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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Moderators only moderate the [english], [world], [LFG], [Defense], /y, /s and /e chats, the channels such as /p, /r, /g and etc are susceptible to the moderators of the group(such as the raid leader/guild master/party leader, etc). Also, you made several other threads about the same subject, therefore flooding the forum with the same subject. None of what you or Weegee said is an insult at all, nor a provocative message. Declined, another thread with same subject is alredy open.
  2. Declined, another thread with same proofs is alredy open. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=152982
  3. Tested, spell working as intended on fun realm. Edit - Tested on x100 too, working as intended. Declined.
  4. 5%* damage reduction. 30% is the increased threat generation. I'll test this now.
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=152760&p=948707 Also, wrong area.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/UQYwgrj.jpg The addon is not working either.
  7. Wait for the next server restart(at 03:00 AM server time) and then check your mail. If it is still not there, I recommend you to wait for an admin's answer.
  8. Did you try to relog/delete cache folder/repairing character?
  9. Nick - Cyrillic nick, unable to type. Realm - Fun Description - He was hitting people on Elwynn without getting out of stealth(abusing it). Proof - http://i.imgur.com/iITewzM.jpg Comments - He was doing it with the dude from this thread, also this screenshot is not mine but the topic created got closed because it did not meet the rules for reporting.
  10. Fixed. Also, you posted the wrong glyph link.
  11. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Only one report per thread. Declined.
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