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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Felxprod indeed plays his boomy a lot, but hes planning to sell it, if I'm not wrong.
  2. What is your frame rates? If low, then the problem might be your video card. Have you tried downloading it again? If yes, then the problem might be your video card.
  3. Realm - Pandawow Fun Achievement - Any achievement that grants mounts(such as the 50/100/150/200 mounts one), for example the Pandaren Ambassador. Date tested - 06/09/2015 Description - If you get an achievement mount in a character on fun realm and learn it, you'll get the mount only on this char, and if you get the same achievement on another character, you won't get the mount. How it should work - The mount learned should go to all characters, but since this is the fun realm, then at least make the achievement give the mount to the other character that doesn't have it yet. Proof - My bags, my mounts, my inventory, reputation image 1 and image 2, the achievement. (Using the Pandaren Ambassador as example). Example - I got the achievement Pandaren Ambassador and learned the mount on a character named Yiff, then on my new character Hioshiru I can't get the mounte even though I have the achievement(the mount doesn't arrive on the mail). Priority - 8/10, since as you can see on this thread the staff can't give any support.
  4. Hello. With the new crossrealm system some stuff bugged out, and so did the raid frames which is very important for support classes/hybrids/arenas(specially healer/dps comps) and a friend of mine told me how to do fix it. 1. Press Esc and go to interface. 2. Go to raid profiles. 3. Uncheck the first option(name of it varies basing on your client language). 4. Change the width and height to max/near it. 5. Be happy and own noobs.
  5. That ain't considered bug abuse, even though t is.
  6. Why is there a pony from My Little Pony there?
  7. I'm talking about procs in general, like the Windwalker's Mastery or the Mistweaver's passive that grants chances of mana tea.
  8. Why do you care, lol? If the reports are indeed false, they'll be ignored. Also, there is a problem which some procs are procced twice, this might or not be affecting Lava Surge, this is the best shot that the people that complain have. Anyway... Meh, thats pretty much it, the staff receives lots of false and vague reports everyday just because the player lacks of knowledge about the game.
  9. Read this, then edit main post.
  10. I play at 250ms+ and I'm fine with it.
  11. Play a mage. They are fun, I'm not recommending it due to the bugs. They have good looking spells, they're strong overall, and, while they are complex, it can be simplified in CC and DPS, also the Frost spec has a pet and it's always good to have a pet. Or monks, they're good too, specially if you can mess up a bit with Transcendence.
  12. The problem is the resolution. It's either your monitor resolution or the game's.
  13. On my first history class on which the subject was the WW2 the teacher clearly said that the nazism were not regarding the jews(since the atrocities commited were war crimes), but a political party that actually helped Germany, even though it participated on the war. Just saying.
  14. None beat the video that I posted on my main post(the second one). Last time I've seen such a big number was when I was the Head GM on a wotlk server and I used Debug Heal(no page about it on the wowhead, can only be found through the .lookup spell command). Ridiculous. I hope that when I get up tomorrow it'll be hot fixed.
  15. Did you download the specified client?
  16. How nice to... SEE YOU HERE. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  17. I asked Juster to take a look and he said that they're alredy working on it. By the way... Ring of Frost says hi.
  18. Or closing it, further proving my point.
  19. Total bullshit is a Disc Priest(shields unaffected by dampening)/Frost mage(ring of frost, temporal shield which is not affected by dampening and grants immortality, etc etc) comp.
  20. Let's make it like this so they don't take it real. Anyway, I PMed Juster and he said that they're alredy taking a look into this. Meanwhile, yall get 2.7k+ before the fix.
  21. I request an answer from the staff regarding this thread, do not act ignoring it, you answered the threads above and below mine.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5eEqZlvWSY Just leaving this here. +104285632 PER SEC(and crit chance)
  23. A bug is not fixed with another bug. You do not fix the lack of procs with the anormal damage, instead you fix the procs and the damage. This is the kind of thinking that has led the server to all these bugs. If there isn't a bug report alredy about the explosive shot, do one so you can prove that you seek balance. Or don't do anything at all, you don't have to prove anything to anyone here.
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