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Everything posted by Furmetal

  1. Realm - Pandawow Fun Player - Dendinaloke and Elitewarrior Report - Those players are using fly hack on the arena. Proof - Image 1 and Image 2 Comment - According to him, using Wild Charge to get to him is "hack". Okay. Bonus http://i.imgur.com/rKSmaZ2.jpg He plans to sell the warlock(possibly change nick too?), that makes it even more urgent! BAN ASAP!
  2. Realm tested - Fun realm Date tested - 08/08/15 Spell - Shroud of Concealment Description - If a player is carrying the flag, then a rogue uses his Shroud of Concealment, the flag is droped, this way the rogue can steal the flag and cap it to get more honor. How it should work - The flag carrier should not be affected by the Shroud of Concealment. Priority - 5/10
  3. Realm - Fun Realm Date Tested - 21/08/15 Item/Spell - Any food that restores mana. Description - Any food that were supposed to restore mana isn't working as intended. Instead of restoring 300k over 20 sec, it is restoring roughly 30k~~40k over 20 sec. How it should work - The food/drink should restore 15k mana per second. Proof - *Note - Apologies for the music on the video. Priority - 9/10 Makes hybrid classes/healers quite weaker on arenas if you have to keep exhausting your mana quite often.
  4. Ninjaing is when the Loot Master takes all the loot to himself, without sharing(or giving the chance to roll). This is what, in some servers, is called "jew", which needs all items even if he can't use it. He might as well have taken the item just for transmorging it with Cheat Engine. As far as I know(my interpretation), this is not punishable, but it is not correct either, and the staff has the right to make punishments accordingly, which in my opinion, he should.
  5. Follow these rules and edit your post accordingly before any staff member comes here, otherwise, expect your report to be "Declined".
  6. More proofs added to main post.
  7. Furmetal

    Buff Stacking

    Realm tested - Pandawow Fun, 21/08/15 Spells - Buffs in general. Description of the bug - Buffs that have the same effect are stacking their effects. How it should work - One buff should overwrite the other one, thus only having one buff with the same effect. Proofs - http://i.imgur.com/nhlgbpX.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/zo6KXTC.jpg (notice the agility, also you can see that the Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild are stacking). Priority - 6/10 Fixed
  8. Will test, and if it is true, I'll post a video, if it is not, I'll just edit this comment.
  9. Meh, this would be as close as most people would be to get laid. Or killed. Or both. Not on the same order.
  10. This is not bannable, this is a bug, and should be reported as a bug. Make a formal bug report here with the tag "[Cross]" on the title, following these rules. Your thread will be declined.
  11. Pro Tip - Chaos Bolt(any spell) ignores armor, specially chaos bolt, which also bypasses some invulnerabilities. This damage is kinda legit(for pandawow), such as if the warlock as bursting, mage buff, shaman aura, hunter pet buff, berserk, potion, procs, curse of elements. Also you're undergear. Your thread will be declined because you also did not follow these rules, this is no report thread, this is QQ.
  12. Will be declined if you do not follow these rules(format). You didn't specify realm, nor wrote the nicks.
  13. The amount you buy from the website is counted as cap(arena battles, not bonus such as random battlegrounds), so if you're capped, you can't buy anymore.
  14. Furmetal

    Demonic Leap

    Too bad almost nobody plays a demonology. Also, any kind of charge does that. They could just implement the Heroic Leap mechanic(it displays an error when you try to use it while rooted).
  15. Except that Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild should not stack(or weren't, I don't know). Anyway... Might just be a visual bug. I'll test later.
  16. They were also bugging on an arena that I was spectating(I was spectating Ggboysleave).
  17. Player - Darkportal and Darkportalx Realm - Pandawow Fun Description - This random is spamming his random server. Proof - http://i.imgur.com/dvBHyvU.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/FZyNcD0.jpg WTB chat mods for the alliance. Bonus(yet not part of the report) - http://i.imgur.com/flvMni5.jpg This dude is chiv/zhalifa(noneedholy will understand). Pandawow DDoS team, I summon thee, lol.
  18. Wrong section. Post it here. I expected to a member of the staff to alredy tell you to post it there.
  19. http://littlefun.org/uploads/522a74b8e691b25f4848b82c_736.jpg Plot Twist - You're gay and that turned you on. *Note - Gay is not an insult anymore. K bye, worth the laugh. Don't bother answering this thread/quoting me I'll not come here again.
  20. That may be not the problem with the class, maybe it is with the DPS. @Thread Confirmed, the healing is ridiculously low, below 1k lol.
  21. Realm - Tested only on Fun Realm Date tested - 19/08/15 Item/Spells - Any challenger mode transmorg. Description of the bug - None of the challenger mode mogs are mogable. How it should work - Challenger mode mogs should be mogable(specially because this is why they're here for). Priority - 8/10(It's just vanity but most people donate to the server to buy challenger mode mog). It costs 800 bonuses and can't be used? Just lol. Proof - According to my sources it is happening with all classes' challenger mode mog.
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