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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Player - Sheylalolx Realm - x100 Report - Spamming on chat. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/bETbgpq.jpg
  2. I suggest you to open a thread on the bug tracker section. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175
  3. I'll run further tests with your info and removing the mastery coefficient.
  4. Thank you for your usefulness, I'll run the test later, now I'll do it with tyrannical gear.
  5. Note - If you're not here to buy or ask about the character, please leave. Character nick - Hioshiru Handsome night elf female. Gear 550 Feral/Guardian PvP gear 522 Restoration PvP gear 567 Feral/Guardian PvE gear(legendary cloak included) Transmog PvE items for transmogging(the 566 ones) Challenger Mode set(Cycle armor) Malevolent Gladiator's Refuge(Malevolent Gladiator) Custom transmogs and donor items Bank bags full of custom transmogging(swords, plate, etc.) Void storage with lots of unique leather/staff transmogging. Crown of Eternal Winter(donor item) Cursed Vision of Sargeras Warglaive of Azzinoth Other 5600 achievement points 17 titles Full reputation with Pandaria Mourning Glory(whenever you die, even in arenas, you spawn a snow flower) Stamina buff Donor mounts Ai-Li's Skymirror Pandaren Scarecrow Chocolate Cookie Price - 1529 bonus Reason of sale - All my friends either moved to x100 or retail.
  6. A month ago it was fixed. Then the fix was removed.
  7. Is your engineering at master level? Are you going to the gnome engineering master at Stormwind?
  8. Realm tested - Fun Spell - Necrotic Strike(removed in warlords of draenor, therefore no wowhead link) Date tested - 07/10/2015 Description - The formula is wrong, because Necrotic Strike is being affected by PvP Power, see the spoiler below for the details How it should work - The formula should be applied properly, not being affected by PvP Power at all. Priority - 9/10, because this absorb gets bigger and bigger the more gear you get, so you can deal ~~80k per necrotic strike, and it is easily stackable to 300k, and no healer can outheal that without great sacrifices, specially on dampening. Important Note - It seems that mastery/pvp power is not taken into the final result(since they have no effect over the Necrotic Strike).
  9. Declined, upon further research it seems that it is not affected by armor at all. I'm testing other reasons, expect a new thread soon.
  10. Realm tested - Fun Date tested - 07/10/2015 Spell - Rake Description - The attack power addition to the formula is currently wrong, being lower than it should, see the spoiler below for the math. How it should work - Rake's ticks should benefit properly from attack power. Priority - 8,5/10, main feral damage. Observation - Later I'll test other bleeds such as Rip and Thrash.
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Edit accordingly or decline.
  12. Realm - Crossrealm/Fun/x100 Date tested - 06/10/2015 Description - When you win a BG, sometimes(most), you don't get the amount of honor you should, you instead get 45~~50 instead of 600~~1.2k, like if the rates were 1x and if we lost, even if you win. How it should work - Upon winning a BG you should get the proper reward, according to the server rates. Proof - Image Priority - 3/10, currencies added upon relogging. Note - Upon relogging the honor/conquest is added to the character properly, priority dropped.
  13. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175 Write it there and wait for fixes.
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=73659 Edit according to the rules.
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  16. That's an interesting point of view, but wouldn't the Mute/Ban appeal thread solve it? This is just a rustic idea, it does need development.
  17. Player - Strömming Realm - Fun Report - Insulting, "salty rat cunt". Proof - http://i.imgur.com/tbVy6my.jpg
  18. The suggestion is just like what the title suggests: a report-a-player section only for the staff. The reason is that htere will only be GMs and the players will not have access, since they tend to spam these threads. In this thread you(chat mod/GM/etc) would be able to post reports just for other GMs/admins to see, that could be used both to apply some punishments like insulting towards the server/staff or if you're not sure if that situation is muteable. What do you think?
  19. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Not according to the rules. Declined.
  20. Make a config.wtf file outside the WTF folder(but don't delete the one inside the WTF folder), then paste this: Do the same for the one inside the WTF folder. Tell me if it worked. *Note - I recommend you copying and pasting the one from the WTF folder into outside it(in the root, where you installed world of warcraft) and leave it there, then do the changes mentioned above.
  21. 1. Repitchx 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=42187 3. 4. Insulting. 5. http://i.imgur.com/MP5c32I.png
  22. Have you also tried to repair you character/delete cache folder?
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