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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Realm - Fun Date - 19/09/2015 Item/Spell/Creature - Troll's(race) starting pet(the raptor). Description - If you dismiss him and call him again he'll not be a raptor, he'll be a gheist(death knight pet), even though he retains his raptor skillset. How it should work - Should maintain his raptor appearance. Priority - 1/10 That looks cool and it has little to no importance at all. Images Links - http://i.imgur.com/NVuFjRC.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/kUYf023.jpg
  2. He plays elemental/restoration.
  3. Personal list, do not judge, not all of those are 2v2/3v3 heroes. Warrior - Lanstus Rogue - Skeelcapped and Jigaswbro Mage - Raou(only mage that I know that doesn't abuse something like Ring of Frost/etc) Priest - Sophiegodx Hunter - Djswagx(or somethig like this, only hunter that won me on an arena as double dps) Paladin - Gembri and Crax Warlock - Guiltysoul/Bigdicklock(alternate nick), Acidx (destro and affli, respectively) Shaman - Dionysus, only shaman to win me on an 1v1 on a subwar Death Knight - Unholychaos Druid - Hartigan(feral) *when I remember the nicks of the other druids I'll edit this
  4. Furmetal

    Rapair pvp

    On Blizzard, as far as I remember, there was no such thing as an ilvl BG system, and this server tries to make it as blizzlike as it can while maintaining its fun features, therefore it is very probably that they are not going to develop an entire system(that by the way can be easily circumvented) while there are other special things to be solved.
  5. Legion expansion launch event.
  6. Nor they should, dampening does affected Necrotic Strike(link to discussion), because it is not an absorb(even though it has a mechanic like such) or a healing, it is flagged as damage.
  7. 10/10? There is another way to skip this event(by simply using the teleport after Lady Deathwisper), and you can still buy the items with bonuses. You're overreacting.
  8. Only the owner of the account is responsible for the actions taken within. In other words, it is your fault therefore the server's staff can not help.
  9. Check it. http://31.media.tumblr.com/6c5933ae27c6c345411cb04c42c93a58/tumblr_muta6cTXm71sjpemmo1_500.gif
  10. The arena spectator isn't working because it is linked to his server(for example, the fun realm NPC is linked to only detect arenas on fun realm) but since there are no arenas happening on x100 or Fun, they are happening on the crossrealm(which counts as a different server), so in theory they just have to adjust the NPC to target the correct server in order to detect the arenas(same for the .spec command). This is, of course, just a possibility.
  11. In fact Frost were a bit more popular from what I remember. Yesterday a Death Knight could absorb - on 15% dampening - all my healings(as feral) and a lot of my mistweaver's. Played mainly as a restoration druid in 5.4.8., and frost Death Knights were a lot more scarier than unholy(was playing rdruid/fdk and rdruid/arms), I remember clearly that they couldn't kill anything before ~~10% dampening (2.1k mmr). Nemifest posted a screenshot of his DK doing a 484k/494k soul reaper on a player in gurubashi(combat log). If you call me in-game or in the forums, we can run some tests, my nick in-game is Hioshiru(fun realm).
  12. Agreed, but I'm not going to PM every single bug report, I use it for the most crucial ones that would make people abuse a lot. Also...
  13. Will test it later and then edit this comment.
  14. Tested this, and it is wrong. Used Time Warp, waited until it only had 4 seconds remaining, then Alter Time, Time Warp effect ends during Alter Time, Alter Time teleports me back in time and I still have Time Warp, Time Warp ends, then I return to my regular size, proving that it is not affected my Time Warp/Alter Time.
  15. I've heard rumors that mastery's formula is bugged, and all the classes that you mentioned have their DoTs affected by mastery(including the moonkin, if he is on an enclipse). I'll check this later.
  16. Tested, it is indeed bugged. If possible, add those pics to your main post. Images: http://i.imgur.com/m3Fz2os.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xLkcHPm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/paNwe3c.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6Ex6wDh.jpg Also, add to your post that the eggs disappear once you walk over them.
  17. Strange enough, there is no spell that makes the mage smaller/bigger, so there shouldn't be the bug in first place(excluding alter time, of course).
  18. If you have anything to report regarding the classes, then you do it here. Threads like this has only the intent to cause flood/flamme, so they are properly closed.
  19. Achievement works, I got it on fun realm, but I didn't test on x100. Eggs spawn the dragons once you walk over them, I'll try it later on my monk on x100.
  20. Player - Flashdruid Realm - Fun Description - He alt f4 to prevent losing rate, a bit before criticizing my skills as a restoration druid. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/F7dDkuH.jpg Comments - He used Shadowmeld and then Alt F4.
  21. Player - Trooblack Realm - Fun Description - He went through the gates before arena started. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/qA7k989.jpg
  22. I switch talents in the mid of an arena so the heart of the wild is gray, the icon is still there because Dream of Cenarius is a passive.
  23. Furmetal

    Glyph of Armors

    Spell/Item - Glyph of Armors Realm - Pandawow Fun(x100 possibly has this too). Tested - 17/09/2015 Description - If you use the armor spell before the arena with the glyph equipped, enter an arena with the armor spell, then swap the glyph, the armor spell will still have its +10% effectiveness. How it should work - Armor should be dispelled or its effectiveness should be decreased by 10% when the glyph is changed. Priority - 6/10, nobody knows about this yet. I don't think there is a need of proofs for this. Note - Special thanks to Felxprod-Fun for noticing this.
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