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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. You can see that the polymorph's duration is reduced.
  2. 2s: Unholy/Mistweaver Arms/Restoration(shaman) Unholy/Restoration(shaman) That's alredy 80% of the teams.
  3. Install one by one so you can see which one is bugging it. I recommend deleting cache folder too.
  4. Literally same screenshot, change it or declined.
  5. I insist and I gave proof and the reason why it isn't in the same DR anymore.
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Declined.
  7. Doesn't DR anymore, not from 5.0 and further, as you can see here, because Ring of Frost was an instant cast(and you couldn't see where it was being casted), so you could get 8 sec CCed instantly into another ~~3/5 seconds frmo Deep Freeze, which was the reason. Now from 5.0 and further, you can see where Ring of Frost is being casted and it is not an instant cast anymore(not without PoM), thus removing the DR. To complement my answer:
  8. It was fixed then with the implementation of the crossrealm it got bugged again. Realm tested- Fun and x100. Date tested - 24/09/2015 Description - If the target on which symbiosis was used leaves the battleground/party/changes his specialization/removes the buff/you remove the buff, you lose the symbiosis bug and you're not able to cast it again until you relog. How it should work - Upon any of the above mentioned situations, you should be able to recast symbiosis on a new target. Priority - 6/10
  9. Realm tested - Fun Date - 24/09/2015 Spell - Haste formula, the addition of Elemental Oath and Ancestral Swiftness to the final result. Description - The haste addition is correct, what is not correct is the addition of the +5%, which one of those are simply not being applied at all or is being applied in a wrong way, see the examples(note that the stats below are from tyrannical gear and their reforges, the shaman has also full haste socket gems and enchants): How it should work - The formula should be correctly added to the final value. Priority - 8/10, since literally every shaman from every specialization uses Ancestral Swiftness. Proof Link - http://i.imgur.com/aSXTCTf.jpg
  10. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Declined.
  11. Realm - Fun Player - Yousuckss Report - He is fly hacking under the stormwind's duel area, gripping people. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/6M9HrMa.jpg
  12. Replace the first letters from each word.
  13. Realm - Fun Player - Manualmerck Description - Insulting towards a player. Proof- Image
  14. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Declined.
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802 Declined.
  16. It's written in the spell, no need to be rude. "Grants the target 5% spell haste. Only works in Krasarang Wilds". Edit your main post, this is the spell you want to link(removed in Warlords of Draenor) - Elemental Oath. Link - http://wow.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Oath
  17. With those edited screenshots you're not going anywhere.
  18. You're also very likely to be punished for plotting against two staff members.
  19. http://imgur.com/a/8OjxA He claims otherwise and presents some proof that you insulted him.
  20. This is how its working, add this to main post.
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Declined.
  22. My point was that you don't generally do PvE on fun realm since most of it is bugged, so if you buy it, it is for PvP, and it is really nerfed on pvp making it only viable on duels(and still lose your pvp power and it doesn't proc).
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