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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Wrong area. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 Also, alredy reported. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=150338
  2. The security code is probably the secret question, and you're writing it wrong.
  3. Tested right now on a death knight that has been on my account for over 2 months. The problem seems to be with very old death knights, wait for an admin to read this. ~~Printscreen http://i.imgur.com/YnOHOt6.jpg
  4. Player - Benbenjamin Realm - x100 Report - He used ALT F4 to prevent losing rate. Proof http://i.imgur.com/R7Od4gW.jpg ~~http://i.imgur.com/R7Od4gW.jpg
  5. Player - Fullgrievous Realm - Pandawow Fun Report - He used ALT F4 so he wouldn't lose rate. Proof http://i.imgur.com/4TNmxe8.jpg ~~http://i.imgur.com/4TNmxe8.jpg
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=119570
  7. Well, if it were a worgen, I would assume that the riding skill that is alredy automatically learned by them on level 20(due to their racial Running Wild), but since it is a human I don't know what might be happening. Wait for a GM or an admin to answer this.
  8. Just a note, but you should post proofs that the account is indeed yours, like printscreens and etc.
  9. Does knockbacks have diminishing returns? Now that's something I didn't see in a while. I'll check the list later and edit this post. @Edit Everything seems right, also a note is that the Paralytic Poison is flagged as a non-controlled stun, thus not sharing DRs with the other stuns, which made it be removed later due to making it possible for a rogue to one shot someone without they even having the chance to react - given the chance of the proc, of course, so it was quite randomly.
  10. What race is him? Even more specific, is he a worgen? Also, if your speed bugs in the BG, try switching to the Unholy Presence(gives +10% movement speed bonus, thus altering your movement speed and normalizating it).
  11. Do what I said and wait for Bukarasik's answer, they staff is here to help.
  12. Furmetal

    Combat bug

    Tested both of those alredy, on fun realm, the combat from buffing lasts for ~~5 seconds.
  13. Furmetal

    Combat bug

    Realm tested - Fun Realm Date tested - 16/09/2015 Spells - *Still making the list of spells/creature that cause it* Lightwell Attacking a critter maintains you in combat until you logout/use shadowmeld/use any kind of teleportation(blink doesn't count)/feign death If you enter in combat with a pet(warlock/death knight/hunter/etc) and they go off the range limit for pursuit, he goes back to his master yet you remain in combat. Description - Some spells when used summon a NPC - such as the lightwell - and upon attacking(through AoE or otherwise) makes the attacker in combat because the NPC is in combat with him, but the problem is that this combat flag stays forever/until the NPC is despawned. Some puts the caster(non-attacker) in combat too. How it should work - They should put you in combat but they should have a time effectiveness for this combat flag equal to the players(~~5/10 sec). Priority - 9/10, simply destroys rogues, ferals, healers, mages and comp with mages since they can't stealth nor drink, also it bugs out people in dueling since they can't mount or do anything even after the duel has ended. Special thanks to Nemifest which is helping me to test these spells.
  14. You should post screenshots of other items' unique enchantments(such as lightweave/darkglow, engineering gloves, etc) to show that he is using more than 2 professions bonuses.
  15. Also your thread will be declined if you do not post unedited images, since it can be suspected that you might(even though you probably aren't) be manipulating the images. Post a printscreen of your spec too and your current mastery. I'll test this later with a friend. @Edit Working as intended.
  16. Post it here, following these rules, then wait for fixes. I'll also test this on fun realm, when I get enough conquest points.
  17. If you could post non-edited/non-cropped images, that would be better. Also, did it alredy get upgraded before?
  18. Do you got any proofs that it should be affected by mastery? A thread on retail forums? Also, the problem here maybe is that it is being affected by battle fatigue, which it shouldn't.
  19. I don't play on x100, I play on fun realm. Also, test what? The absorbs not being affected by dampening? I alredy posted proof about that on my thread. And it is alredy of common knowledge that Ring of Frost does not DR with Deep Freeze, since it should count as an incapacitation effect instead of a freeze effect(it actually count as both but the DR is flagged as incapacitation, the same from Paralysis).
  20. Furmetal

    Blink Strikes

    *Stares at the warrior* @off-topic Anyway, congratulations for your job as Internation Technical Support.
  21. Unless its a frost death knight, and if it is, he kills you with Obliterate, but unfortunately the unholy death knights are using this powerful macro for oneshotting purposes:
  22. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=151128&p=940432#post940432 Your thread looks a bit like mine but the one that I made weren't about suggestions. I don't usually press like for posts but...to hell with it.
  23. It is probably not but HOLY FUCKING GOD LOL
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