as the others such as the Necrotic Strike one, because most people are playing Healer/DPS comps and would not like to lose to a DPS/DPS. If this gets fixed, most games won't last till 40% if you train the healer, since they weren't meant to tank DPS, that rule applies to mistweavers too since they would have to orb spam at some point, and that would get them out of mana if the double stack was fixed. - - - Update - - - New info updated
  20. Delete the cache folder, then log again, now you should be able to see the digsites. Everytime you change continent(or go to Outland) you need to do the same proccess(delete cache folder).
  21. Realm tested - x100 Spell- Battle Fatigue Description - In arenas, if you don't hit the healer and the DPS, their healings are not affected by the battle fatigue, resulting in ridiculous healings that double dps comps can't outdamage. Not automatically applied in battlegrounds - http://i.imgur.com/UKSwF8s.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/lsHH1kn.jpg How it should work - The battle fatigue should automatically applied upon entering an arena permanently(until the player leaves the battleground), without the need to being hit. Priority - 9/10, makes DPS/DPS really hard to be played, even if the opposing DPS/Healer has no idea of what they're doing, also makes matches longer between DPS/Healer vs DPS/Healer. Tests done Comments - Sometimes Battle Fatigue is randomly removed, still didn't figure why. Special thanks to Nemifest that helped me with the tests.
  22. Betrayer Windfury Holy Warrior Regal Lord Cycle Light Elemental Triad Lich Lord (channeled Army of the Dead). Those are the sets that relies on a casting animation to maintain it's effect constantly.
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